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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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jollyjacktar said:
I believe you're being hasty with your beliefs, but I understand as you're not a fan of Trump.  Lets give him some time at least.  It's taken a year for the Trudeau train to derail off the tracks. 

At the very least, the new boss hasn't been sitting around resting on the laurels of victory.  Inaction is the least appropriate attribute that can be attached to him in these early days.

Well; true I'm being hasty, a year, no problemo...Trudeau's train was vigorously shaking within a month of taking office, I believe.

P.S. I'm no fan of Trump or Hillary, then again Politicians in general give me a bad rash :o

It's been said that President Trump has done more for the Canadian economy on his first day, than PM Trudeau managed in his first year. Obviously, the next question is will he do more to the Canadian economy?
See, he's a good guy.  In his first week in office he's improved the health of women everywhere by encouraging them to take up walking.  And he's improved the fiscal health of Canada in general and Alberta in particular and I wouldn't be surprised if he encourages walking fitness for certain segments of the population too after today.  Win, win, win. :nod:
FLOTUS ( current Mrs. Trump ) at Inauguration

January 24, 2017

Barack Obama, Donald Trump Did One Thing Very Differently Arriving at White House on Inauguration Days

"When you meet your boss in the elevator."  :)

Technoviking said:
It was very well attended.

Not to disagree with you, but I read this,

USA Today

"There were a lot of empty seats in the stands along Trump's parade route" http://usat.ly/2ka8uDb
As President Trump made his way down Pennsylvania Ave. for the traditional inaugural parade, there were a notable number of empty seats in the grandstands along the route. In particular, the stand next to the president's viewing stand was noticeably vacant.

George Wallace said:
I would say: a lot less security for Obama than for Trump.

18 Jan., 2017


The towering challenge of protecting the Trumps in New York
"Securing the skyscraper presents unprecedented challenges, not to mention traffic gridlock, a hardship on nearby businesses and a fight over who should be paying the sky-high costs."

mariomike said:
"When you meet your boss in the elevator."  :)

Maybe he told her what you've been saying about him and nuclear codes here.
Loachman said:
Maybe he told her what you've been saying about him and nuclear codes here.


In spite of the 136 pages we have devoted to him, I'm sure his current wife knows him better than we do.

According to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, 

"Washington (CNN) — Protesting what he described as crushingly negative coverage of President Donald Trump's inauguration, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said crowd size comparisons damaged the new administration's morale.

"The default narrative is always negative," Spicer said during a rapid-pace press briefing debut Monday. "And that's demoralizing."

It was Spicer's first appearance behind the podium since he delivered a furious tirade Saturday against the press for their accurate coverage of crowds at Trump's inauguration. That session, which misstated several facts, ended with Spicer walking away as reporters shouted their queries.

"And I think it's just unbelievably frustrating when you are continually told it is not big enough, not good enough, you can't win."

He said Trump felt discouraged when news outlets began showing comparison pictures between his inauguration and former President Barack Obama's.

"It's a little demoralizing," Spicer said

"there's an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president."

The administration's view, according to a longtime Trump aide who spoke on condition of anonymity, is that journalists have seized on Trump's popular vote loss, intelligence community findings regarding Russian interference in the election and inauguration crowd size counts, all in order to "delegitimize" the new president."

In other related news.


I don't care about politics on this one.  If you are in that job you don't get a say or an opinion.  I hope she gets charged and fired for this.  Not only is it unprofessional it can erode the trust that the President has with his security pers.

Hate the man, fine, but respect the office and the sacred trust YOU signed up for. 
Remius said:
They should have just let it go...

mariomike said:
They should give him his safe space...

That's funny. I am looking at this from a totally different angle: Look at his reaction to the factual reports on numbers, and at this morning's announcement that he will launch an investigation into "massive" fraud that deprived him of a majority of the votes.

He is a narcissistic "Hollywood" star - still a reality show producer who is out for ratings. Like Hollywood stars, her has to be loved, he must be loved by everyone. His world view will never let him accept that some people may not like him, or his views or his ideas. Nothing matters other than ratings and people loving him.

It's a sickness: he should consult.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
That's funny. I am looking at this from a totally different angle: Look at his reaction to the factual reports on numbers, and at this morning's announcement that he will launch an investigation into "massive" fraud that deprived him of a majority of the votes.

