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US Election: 2016

recceguy said:
:rofl:  Did I just hear the Slick Hillie fanboys saying this thread is dominated by Trump  supporters? ???  ::)

I see their illness is much deeper than the initial amorous desire for Clinton.

Oh wait.... :rofl:

Not dominated by them.  They just happen to be louder. Which explains why south of the border they think they are winning.
Remius said:
Not dominated by them.  They just happen to be louder.
The volume just seems  loud in here because no one is listening;  both sides are just shouting accusations, innuendo, and name-calling back and forth.

27 more days until Armageddon and/or paradise.
80 pages for an election that very few of us will be allowed to vote in.  :)


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Seems to me that this is the Election 2016 dilemma for the Americans:

Are all the Clinton haters on here really anti-Hilary, or anti-establishment in general? I don't care either way, I'm just curious if it is the Clintons themselves, and their specific crimes, that have many of you seething at the thought of her winning the election, or is it a greater disdain for the system of politics and politicians that they embody? Would those of you I'm referring to be so supportive of Trump if Bernie Sanders was the nominee? What if it was Joe Biden?

I'm very much pro-establishment. The larger the country (in both population and economy) the larger and more complicated the political landscape. In my opinion, those with "established" political circles are the best qualified to run the executive branch and navigate the complicated world of international politics.

Trudeau, for example, is well connected and supported by the Laurentian elites. Sure, you might not like the decisions they are making, but they know how to do their jobs.

So, we're I a US citizen, I would most definitely vote Clinton.

Out of two unsavoury characters, I'm not even going to try to compare which one is more evil than the other. As far as I'm concerned, they've both crossed the Rubicon, and I really don't care how far they've gone past it.

So I'd go with the one who knows how to do the job they're applying for.

recceguy said:
:rofl:  Did I just hear the Slick Hillie fanboys saying this thread is dominated by Trump  supporters? ???  ::)

I see their illness is much deeper than the initial amorous desire for Clinton.

Oh wait.... :rofl:

Clinton could summon a Greater Demon to a kids birthday party and people would still ignore it because Trump is so polarizing. It's amazing the level of corruption and illegal activity people seem to be willing to overlook.
Jarnhamar said:
It's amazing the level of corruption and illegal activity people seem to be willing to overlook.


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Ya what a dummy. He's not some punk with a pistol, as a politician he should be talking about Droning people lol
mariomike said:
80 pages for an election that very few of us will be allowed to vote in.  :)

That will impact us as much as our own election. You can't discount what's happening just because you can't vote.
recceguy said:
You can't discount what's happening just because you can't vote.

I said nothing about discounting, just impressed it is up to 80 pages.  :)
mariomike said:
I said nothing about discounting, just impressed it is up to 80 pages.  :)

I hold Mr. Campbell responsible for this. Starting this the same week as the 2012 election.

Thank god they haven't started speculating about 2020.

Oh, wait. Mike Pence is setting the scene for his run in 4 years.
recceguy said:
That will impact us as much as our own election. You can't discount what's happening just because you can't vote.

Absolutely true.  Which administration do people think that would get along with our current government?  Personally I can't see a Trudeau Government be anything except maybe polite with a Trump presidency.  I doubt that they would be cozy.  I can see a working relationship with Clinton.

But given that the CPC is more in line with the Democrats on the political spectrum I doubt that Stephen Harper would have gotten on well with Trump either. 

I suspect that he would be more discreet in his opinions than Trudeau might be though. 
I'm monumentally disinterested in Trudeau's relationship with the future POTUS; I'm terrified by the prospect of a Clinton presidency.  The media are in her hip pocket (see Wikileaks) and her failed foreign policy is criminal in its inept execution under her auspices.
She would be confounded and confronted and brutalized by Putin.  At least The Donald would seek to work with him.
And lets face it: nobody cares about Canada in the world, except Canadians.
I understand the only poll that counts is the one on election day, but for anyone interested,

Updated 49 minutes ago,

Remius said:
Which administration do people think that would get along with our current government? 

I'm more worried which administration would get me killed overseas or start WW3.
Jarnhamar said:
I'm more worried which administration would get me killed overseas or start WW3.

That's an interesting question. After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt had some time to think. President Kennedy had less time during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

How much time do they have now?

Considering their ages, how fast are their reactions going to be when the tones go off, ( or Red Phone rings or however presidents get notified of an emergency call ) at 0400?

IIRC Americans can write in a candidate not on the ballot.

If I were an American I'd write in Kanye West. With Kim K as his  VP.

Hamish Seggie said:
IIRC Americans can write in a candidate not on the ballot.

If I were an American I'd write in Kanye West. With Kim K as his  VP.

Living or dead? If it doesn't matter, I would probably have to go with Henry Fonda, "Moscow's been destroyed. Drop your bombs according to plan."
mariomike said:
That's an interesting question. After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt had some time to think. President Kennedy had less time during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
JFK made some good calls though during that crisis.
Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2]
Jarnhamar said:
JFK made some good calls though during that crisis.

"Noo-ku-lar Combat toe to toe with the Rooskies."  :)
