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Unit Transfers

Is it to obatin a transfer from one unit to another?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Depends

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters


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I'm a reservist and hadn't really considered a military career up until just recently and the reserves was just going to be a way to knock a few thousand off my university bills. But now the path I had laid out for myself doesn't really seem like what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I know people say "well its estimated you'll have 5-7 different jobs in your lifetime" but thats not for me, especially if I spend 5 years at university getting that one job lol. But back to the question, I want to be a Vehicle Technician and there is a Vehicle Tech reserve unit in my area but I am currently a member of the Infantry reserve unit, I am only BMQ qualified so they haven't dropped a lot of cash for me yet lol but how easy is it to obtain a transfer for a reason like this?


I've added a poll for anyone who would like to offer an opinion without posting. The "Depends" option refers to the ease of transfer depending on the specific unit and the officers who make those sort of decisions.
It really shouldn't be a major problem for you to OT to another trade since you are only BMQ qualified and you are militia.  In the Reg Force it is very difficult to do what you want to do after you've finished your BMQ.  Generally, once you've finished your BMQ in the Regs, you have to wait to finish your first BE (3 yr. contract) to OT to another trade, but you are militia. Really, if they gave you a major hassle (Can't really see that) you can always just get out of the reserves completely (easy to do) and then go back to a recruiting station for the reserve service battalion in your area and re-join.  However, I really can't see them giving you a big problem to OT when you're not even trades qualified yet.
Reserves and Regs are sometimes worlds apart.  The administration in some Reserve Units is notoriously poor and sometimes downright criminal.  I have seen people this summer who were not paid for two months.  Another problem is numbers.  Once in a Unit, you are a member and a number that they DO NOT want to loose.  Sometimes CO's are desperate not to loose their 'strength' and make transferring to another trade or even to the Regular Force next to impossible, if not totally frustrating.  On the other hand, I would also say to you that you should give the Infantry a go and truly find out if you like or dislike it.  Reserve Infanteers have quite a variety of jobs outside of the Reserves, and you may find that being a mechanic and Infanteer are doable.
I have wanted to join the military for many years now. I have come to the conclusion that I will join the reserves so that i can balance University and the military. However, I am curious how BMQ works for the winter/summer seasons. Does winter BMQ differ from summer by being on weekends only at the reserve unit where as summer course is for a select amount of constant days in a row on the base...? Does this apply for soldier qualification as well? I would like to do most of my courses during the summer.

As a university student who will be living away from home during the school year (live in mississauga, moving to St. Catherines), can i apply to a reserve station in St Catherines during the year and transfer back to a unit close to my home during the summer after I return back. Then transfer back again when I go to school again? It would be awfully inconvenient to bus (no car) for many many hours down there for just a 3 hour parade. However it seems to complicated to continously be transfering. I dont know.

Thank you
... I am curious how BMQ works for the winter/summer seasons. Does winter BMQ differ from summer by being on weekends only at the reserve unit where as summer course is for a select amount of constant days in a row on the base...? Does this apply for soldier qualification as well? I would like to do most of my courses during the summer.

You should be able to do both BMQ and SQ in the summer provided there are courses scheduled and they can fit you in. You might find that your course dates and locations will change frequently so be prepared. Winter courses are offered on the weekend for BMQ and SQ at least in our area. The courses are usually every other weekend but they can be on consecutive weekends. Keep in mind that you will still have to do a full time course for your trade as well.

As a university student who will be living away from home during the school year (live in mississauga, moving to St. Catherines), can i apply to a reserve station in St Catherines during the year and transfer back to a unit close to my home during the summer after I return back. Then transfer back again when I go to school again? It would be awfully inconvenient to bus (no car) for many many hours down there for just a 3 hour parade. However it seems to complicated to continously be transfering. I dont know.

Units stand down in June so there are no summer Parades. If there is work, it will be a half day here, a couple of days here etc. So, if you are looking for a summer job once you have wrapped up your training; chances are you will be sleeping in any number of places but not home. Transfers are generally there for those who want to switch Units, trades, or because they have moved permanently but I could be wrong on that one.

Good luck. I would suggest you contact the Unit you are interested in joining in mid to late August with your questions. They will be recruiting for the fall around then.
I have searched for this and have not found anything relevant.

