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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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>Apparently, he still can't get over the fact that a woman beat him by 3 million votes.

That 3-million-popular-vote-vs-electoral-college thing has really gotten up your nose.  Elections are run by rules.  Trump won; Clinton lost.  It's no different than in Canada - a party can run up massive popular vote surpluses in ridings; Americans just apportion electoral power on a state-by-state basis rather than riding-by-riding.
> Trump won; Clinton lost.

He was tweeting about his "MASSIVE" victory in caps yesterday.

Was President Obama still going on about John McCain and Mitt Romney, or GW Bush about Al Gore and John Kerry, a year after the elections?
etc... etc...

I'd call winning even though Hillary had a 99.3% guaranteed  victory pretty massive.

>He was tweeting about his "MASSIVE" victory in caps yesterday.

Long may he continue.  It distracts all the right people who can't sideslip it.
A year after the election and still with the Hillary Clinton memes?

Was President Obama obsessed with John McCain and Mitt Romney, or GW Bush about Al Gore and John Kerry, a year after the elections?
etc... etc...
mariomike said:
A year after the election and still with the Hillary Clinton memes?

Its almost like I can't let it go and need to bring it up every chance I get..
Jarnhamar said:
Its almost like I can't let it go and need to bring it up every chance I get..

That's fine.

But, this is "U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)".

Perhaps the Hillary Clinton memes can be posted in "US Election 2016".
129 pages.
Hillary Clinton isn't on a book tour promoting her book about the election? Where she continues to talk about the election?

She doesn't still make comments like;
she needed to sort through both her own feelings and her shock at America’s election of a malicious wannabe tyrant. It was an act of “catharsis,” Clinton said. “It was my therapy."
Sept 2017

Clinton isn't still very much active in the political arena and attacking Trump any chance she gets?

Search Clinton criticizes Trump, she can't seem to shut up about him either.
mariomike said:
> Trump won; Clinton the world lost.

He was tweeting about his "MASSIVE" victory in caps yesterday.

Was President Obama still going on about John McCain and Mitt Romney, or GW Bush about Al Gore and John Kerry, a year after the elections?
etc... etc...

Fixed that for you. I stand by my stance that Trump's administration is the political equivalent of a garbage fire. His list of actual accomplishments 1 year after the election is shockingly low, including failures to amend Obamacare, no border wall, and an order for the USN to increase coal consumption (because apparently he's been told about the White Navy of the 1870s that beat the Spanish in 1898).
Umm. About the last one. I tried a quick Google search on the coal/USN thing and found nothing. Could you provide a source?
Jarnhamar said:
Hillary Clinton isn't on a book tour promoting her book about the election? Where she continues to talk about the election?

Perhaps a better place for US Election 2016 discussion / memes would be "US Election 2016".
129 pages.

SeaKingTacco said:
I tried a quick Google search on the coal/USN thing and found nothing. Could you provide a source?

That was in reply to Bird_Gunner45.

But, if I may, this may, or may not, help,
I think Bird_Gunner is mixing a few things up.

The US Navy fleet that defeated the Spaniards in the Spanish American war in 1898 was indeed completely composed of coal fired boilers steam ships.

These warships, however, had nothing to do with what became known as the American "Great White Fleet". That specific moniker is applied to the ships of the US Atlantic squadron that was sent to circumnavigate the globe by Ted Roosevelt between 1907 and 1909. Those ships were all painted  with white hulls and ochre/golden superstructures, hence the name.

The purpose of the exercise was three fold: (1) demonstrate that the US was now a major sea power; (2) test the ship's designs for seaworthiness and combat worthiness; and, (3) carry out good will visits around the world in support of US diplomacy.

None of the ships of the Great White Fleet were even built at the time of the Spanish-American war. They were all fairly recent, and thus modern, ships though all pre-dreadnaught and therefore already obsolete. They were also all coal-fired steam ships.

Results of the event led to many changes in US ship design. The first class built with the lessons in mind was the Florida battleship class of 1910. Still coal fired, but first all steam turbine driven (no triple expansion reciprocating steam engines). The first all oil-fired steam ship battle ships class of the US Navy were the Nevada class of 1912.

If you are interested in the actual ships of the Great White Fleet, SKT, look up the following classes: Maine class of 1902, Virginia class of 1904 and Connecticut class of 1906.
I am familiar with the Great White Fleet and with early 20th century US BB classes.

I am not familiar with and could not find an Internet reference to Trump ordering the USN to use more coal.

That was what I was asking Birdgunner about. I am genuinely curious to know more.
mariomike said:
Perhaps a better place for US Election 2016 discussion / memes would be "US Election 2016".
129 pages.

Okay. But Hillaries book, book tour and incessant Trump talk is still very much 2017, and I suspect 2018 and 2019. (and another 4 years after that  ;D)
Bird_Gunner45 said:
His list of actual accomplishments 1 year after the election is shockingly low...
. Oh, I thought you were talking about someone else for a moment there.  Someone who got 10% less popular vote, yet who also won. :nod:

The person you have in mind did not get that many votes, G2G.

