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Unit Transfers

Is it easy to obtain a transfer from one unit to another?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Depends

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


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I'm a reservist and hadn't really considered a military career up until just recently and the reserves was just going to be a way to knock a few thousand off my university bills. But now the path I had laid out for myself doesn't really seem like what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I know people say "well its estimated you'll have 5-7 different jobs in your lifetime" but thats not for me, especially if I spend 5 years at university getting that one job lol. But back to the question, I want to be a Vehicle Technician and there is a Vehicle Tech reserve unit in my area but I am currently a member of the Infantry reserve unit, I am only BMQ qualified so they haven't dropped a lot of cash for me yet lol but how easy is it to obtain a transfer for a reason like this?


I've added a poll for anyone who would like to offer an opinion without posting. The "Depends" option refers to the ease of transfer depending on the specific unit and the officers who make those sort of decisions.
I know its generally frowned upon but I'm unsure of the traffic in this section and I thought that there may be someone who views the canadian army section but not this one and would have some information for me because as far as I know the canadian army section is the "general" section.
Anyone who looks at recent posts would have seen it. It's redundant to post the same thread twice. One or both will probably get locked.

Try a search, this has probably been answered more than once and two threads on the same topic that has been discussed already is just a waste of bandwidth.
I agree lol, the other thread only has half the views that this one does anyways, a lesson learned eh? I'd delete it if I could find the option. Anyways I did a search and the most recent thread was dated early July and didn't really answer my question, talked about some bad things for me being a newer reservist but I did PM the author and will hopefully receive a reply. Whats your opinion on unit transfers?
Sorry, I don't know anything about unit transfers. I'm just a lowly ordinary seaman who hasn't even passed bmq. I'm the last person to ask. I'm sure someone with a clue will eventually come along and answer your question though :D
Hahaha I'm unsure of whether you're mocking me or being serious. Anyways I did dig deeper in my search for information and from what I can gather it seems to depend upon, some saying you need to have a certain amount of time in the reserves and or be qualified in your trade and others seem to think its all a matter of the unit. My thinking is that I'm only BMQ qualified but I will be going on course for SQ and my trade next summer (leaving lots of time for paperwork heh) so it would be more sensible to transfer me before I got my infantry trade if my intentions were made clear that I would continue in my efforts to transfer to a vehicle tech unit. But then again thats thinking in logical terms, not military terms  :P
I would just ask at your unit. They will probably be in a much better position to answer your question. This is the sort of thing you don't want to take 'armchair' advice on.

logical vs military terms! That's so true :D
What you are asking about is not just a unit transfer, but also an occupation transfer.  In order to do an occupation transfer (VOT) you must be found suitable for your new trade.  By that, you must meet the CFAT cut-off, medical and be interviewed.  If you are found suitable etc AND if the gaining unit has a position and accepts you than you would be transferred.  Make sense? 
Absolutely, although I'm assuming that the interviews and medical would be different than those which I took to get into the reserves? I don't know why I would have to take the CFAT again, then it'd almost be like I was joining again heh. I'm also wondering if units generally do not resfuse VOT, the unit I would be leaving that is, I'm sure I wouldn't get any farewell party but I'm assuming they're something saying they could refuse the VOT and force me to stay with them or release, hopefully though it would only be a matter of getting into the new unit rather than getting out of the old one  ;D
See CFAO 49-11   TERMS OF SERVICE NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBERS PRIMARY RESERVE http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/049-11_e.asp


6.      A request for voluntary transfer may be initiated by a member and will be considered in relation to military requirements, the member's qualifications and the reasons stated for the transfer.

7.      Members who wish to transfer shall submit an application in writing to their commanding officer, who shall process the application in accordance with Appendix 1.


1.    Requirement. There must be establishment vacancy in the gaining unit.

2.    Procedure and Approval. The member's CO shall forward the application, together with the assessment of the applicant and recommendation, through the respective district and area commanders to the CO of the gaining unit. COs may request, through the same channels, the transfer to their unit of a member of another unit. The area commander of the gaining unit is the approving authority.


5.      Application for voluntary remuster is subject to the following provisions:

     a.    a member may not apply for remuster to more than one MOC;
     b.    the member must have a minimum of one year service in MOC from the date of enrolment or re-enrolment;
     c.    the member must be qualified minimum QL 1 ;
     d.    the member must meet the medical standards specified in A-MD-154-000/FP-000 for the new MOC; and
     e.    the member must be clearable to the security clearance level required for the new MOC.

Note -- Members who hold the appointment of MCpl or members of the rank of Sergeant and above are to be made aware that relinquishment of their rank/appointment to the rank of Cpl is a prerequisite for this type of remuster.

6.      The authority for a voluntary remuster is the commander of the command, or such authority as may be delegated by the commander of the command

Awww damn... 1 year of service before I can try for a VOT. Guess that answers my question  :(
Or perhaps not, as far as I can tell the 1 year period refers to the time  between enrollment and re-enrollment so I could infact apply for a VOT before I have 1 year of service and have go through all the paperwork then re-enrolll on the 1 year mark, I believe anyways, but I'm no clerk.