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Unhappy Incidents

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Watson said:
I pray to god no one spits on my uniform.

It would be the same as comming over to my house and setting fire to my Canadian flag   :cdn: flying above my house...... Their body wouldn't leave my property... alive.

Of course you'd have to put away all you machismo and bravado if you were standing on the riot line with bayonets fixed while the anarchists spit at you, .....right?.... right?

Let's get real here people and think a little about what we're saying before we hit the post button. It's just the kind of schoolyard foolishness that the press is looking for, to add fuel to the fire at the moment.
"Their body wouldn't leave my property... alive."

- I would advise you to read the section of the Criminal Code pertaining to self defence.  But before that - that is to say, now - you may wish to edit your post so if you ever DO have to defend yourself, some lawyer doesn't google your known internet postings too see if something in your past indicated an aggressive nature, loose cannon, etc.

"Do you or don't you think a guy who gets spit on in uniform in Canada should use brute force? That's the topic."

- Maybe.  Sometimes yes.  Sometimes no.  You want scenarios?  We can do scenarios. But I don't advise it.  Let's just leave it at maybe.

Lost_Warrior said:
To what extent?
to the extent that he stated he would feel pride in wearing the uniform, rage in being spat upon, but would exhibit self-control and not resort to violence. Good attitude.

Bad attitudes - not feeling pride in the uniform, not feeling insulted when spat upon (from a personal viewpoint, let alone while in uniform, representing the Crown), or swinging away and displaying a complete lack of discipline.

Do you not agree?
Navcomm, you ain't reading what I'm reading. And you sure as winter's comin' ain't got the attitude I want in my troops.

Watson, "lighten up, Francis". You ain't impressin' anyone.

Delta, violence is what we do. Bend over, reach down and spread your arse-cheeks slowly. That loud "pop" you heard was your head coming out of your arse.

TCBF, nice segue.  ;)

NavComm said:
... but I come from a background of RCMP victim services ...

La-dee-da.  If I remember correctly, you said you were a volunteer ... ?
(i.e. unpaid, and therefore not a professional ... ???)

I'm dismayed that you seemingly have such a lack of empathy for somebody who has been assaulted ... especially since spitting upon a victim is such a debasement of their status as a person ...

I perceiver you as one of those victim services types who says "HE was asking for it" ... while at the same time "SHE didn't deserve it" ... ? (i.e. plus you also said something to the effect that you haven't spent a lot of time "walking out" ... which leads me to wonder why ... are you ashamed?  Afraid?)
tired of arguing, why do you guys just ask your OC "what conditions have to be met before I get to beat the s*h*i*t out of a civy?"

and this thread is for ppl to talk about their bad encounters w/ civies!!!
I am gonna close this arguing, first i will never beat up a civvie ...why...well i am gonna join infantry and in the mean while i work as a security agent and i just finished my 12 hour night shift and while on my shift i worked with another security agent, he is his around 50 years old and he was in the Romanian special forces and i spoke with him about this topic and he looked at me and said : what a soldier was and is still today trained to do ? i was thinking and said: well combat.... he replied a soldier is trained to kill, are you nuts to beat up a civvie and on the top you are supposed to be professional, so if a civvie spits on you, even pushes you, just walk away, and its normal to be angry at him, you love your country, but remember you are better than him and even if he pushes you and insults you, he is just a stupid civvie but you are a soldier trained to KILL and to do peace keeping, you are professional, just walk away and thats it, because if you hit him you will send him to the hospital and you gonna show to others that you are not strong mentally. By the way thx Kat Stevens for backing me up, i never said that i will beat the civvie, i just said how i feel and lady let me tell you, if you are not angry inside of you that somebody is against you country, that its a problem and i am not talking about actions here i am talking about how you feel inside. Finally i will just walk away and forget it, i am not gonna waste my time over a stupid civvie, i am gonna go to the gym next morning and empty myself. I am going in the Infantry, i am not a trouble maker i want to be as professional as i can and if i go overseas i am gonna do the job i have to do and let me tell you if a damn terrorist spits on me i will kill him with my barre hands and i am not gonna be troubled psychologically after.

Arguing stops here let the topic continue about unhappy and happy stories.

Wolf  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
Delta said:
tired of arguing, why do you guys just ask your OC "what conditions have to be met before I get to beat the s*h*i*t out of a civy?"

and this thread is for ppl to talk about their bad encounters w/ civies!!!