26,391 people voted for him in his riding, while 81,389 people voted for him to become the leader of the Liberal party before that.

We, in our system, don't get to vote for the candidate of a party that the party should run in an election, nor do we actually vote the leader in to the job of PM (one of the reason's, BTW, that the imbecilic habit of the media to try and ape the Americans by calling the leader of the party who gets the most seats on election day a "PM-elect" is meaningless and incorrect. He/she isn't because they are not elected as such and, though an apparent technicality, the GG does have the right to tell him/her to go fly a kite and appoint someone else PM).
Many people in the United States may regret pushing the "Russia" meme so hard. It is turning into a boomerang and ready to fly into many people's faces:


EXCLUSIVE: Now It’s The Democrats Who Have A ‘Russian Problem’
9:15 PM 11/09/2017

Suddenly it’s the Democrats who have a serious Russia problem.

Democratic fingerprints are all over a growing number of Russia-related scandals, including payments to Fusion GPS for its Russian-sourced Trump dossier, lobbying on behalf of Russia’s largest bank to lift economic sanctions, former President Barack Obama’s administration’s approval of the sale of Uranium One to Russia, and giving twenty percent of America’s uranium reserves to Moscow.

Republican Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Chuck Grassley of Iowa have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into the mounting scandals tying Democrats to Russia.

“The bottom line is very simple, says former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. “The Russian connection now is owned by the Democratic Party.”

What are the Democratic ties to Russia?

Fusion GPS

In 2016 the Hillary for America presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) paid an undetermined amount of funds to Fusion GPS, a political opposition research for the salacious Trump-Russia dossier.  The firm reportedly paid $168,000 to Christopher Steel, a British MI-6 agent.

If a federal court rules in favor of the House of Representatives that is seeking Fusion GPS bank records, the full amount paid to the firm for the dossier could be revealed.

The funds to Fusion GPS were secretly paid through the Perkins Coie law firm, a Democratic law firm. Both former Obama White House counsel Robert Bauer and Marc Elias head up the “political law” section of the firm.

It was Elias who collected the funds from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC and made the secret payments to Fusion GPS.

The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center on Oct. 25 filed a formal complaint before the Federal Election Commission charging the Clinton campaign “violated campaign finance law” by failing to accurately disclose the payments for the dossier.

The legal center claimed the campaign and the DNC were paying their law firm for “legal expenses,” when in fact they were covertly paying for the “dirt” contained in the Trump dossier. Hillary for America paid at least $12.4 million to Perkins Coie for legal expenses, according to The New York Times, and the DNC forked over $5.4 million to the law firm.

“The stated purposes of the disbursements to Perkins Coie did not reflect the ‘actual purpose’ of how the disbursement was intended in hiring Fusion GPS,” the complaint charges.

British agent Steele recruited and paid unnamed Russian sources, many reportedly with ties to the Russian intelligence services and to the Kremlin. Steele had to work with these agents, whose motives and credibility are unknown.

The unverified charges were designed to embarrass and humiliate President Donald Trump. Paying for information undercuts the credibility of any opposition research, because people are monetarily incentivized to make claims.

“I would never consider my information as reliable if I paid for it,” said an American businessman with decades of experience in Russia. “And if they did pay for it, they would come back next week and say, ‘you know what, I have more information for you,'” he told TheDCNF in an interview.

“And it would not be uncommon for them to say ‘I want to introduce you to somebody else. He has more information, but you’ll have to pay him as well,'” the businessman said.

Either Fusion GPS or the Clinton camp could have disseminated the fake dossier to the six liberal news organizations that received it, however, it’s interesting that neither of them felt confident enough to publish them.

BuzzFeed published the dossier last January, but added the disclaimer, “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”

“From my personal standpoint and my thorough review of this document, I have deemed it a complete and total fabricated fraud,” Col. James Waurishuk (Ret.), a 30-year veteran who worked for the CIA’s Asymmetric Warfare Task Force, said in an interview with TheDCNF.

Did FBI Director James Comey Use the Fusion GPS Dossier As “Evidence” Before a Court?

Did former FBI Director James Comey and the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) use the Fusion GPS unverified information as “evidence” before a secret federal surveillance court to obtain permission to eventually spy on Trump campaign aides and later his transition team?

Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked FBI Director Christopher Wray on Oct. 4 if the FBI may have improperly presented any of the dossier information to a government surveillance court. He has not received any reply.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence now is seeking all Justice Department applications before the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court, also called the FISA Court, to determine if any of the applicants rely on information from the dossier.

If the unsubstantiated dossier information was entered as “verifiable” information before the FISA Court, the implications are “staggering,” former diGenova told TheDCNF.

That would mean the Obama administration pursued “a type of manipulation of intelligence data and false intelligence data to mislead a court,” diGenova said. “It’s staggering in terms of its implications.”

Tony Podesta and Russia

Last week, Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta stepped down as the head of his lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, that he co-founded with his high-profile brother, John Podesta in 1988.