I have passed all recruiting tests (Reserves - Infantry) and have been personally told by the corporal of the nearby base that i will be enrolled and begin in the summer.
However I am moving about an hour and a half to two hours away from there by the time I'm enrolled. So i was wondering if its possible to just transfer to the new towns unit ( Artillery ) or if I would have to begin the process all over again?

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help
First question, Do you know what Arty is all about?  Because Arty and Infmn is very different.  Its not a very good idea to switch trade just because it is closer to home, you may not like it.
Second, Do you qualify to be an Arty?  Was Arty your second choice during the application process?  If you were not accessed as an Arty, you would have to be reassessed as one.  If your CFAT score is below an Arty, then you'll have to do the entire process again (the testing and interview portion anyways).
Third, what you're asking for, is an Occupational transfer.  You could try searching for that.  The best thing to do, would be to go back to your recruiter at the Infmn unit, or to the near by CFRC for some answers. 
FrostBite said:
I have searched for this and have not found anything relevant.

I have passed all recruiting tests (Reserves - Infantry) and have been personally told by the corporal of the nearby base that i will be enrolled and begin in the summer.
However I am moving about an hour and a half to two hours away from there by the time I'm enrolled. So i was wondering if its possible to just transfer to the new towns unit ( Artillery ) or if I would have to begin the process all over again?

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help


Since you haven't actually been enrolled yet, your best first step is to go back and talk to your local unit recruiter that you have been dealing with.  Explain the situation, and ask that two things be done:

a.  Ask that your file be reviewed to confirm that you are a suitable candidate to switch trades to the Artillery,  and

b.  Ask if the recruiter can confirm with the Artillery unit if they have vacancies for new recruits.

He/she should be able to transfer the file if both of those conditions are favorable.  If its within the same Brigade then it may be a very simple transaction.

Since you do not have a trade yet, but have only been identified as a recruit at this point, searching on "occupational transfers" won't help you at this point.

Thanks for the help and I do qualify for artillery on my MOC sheet i got after my CFAT. Again thank you for the help.
Frostbite, there may be another option if you want to stay with Inf., that is RTAA.
Depending on your exact circumstances, you may get mileage.

3. Allowances
Reserve Transportation Assistance Allowance
A mileage allowance is payable when a Reserve member's residence is in excess of 16 km (max 80 km) from place of work where adequate
public transportation is not available.

FrostBite said:
.............However I am moving about an hour and a half to two hours away from there by the time I'm enrolled. So i was wondering if its possible to just transfer to the new towns unit ( Artillery ) or if I would have to begin the process all over again?

Yes, there is a Reserve Transportation Assistance Allowance, but even with that, a two hour commute can become a show stopper when it comes to regular Pde Attendance.  Getting home at Zero Dark Thirty the next morning, after a Pde Night becomes very stressfull with time.  It would require a great amount of 'Dedication'.
Understood GW.

At my Unit in Wpg. we have a handful that do the commute, the farther away, the less we see them. I wouldn't say some are dedicated, just it suits their circumstance, whatever their reasons are.
The furthest has a two and a half hour journey, and just as I joined they had a mbr releasing that came in from the north, The Pas I believe and that is ten hours away.

Hey there,

This summer I am signed up for BMQ/SQ in Edmonton (probably). I am also in the reserves, if that makes a difference. I am 17, and planning to go to university in a different city next year.

My question is: how hard is it to transfer between units in different cities, and how early should I contact the unit that I am planning to join?

How far is the unit away? I joined a unit in Kingston while I was still living in Ottawa. I simply followed the process over the phone, and the forms I submitted were in the recruiting centre downtown Ottawa.
Across the country.

Right now I'm signed up with the Calgary Highlanders, and for university I'm probably going to Montreal, so I'm hoping to join the Black Watch.
What you will have to do is make a request to the Black Watch, through your Chain of Command, for permission to Parade with them.  If you want to Transfer to them, then that is the request you would make.  You will have to get approval from both Unit CO's for either your Parading in Mtl or your Transfer to the Black Watch.  Once both CO's are in agreement a message will be sent to offer you the Transfer requiring acceptance by all parties.

It has been done.  My Unit has accepted pers from Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax in this manner.  Most have been Trade qualified, but one was only on BMQ.

It can be a very time consuming process, as you are going from one Area to another, and in this case an Anglo Area to a Franco Area.
Start your paperwork now, like George said, its a time consuming process and I've seen people parading with a unit for over a year before they officially become part of the unit.