When you are not in a uniform and you are not in service and after the civvie hits you once in the face, but its better to be calm and avoid that, you don't want to send him in the emergency room  :P or the opposite in some really rare cases.

Wolf  :cdn:
Humm it was a joke i was trying to be funny you know take off some tension in this topic, well didn't work  :-[

This post should clear up any misconceptions about what Wolfe originally said:

Wolfe said:
I am not much of a trouble maker, and no this is how i will feel, angry but i am never gonna beat up the civilian that insulted me even if i wanted to, i am gonna take it inside of me and deal with it.

Listen People.

Let's end this bantering.  We have had  a very serious incident happen recently in Toronto, that has been discussed at length on another thread.

I am not interested about who said what, how it was said, quotes and all of that jazz.

As it has been explained by the DS staff repeatedly, there are others who visit the site, and we do not need to fuel their fantasies regarding the Miltirary and violence.

Can we end this now please?  Especially those of you who do not even wear a uniform yet.


Delta said:
wtf?! who r u? american? canadians should be graceful, we don't solve problem sby force, we sit down and talk things over, this is the thing that makes canada unique

first off if you read my profile, you will see I'm Canadian, second of all, i said and i quote "if i used my kickboxing skills as anything more then defense" then it would e "assult with a deadly weapon" second,  check your spelling, intelligence is a form of gracefullness.
Yes please lets end this one. So many posts get carried away with people bantering back and forth. I have nothing against some healthy bantering. That's where it all comes back to our right to freedom of speech. Bottom line is that this is where we have to separate ourselves from the ignorance of our society, by turning and walk away, while saying you are welcome. We are well respected around the world and lets continue that reputation.

Jaxson said:
first off if you read my profile, you will see I'm Canadian, second of all, i said and i quote "if i used my kickboxing skills as anything more then defense" then it would e "assult with a deadly weapon" second,   check your spelling, intelligence is a form of gracefullness.

Easy there rambo.  I don't know where you get your information, but your "skilzz" do not constitute a deadly weapon.  That's just something newbies say to try and look tough.  You must have got it from one of them, right  8)
bossi said:
La-dee-da.   If I remember correctly, you said you were a volunteer ... ?
(i.e. unpaid, and therefore not a professional ... ???)

I'm dismayed that you seemingly have such a lack of empathy for somebody who has been assaulted ... especially since spitting upon a victim is such a debasement of their status as a person ...

I perceiver you as one of those victim services types who says "HE was asking for it" ... while at the same time "SHE didn't deserve it" ... ? (i.e. plus you also said something to the effect that you haven't spent a lot of time "walking out" ... which leads me to wonder why ... are you ashamed?   Afraid?)

Yes, volunteer, but it's still part of my background. And there was a lot of training and I gave an entire year (full time) to it. So I guess if I was paid that would make a difference? I've also taken courses in conflict management, critical incident stress debriefing, negotiating contracts, and more to do with my civilian job. I still consider my time in victim services as 'background'.

Your perception is entirely wrong. My opinions on abused women are that I don't have any sympathy for the ones that keep on going back for more. I also don't think men are treated equally when it comes to domestic abuse. I've stated that in other threads.

I haven't spent much time walking out in public in uniform because I only just got back from Borden and I am not full time. I don't know about you, but it's my understanding that I'm not allowed to wear my uniform unless I'm on duty. And since my duties haven't taken me off the base much, then I would say I've only been out in public in uniform about 12 times since I returned from Borden. While at Borden we were pretty much confned to the base and the Canex and I didn't find anyone who even remotely looked like they wanted to spit on the uniform there.
NavComm said:
Your perception is entirely wrong. My opinions on abused women are that I don't have any sympathy for the ones that keep on going back for more.

Until you have been in one, you have no idea how hard it can be to get out.
It took me 6 months to get out. Transition houses have wait lists, many are over 6 months long. 

NavComm said:
I also don't think men are treated equally when it comes to domestic abuse.
I agree. There are many men out there being abused and they are not given the same resources as women, and they should be.

best reply to the insult "have you killed any babies lately?" was from one of my buddies:

"No mam, we're far below quota this year. The baby blender is broken."  and then just walk away. :D
Springroll said:
I agree. There are many men out there being abused and they are not given the same resources as women, and they should be.

Yup - another classic example of "reverse discrimination" ... but, of course, HE deserves everthing HE's got coming to HIM ... because, after all, collective punishment is how we make up for perceived systemic abuses ... sheeyah, right ...
Man you people take things so seriously in these forums...
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