Podesta reportedly resigned so he could prepare for possible legal action against him and his firm by Special counsel Robert Mueller.

Podesta has business relationships with many Russian state enterprises and government agencies.

He publicly lobbied on behalf of Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, collecting $170,000 in fees in 2016.

Podesta lobbied both the Obama administration and Congress to lift the economic sanctions against Sberbank.

The lobbyist also represented Uranium One after it became a wholly owned subsidiary of ROSATOM, the Russian atomic energy agency. He received $180,000 for his representation of the nuclear firm for services delivered in part of 2012 and in 2014 to 2015.

Podesta did not, however, register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a Podesta Group spokesman confirmed to TheDCNF.

He also failed to register under FARA when he represented a pro-Russian Ukrainian organization to lobby on their behalf in the U.S.

Podesta worked with Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, on behalf of a group called the European Center for a Modern Ukraine, a front group for Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. Ukraine’s parliament threw Yanukovych out of office, and he fled to Russia where he is now living.

Throughout the Manafort indictment is reference to “Company B.” The reference is the cover name for the Podesta Group, according to NBC News.

Uranium One

The public is aware the Obama administration, led in 2010 by former Secretary of State Clinton who sat on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CIFIUS), approved the sale of Uranium One to the Russians. In a single stroke 20 percent of America’s uranium reserves were sold to Russia.

Two House committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating the circumstances surrounding the sale.

They are focused, in part, on the $145 million that Uranium One executives donated to the Clinton Foundation, according to independent investigator Peter Schweizer and author of “Clinton Cash.”

Uranium One’s owner, Frank Giustra is entirely enmeshed with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. He personally contributed more than $25 million to the foundation, according to the foundation’s web site. Giustra co-founded with former President Bill Clinton the “Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership.”

Prior to the sale, an FBI informant showed the bureau there was widespread bribery and corruption on the Russian side of the Uranium One deal, according to The Hill. Yet neither the FBI nor Attorney General Eric Holder notified the committee that there was corruption among the buyers.

Importantly, Holder sat on CIFIUS too, but he apparently did not notify the committee of the criminal activities the FBI informant had uncovered.

Under the Obama administration, the FBI imposed a “gag order” on the informant, preventing Congress from hearing his charges.

However, under pressure from investigative reporters John Sullivan and Sara Carter, the Justice Department lifted the gag order on Oct. 25 and approved his testimony before Congress.

Finally, there is Tony Podesta again. After the Uranium One sale was complete, he lobbied on behalf of Uranium One, pocketing $180,000. He never registered as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

John Podesta and Joule Unlimited

Immediately prior to joining the Obama White House as special counselor, John Podesta joined the board of a highly secretive technology company called Joule unlimited.

He served on the board for three years, sharing it with three Russian businessmen with direct ties to the Kremlin.

Dmitry Akhanov, president of Rusnano USA, also sat on the Joule board. He awarded the company  one billion rubles, the equivalent of $35 million in U.S. dollars. He promised Joule “cheap money,” and he dangled $4.6 billion in government contributions and $5.7 billion in state guarantees before the board.

It’s not known what kind of private meetings or discussions Podesta had with any of the Russians.

But Lucia Ziobro, the special agent in charge at the FBI’s Boston field office, issued an “extraordinary warning” to Boston-area high-tech firms in 2014 about Russian investors to startups like Joule.

“The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive and emerging technology from the companies,” she wrote in a Boston Globe op-ed.

Calls for a New Special Counsel

The Justice Department should appoint another special counsel to investigate Clinton for her Russian ties, Sen. Graham said on Sunday.

“I think we need a special counsel to investigate the Fusion GPS episode between the Democratic Party, Mr. Steele and Russian operatives,” Graham told “Fox News Sunday.”

“Everything about Fusion GPS stinks,” Graham said. “The idea that the Democratic Party would hire, through a law firm, a foreign intelligence officer to go to Russia and try to gather dirt means that they’ve set themselves up to be manipulated by the Russians.”

He also supports a special prosecutor on the Uranium One deal.

Grassley also endorses the idea of a special prosecutor.
I wonder if Hillary voters will stop screaming at the sky long enough to read  that article and consider what it means.

Anti-Trump protesters 'scream helplessly at the sky' to demonstrate on election anniversary

Thucydides said:

Do bloggers get paid by the word?  :)

I never heard of the blog, so I looked it up.

"The Daily Caller Has A White Nationalist Problem"

Mr. Trump can continue bringing up Hillary and Bill Clinton in the hope that Americans will not focus on the forest fire burning right in front of them.

She is not the president, ( in spite of beating him by 3 million votes  :) )

For anyone who still cares, The Hillary Clinton archives,

It must be difficult for you, MM, with the mounting problems for the corrupt Clinton’s and their DNC minions.  As brash and uncouth President Trump may be there seems to be zero corruption and crime.  I don’t know about you, but I would take an uncouth leader that is not crooked over a polished crook. 
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