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i have a set of landmine boots.  they are the us issue desert pattern size 11.  they where worn 15 minutes but where too big.  only way to keep your feet after steping on a landmine.    its a no brainer  if your getting shipped out.  amazing super rare boots.  the canadian forces use this exact same boot.  150 canadian and im in the toronto area.
Do you get to keep your legs and the rest of your body when you step on a mine while you're wearing your landmine proof boots?  :D
??? WTF are landmine boots? Do you know your kit? Obviously not.

He must have more than one "landmine boot" in the back room of his shop. :tsktsk:
These were issued in the early 90s.  They were called blast boots.  They look exactly like th tan boots except the sole is a little thicker and firmer because it is made of Kevlar.  I haven't seen them in a lot of years and I doubt that they are that effective.
Great Idea  ???. Now all you need is the Kevlar long johns and a Kevlar cup because it's not just the foot that will take the hit....What will they think of next?

There you go, just get some buff spray paint you have desert issue anti-landmine boots.

More seriously he's probably flogging something like this

I know of the boots he is most likely selling.
They where issued to EOD, land clearing, and engineer units.
They have steel "V" shaped plate in the soles designed to project the blast away from your foot, now the other foot is fubar'd in my opinion when that happens.
Was designed by using the idea of south African armored vehicles.
I've seen a couple pairs in Montreal army surplus's. Its the last place I've seen them.

Something I find annoying is “know it all” individuals that think they know every piece of kit that is out on the market.
i am suprised of the reaction.  how many times have these boots been on here for sale?  thought i might do someone a favour.  yes they have a deep v in the sole of the boot.  jungle boot tread pattern.
Well, Army Outfitters sells them too...

You're not the only person with a set!  ;)
Yep sold a pair of these three weeks ago to an airsoft guy I know. They do exist but personally I would not be stupid enough to be hunting land mines with them. Put me in a aircraft hi up above the sandbox and I would feel much safer just make sure it is not a sea king as I would like to come home alive. They are not that rare. Sold my pair for $40 but hey there is a sucker born every minute I guess. And yes I have seen pretty well all the kit and then some. These are nothing special in my opinion
ya i guess there is a sucker born every minute.  normal every day new desert issue boots sell for 40 bucks.  you got taken.  so if they are not rare then how many of the 2000 soldiers over in afgan where issued them?  maybe 20.  i would not go on patrol without them.
no big deal.  one foot is good enough.  noone has ever steped on a anti personel mine in a combat zone before.
you guys seam kinda cold.  if my son was goin over id be pullin at any straw i could to help him out.
Although I have never been in combat but just thinking about the blast of a landmine, these boots would do squat to protecting the rest of your body. Which if I stand correct, you kinda need. The lower leg, the upper leg, your other left foot.  :dontpanic:

//EDIT:"BfR Combat Boot is designed to be used as standard military issue. It offers soldiers the psychological comfort of knowing that they are equipped with a measure of protection against anti-personnel landmines."

WOWEE psychological comfort.  :D
tlg said:
Although I have never been in combat but just thinking about the blast of a landmine, these boots would do squat to protecting the rest of your body. Which if I stand correct, you kinda need. The lower leg, the upper leg, your other left foot.  :dontpanic:

//EDIT:"BfR Combat Boot is designed to be used as standard military issue. It offers soldiers the psychological comfort of knowing that they are equipped with a measure of protection against anti-personnel landmines."

WOWEE psychological comfort.  :D

Your OTHER left foot? I don't know about you, but I only have one  ;D
jaygt said:
ya i guess there is a sucker born every minute.  normal every day new desert issue boots sell for 40 bucks.  you got taken.  so if they are not rare then how many of the 2000 soldiers over in afgan where issued them?  maybe 20.  i would not go on patrol without them.
no big deal.  one foot is good enough.  noone has ever steped on a anti personel mine in a combat zone before.
you guys seam kinda cold.  if my son was goin over id be pullin at any straw i could to help him out.

Army Outfitters has been dealing in military kit and surplus for 15 years and also makes new kit for the
Canadian Army.  The fact you are implying he's a sucker and "he got taken" is amusing.