He is a narcissistic "Hollywood" star - still a reality show producer who is out for ratings. Like Hollywood stars, her has to be loved, he must be loved by everyone. His world view will never let him accept that some people may not like him, or his views or his ideas. Nothing matters other than ratings and people loving him.

It's a sickness: he should consult.

Maybe he could get on Dr Phil?

FJAG said:
Maybe he could get on Dr Phil?

Dr. Phil on Donald Trump

"Today on Dr. Phil, elected officials with "Hollywood" personalities who can't get over winning without the majority of votes and feel they must do something about it ...

Meet PM Trudeau ... So PM Trudeau, why do you feel you must change a voting system that elected you PM so that PM's must have a majority of the popular vote to win from now on?

And now, meet President Trump. President Trump, you did  get a majority of the electoral college votes. Why do you think that California should have voted "hugely" for you also?"

Oldgateboatdriver said:
That's funny. I am looking at this from a totally different angle: Look at his reaction to the factual reports on numbers, and at this morning's announcement that he will launch an investigation into "massive" fraud that deprived him of a majority of the votes.

He is a narcissistic "Hollywood" star - still a reality show producer who is out for ratings. Like Hollywood stars, her has to be loved, he must be loved by everyone. His world view will never let him accept that some people may not like him, or his views or his ideas. Nothing matters other than ratings and people loving him.

It's a sickness: he should consult.

I got news for you, you have described every politician ever. 
ModlrMike said:
It's been said that President Trump has done more for the Canadian economy on his first day, than PM Trudeau managed in his first year. Obviously, the next question is will he do more to the Canadian economy?

That's an excellent observation, while the markets, and value of the Canadian $ will provide an indication on what's been stated, as for doing more, this might unfold within moths, although it might unfold sooner or later. 

And the biggest economic uncertainty for Canada under Trump is…
As Trump takes office, we asked economists and policy experts for what they think will be the biggest sources of economic uncertainty for Canada.

Not really, Lightguns.

Maybe I didn't make my point clearly enough.

Yes, all politicians want to be liked (not "loved") and wish to get elected/re-elected.

But that is different from the Hollywood stars need (a need as basic to them as food and water) to be loved, even adulated, and be the top of the ratings - the ultimate star.

Politicians want to be liked (as I said earlier), but once elected, they are not seeking the comfort of being the best, the top, the most loved politician ever, and they do not seek, after winning, to be more loved or judge their own self-worth by seeking to garner more votes than other politicians who lost, nor do they seek endlessly to beat other allegedly more popular politicians than they in popularity on an ongoing basis. That's narcissism, and while they all have some in them, it's when you get past a certain degree that it becomes an illness. And I believe that Trump has it, and Trudeau to a lesser degree but still too high a degree.
FJAG said:
Yes. But there are degrees.


January 24, 2017

Boston Globe

Trump is an extreme narcissist, and it only gets worse from here
"In his dishonest and self-serving efforts to dispute photographic evidence of the less than stellar turnout for his inauguration, we saw, again, his crippling need for validation and admiration. In seeking to re-litigate the crowd size issue while standing in front of a wall at the CIA commemorating those killed in the line of duty, we were witness, again, to his astounding insensitivity and self-directed narrative. In his initial mocking of Saturday’s women’s march, which dramatically overshadowed his inauguration, we’ve seen, again, his extreme over-sensitivity to criticism. In his continuing efforts to falsely claim that he would have won the popular vote if not for the millions of people who illegally voted for Hillary Clinton, we’ve been reminded, again, of how thin-skinned he is and how easily and without shame he lies."

Washington Post

The first days inside Trump’s White House: Fury, tumult and a reboot
"President Trump had just returned to the White House on Saturday from his final inauguration event, a tranquil interfaith prayer service, when the flashes of anger began to build."

Oldgateboatdriver said:
That's narcissism, and while they all have some in them, it's when you get past a certain degree that it becomes an illness.

The way I believe media should handle him? With kid gloves. As a matter of public safety.

Buddy up to him. Kiss his a$$. Keep him r-e-l-a-x-e-d.

"Fox news totally gets it!"

The  :panic: :pullhair: Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order today to move ahead with his proposed ban on Muslim immigration. The order could include a temporary ban on most refugees and a block on any visas at all being issued for people from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. How do you feel about Donald Trump moving ahead with his proposed immigration ban?

Yes give (Tyrant Narcissist) Trump a chance He's going too dooo great things and the whole wide world will be a safer place.

This neural med I'm on today is...wow

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