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Uh Oh!


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I was just reading the Joining instructions post.  I don't have a vaccination booklet. I'm going to have to go looking through my medical records to see if there's any record of me having my shots.  I did get my MMR back in April 07.  And Tetanus shot in 02 or 03.

I'm going to get fifty million needles at BMQ aren't I?
Tetanus/Diphtheria is good for 10 years.
MMR is required only twice in a lifetime if born after 01 Jan 1970.
Meningitis is good for 5 years
Do you have Hep A and B?  They are required.
If you had your childhood Polio series, you will only require one booster.
If you can't find your booklet, see if your doctor or health clinic have records.
I didn't have any record of vacinations along with a very large number of the recruits. I did get every possible vaccination but it wasn't a big deal. Trust me, it'll be the least of your concerns. Going on needle parade was a good time - you got a chance to be treated like a human for a few minutes. The more needles the more minutes you get :-)
Tetanus/Diphtheria is good for 10 years. Had Tetanus shot, not Diphtheria (unless they come packaged together).
MMR is required only twice in a lifetime if born after 01 Jan 1970.  I had no titres for the MMR or Varicella which is why they gave me the MMR shot after the baby was born.  No chicken pox titres, so I've been advised to get the varicella vaccine.
Meningitis is good for 5 years  - due for that...
Do you have Hep A and B?  They are required.  -  Do not remember
If you had your childhood Polio series, you will only require one booster. - Think I did...
If you can't find your booklet, see if your doctor or health clinic have records. - Have my original records from childhood since my family Dr died and I was moving - I just went and signed for them.  I don't think I ever had a booklet
Lil_T said:
Tetanus/Diphtheria is good for 10 years. Had Tetanus shot, not Diphtheria (unless they come packaged together).
MMR is required only twice in a lifetime if born after 01 Jan 1970.  I had no titres for the MMR or Varicella which is why they gave me the MMR shot after the baby was born.  No chicken pox titres, so I've been advised to get the varicella vaccine.
Meningitis is good for 5 years  - due for that...
Do you have Hep A and B?  They are required.  -  Do not remember
If you had your childhood Polio series, you will only require one booster. - Think I did...
If you can't find your booklet, see if your doctor or health clinic have records. - Have my original records from childhood since my family Dr died and I was moving - I just went and signed for them.  I don't think I ever had a booklet

How about taking all that info to your current family doc and get him/her to put it into the booklet.
All you need is the paperwork, they can make you up a booklet at BMQ.  But it won't hurt to have it.

Tetanus and Diphtheria pretty much always come in the same shot.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
All you need is the paperwork, they can make you up a booklet at BMQ.  But it won't hurt to have it.

Tetanus and Diphtheria pretty much always come in the same shot.  ;)

good to know.  :)  I'll go through my records and have my Dr consolidate a booklet for me.
You can also check with your local Health Unit, they will have a record of your immunizations.  I had the same problem and they just faxed it over to the MIR @ St. Jean no problem.
MedTech32 said:
You can also check with your local Health Unit, they will have a record of your immunizations.  I had the same problem and they just faxed it over to the MIR @ St. Jean no problem.

how will they have my immunzation records?  :-\ 
Lil_T said:
how will they have my immunzation records?  :-\

Usually they're sent to Health Units for statistics.  You can always check, just do whichever is easier for you.
I'll look into it.  But won't be surprised if I come up empty.  Checked my records last night and there are serious gaps.
Hey lil_t , I'm not sure which part of Cape Breton you are from but I was from North Sydney and found all my records from the Department of Health in Sydney Mines. I just gave them a call and they put a copy in the mail.  DOH - 736-6245

Maybe they would be able to fill in some of those gaps for you.
For those that happen to live in B.C., your child immunization records are destroyed once you reach the age of 21. so unless you have your vaccination booklet you will require re-immunization.

Not sure if any other provinces follow the same procedures.
f0x said:
Hey lil_t , I'm not sure which part of Cape Breton you are from but I was from North Sydney and found all my records from the Department of Health in Sydney Mines. I just gave them a call and they put a copy in the mail.  DOH - 736-6245

Maybe they would be able to fill in some of those gaps for you.

Thanks f0x I'm from New Waterford, so I'll check the office out there (if it's still there)
NFLD Sapper said:
How about taking all that info to your current family doc and get him/her to put it into the booklet.

No doctor or medical clinic should be taking someone's verbal report as proof.  They should have records.  Trust me, the military will not accept it.  You wouldn't believe how many people say "Oh, I lost my book." and I always reply "Well, you better hope they're documented in your med file, or you'll be getting everything again." 
PMedMoe said:
You wouldn't believe how many people say "Oh, I lost my book." and I always reply "Well, you better hope they're documented in your med file, or you'll be getting everything again." 

Well if you don't have records or a book but you did already get the shots,and they tell you you need to get them all again, does it really matter? It's only a needle.. (I'm pretty sure I have the records, and all my shots up to date but I'm just saying)
SoldierInTheMaking said:
Well if you don't have records or a book but you did already get the shots,and they tell you you need to get them all again, does it really matter? It's only a needle.. (I'm pretty sure I have the records, and all my shots up to date but I'm just saying)

Well, some people have a phobia of needles.  Personally, I don't think it matters either.  Just saying that we do not take the member's word for it.
SoldierInTheMaking said:
Well if you don't have records or a book but you did already get the shots,and they tell you you need to get them all again, does it really matter? It's only a needle.. (I'm pretty sure I have the records, and all my shots up to date but I'm just saying)

yeah... just a needle.. if you're talking multiple vaccines, it's MANY needles and I freaking HATE needles.  Hence the little bit of panic.
Yea I guess some people don't like needles to much but I have 4 tattoos so they don't bother me at all, and your joining the military, your going to go through more pain then just a couple of pokes. lol