He gets these boots, new and used, for 5 or 10 dollars each in surplus.  And then he sells them to people
at reasonable prices and that is the reason people go back and buy from him CONSTANTLY and his reputation
is well known. 

He could sell them for $150... and they'd also sit on his shelf for a year before he sells them.  Or he can turn
over inventory making a decent profit on what he paid and NOT try to RIP people off with stupid prices.  That's
what makes him one of the best dealers in Canada.

So, if I am to take the word of a 3 post loser such as yourself with no profile, trying to over charge for a set of
boots vs a well reputable and honest (for the most part  ;D) business dealer I think I'll choose Army Outfitters every time.

Your only purpose here is to sell your boots, not to be part of the community.  I don't think you have any friends.
Army Outfitters supports army.ca through advertising. 

hrm..  who's the sucker... ......  that's SO TOUGH to figure out!

Go away troll.

(BTW.. spell check you posts..  your spelling is horrible!)
"Army Outfitters has been dealing in military kit and surplus for 15 years and also makes new kit for the
Canadian Army.  The fact you are implying he's a sucker and "he got taken" is amusing."
- brand new issue blast boots for 40$?  i will take 500 pairs and make 25 thousand dollars in profit in two days.  yes a brand new 300 dollar boot for 40 dollars is dirt cheap.  yes he sold them too cheap. new desert jungle boots are worth 40 bucks, new desert blast boots are worth 100 bucks to start.

ah so your comparing me to a guy that has been a dealer of army surplus for 15 years.  ok i get it  so i should sell all my NEW gear that i paid store retail for 80% less than what i paid for it.    heck why not take my new bmw for a thousand bucks.  im sure there is a car dealer out there thats been in the car business for 15 years that gets cars for dirt cheap.  want my house for 10 grand too?  im sure there is a  real estate agent out there thats been in business for the last 15 years  that buys houses for dirt cheap.
" RIP people off with stupid prices".  well the link to the blast boots someone put up says the boots cost 280 us dollars .    thats almost 400 dollars after taxes and shipping.  but like you said if you dont sell the 400 dollars items for 40 bucks then your a troll.
so i guess all of you are saying  to everyone dont sell any of your gear unless its  80% less than whats its worth in other places.  if these boots are as common as stop signs than i guesse there will be no interest in desert cadpat cold weather smocks.  digital cadpat gortex smocks.  both low production trial versions.    im sure you would all say " 100 bucks thats too much,  we know a guy that gets them for 5 dollars buy the 100,s" .  if the people of canadas army treat people like this in the sand box then we are toast.

so ya dave if you have 500 new blast boots call me.  oh ya the patch on the jacket says "Multinational Division  coalition forces middle east" thanks.

Army Issue Surplus PLUS, Army.ca  is an approved retailer  here on the forum  here is one of his prices

"Desert boots and Jungle boots $39.95
some like new nice selection of sizes"

so did you let him know thats he is trying to rip all of you off?  those are plain old used desert boots available by the thousands for 5-10 dollars?  are you going to ban him? are you outraged?
First of Jay most members here are CF members and as such sooner or later will have those regular jungle or desert boots for the large downpayment of  $0 and wi just added payments of  $0 monthly they even get regular black combat boot's too. Second on avg the person who buys army surplus are doing because they are not military and don't have access to a QM to get stuff issued, and they need it for a hobby like paintball or airsoft or stalking an all girls school at night.

Your boot's maybe all you think they are and more, But I'm not willing to bet my legs on them, you see as people have pointed out mine proof boots are basically useless because the rest of the blats unless it's a C3 Elsie mine designed to just take off toes or your heal, will just continue to expand send the blast into your opposite leg and to the offending leg  so I very well may have one perfectly safe foot but the rest of me is pretty screwed. It's like why these boots never made it past trailing of limited issue.

Now as for your aggressive nature, this is a community and as such we have rules about behavior. One of which is that filing out your profile is considered polite, the other is trying to use proper English such as avoiding the small i when refereeing to yourself and use the correct capital I. also we like it w newer members use the spell check function. It makes so we can more clearly understand your message.

I think you should just let the issue rest or you can come back with some aggressive,sarcastic remark and then well guess what your just going t be removed from this site and not be able to sell you wares. Personally I hope you get sarcastc and keep it up I love to watch trolls get removed...makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

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