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U.S. Politics 2018

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Well speaking of Hillary, President Trump just pardoned Machinist Mate 1st Class Kristian Saucier after spending a year in jail. Fellow who photographed parts of his subs engine room then deleted the evidence.
recceguy said:
The trouble with those statements though MM, is that you can find just as many polls that state the opposite.

If you say so. I have not seen any posted.
mariomike said:
The election was in 2016. Why keep going on about Hillary Clinton?

And if you do want to, she got almost 3 million more votes than he did.  :)

Let the Special Prosecutor complete his investigation into "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."

Until then, we can only speculate.

We are a democracy, first past the post, every vote counts. The US is not a democracy based on votes and never has been.

The United States is a Republic governed by laws.

In the Republic, ruled by laws, not democracy, the Electoral College decides. The college is balanced out so that the Republics denser population centres don't hold sway over the few that live in the boonies. Therefore every vote cast, every county and every state is equal and carries that same weight regardless of population. Clinton got more votes, but they were in the two top heavy, densist population centres on both coasts and this is why the electoral college gave it to Trump. Because when weighed out equally Clinton didn't have a chance. Trump beat Clinton, fair and square under their system. The false narrative of Hillary should be POTUS because she has more votes is false because something that is impossible under their system cannot be considered as a reason for results.

It was designed to stop things like Toronto always driving policy for the rest of Ontario. That's just an example people can relate to.
mariomike said:
Let the Special Prosecutor complete his investigation into "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."

Until then, we can only speculate.

I know this doesn't affect Mueller, but it has to be causing him concern, and may ultimately lead to his investigation ending also. If all those smart people on the House Committee couldn't find anything, I don't think Mueller will either. So far, all he has are some small fish with unrelated charges.

Speaking of the Russia investigation:

The House Committee has reached the end of it's investigation. While they found that people were careless and stuff kinda out of the ordinary happened with individuals, they say they found absolutely no information, or involvement of Russian collusion and Trump.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Intelligence Committee Republicans said on Monday the panel had finished investigating Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, and found no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Moscow’s efforts to influence the vote.

Jarnhamar said:
The reason why Hillary lost is those weak-ass white women.

My question was, "Why keep going on about Hillary Clinton?"
recceguy said:
We are a democracy, first past the post, every vote counts. The US is not a democracy based on votes and never has been.

The United States is a Republic governed by laws.

Actually, Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy, also governed by laws.

Back to polls - According to the vast majority of the applicable ones, Donald Trump would never become the Republican Nominee, let alone President of the United States. It just couldn't happen. He didn't stand a chance against the Most Qualified Presidential Candidate Ever.

Yes, polls...

Rally numbers, locations, sizes, and enthusiasm - plus relative sales of Anti-Donald Trump versus Anti-Hillary merchandise (yes, somebody was tracking that, and the anti-Hillary stuff was outselling by a factor of eight) - were far better indicators.

And then there's the "Free Press", much of what was and is the Propaganda Wing of the Democratic Party.

Much of the delight of US Election Night was watching the meat puppets on CNN and MSNBC etcetera break down.
recceguy said:
I know this doesn't affect Mueller, but it has to be causing him concern, and may ultimately lead to his investigation ending also. If all those smart people on the House Committee couldn't find anything, I don't think Mueller will either. So far, all he has are some small fish with unrelated charges.

Kind of reminds me of Benghazi......
[quote author=mariomike]

My question was, "Why keep going on about Hillary Clinton?"

Because she's still traveling around politicking. Trying to salvage the Clinton Empire Foundation. You know, random 1 million dollar gift from Qatar here, 25 million from Saudi Arabia there. $10 or $89.6 million from Norway depending on the source.  Strangely donations dropped significantly when Hillary took a nose dive, I wonder why that was. I mean it's a non-profit organization after all.
recceguy said:
We are a democracy, first past the post, every vote counts. The US is not a democracy based on votes and never has been.

The United States is a Republic governed by laws.

In the Republic, ruled by laws, not democracy, the Electoral College decides. The college is balanced out so that the Republics denser population centres don't hold sway over the few that live in the boonies. Therefore every vote cast, every county and every state is equal and carries that same weight regardless of population. Clinton got more votes, but they were in the two top heavy, densist population centres on both coasts and this is why the electoral college gave it to Trump. Because when weighed out equally Clinton didn't have a chance. Trump beat Clinton, fair and square under their system. The false narrative of Hillary should be POTUS because she has more votes is false because something that is impossible under their system cannot be considered as a reason for results.

It was designed to stop things like Toronto always driving policy for the rest of Ontario. That's just an example people can relate to.

Yes, yes. We all know how the Electoral College works.

It's somewhat reminiscent of the Rotten Burroughs in the UK.


And the Roman Republic.


Loachman said:
Much of the delight of US Election Night was watching the meat puppets on CNN and MSNBC etcetera break down.

"etcetera"? As in every network other than Fox news?  :)


Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.


Jarnhamar said:
Because she's still traveling around politicking.

Wow! Maybe she is planning a run for town council?  :)
PPCLI Guy said:
Kind of reminds me of Benghazi......

Or the emails... or the Clinton Foundation... or "kill-arry"... or Obama's birth certificate, etc etc etc.

Neither side is innocent in the irrational finger pointing game.
So in the only polls that matter it seems like America is getting sick and tired of the republicans.

Democrats won in Alabama,  and now seemingly have won in Pennsylvania steel country where Trump won by twenty points in 2016


It's a bad sign for Republicans that the 18th District race is razor-tight. President Donald Trump won there by 20 percentage points in 2016, and GOP groups pumped $10.7 million into a months-long effort to stave off an embarrassing loss there. Lamb's performance is ominous for the GOP as it heads into November's midterm elections

I can't wait till November,  looking like a blue tide is coming in to deal with agent orange.
Jarnhamar said:
You don't consider the emails or foundation super serious issues?

"Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Why didn't they?
mariomike said:
"Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Why didn't they?

She has more money and influence than a sailor is my guess.

Why would the Clinton Foundation see a decrease in donations when it was clear Clinton wasn't going to become the president?  I mean, the foundation is about the children after all, why doesn't it matter who the president is?  You don't suppose countries and agencies were donating to the Clinton Foundation with certain expectations, do you?
Jarnhamar said:
She has more money and influence than a sailor is my guess.

Why would the Clinton Foundation see a decrease in donations when it was clear Clinton wasn't going to become the president?  I mean, the foundation is about the children after all, why doesn't it matter who the president is?  You don't suppose countries and agencies were donating to the Clinton Foundation with certain expectations, do you?

You bring Hillary Clinton into this thread. Even though she has been out of U.S. Politics since 2016.

To paraphrase you from another political thread yesterday, "Was < snip > found guilty of < snip > ?

If you want to continue discussing Hillary Clinton is this thread, one could ask a similar question.
Jarnhamar said:
You got me. You're totally right, thanks.

I wish you could get my wife to say that just once.  :)
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