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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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ModlrMike said:
Which would put him in comparison with who exactly?
The latest, but you're right - not the only.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
... The left is right often and the right is right often. Rationale analysis should lead most to see that there is no monopoly on good ideas ...
You'll never get any perky memes thinking THAT way ... ;D
Here is a prediction for you. Jeff Sessions moves over to Homeland Security. Rudy to Attorney General.

Now back to US politics. Trump has the support of his base. He lacks the support of some GOP members of the House and Senate. Trump only has the bully pulpit to get the neverTrumpers on board with the agenda. An agenda that they all had campaigned on by the way. The leaders in the House and Senate are neverTrumpers. To drain the swamp Trump has to pull their plug. There are some vulnerable democrats in the Senate and pro-Trumpers will try to take those seats. I hate these lying politicians like McCain,Graham and the others that stopped the repeal of Obamacare.
tomahawk6 said:
Here is a prediction for you. Jeff Sessions moves over to Homeland Security. Rudy to Attorney General ...
Interesting choices - you think Rudy could still get confirmed, given all the sturm und drang over confirmations so far?
milnews.ca said:
Interesting choices - you think Rudy could still get confirmed, given all the sturm und drang over confirmations so far?

I do.Plus he has a reputation for being a law and order guy and he is a New Yorker. :camo:
tomahawk6 said:
I do.Plus he has a reputation for being a law and order guy and he is a New Yorker. :camo:
And how about Sessions?  Can't say The Boss is entirely satisfied with him, no?
This could get ugly, especially once a larger number of people realize just how many scandals there are (the media notably ignoring a great many of them):


Let’s Investigate All the Scandals

In the last year, there have been a number of extraordinary events in our political life, some of them plainly involving illegal conduct. And yet only one event, or set of events, is under investigation: possible collusion between Russian interests and the Trump campaign. Oddly, this is not one of the subjects where there is any evidence of illegality, and it would therefore seem to be a relatively low priority for investigation.

Republicans are beginning to complain about this state of affairs, to the point where even the Associated Press has noticed: “Clinton lost, but Republicans still want to investigate her.”

Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to President Donald Trump, but some Republicans in Congress are intensifying their calls to investigate her and other Obama administration officials.

As investigations into Russian meddling and possible links to Trump’s campaign have escalated on both sides of the Capitol, some Republicans argue that the investigations should have a greater focus on Democrats.

Don’t they understand that the purpose of an investigation is to bring down a Republican president?

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has continued a separate investigation into whether Obama administration officials inappropriately made requests to “unmask” identities of Trump campaign officials in intelligence reports.

The House Judiciary Committee, which has declined to investigate the Russian meddling, approved a resolution this past week to request documents related to the FBI’s now-closed investigation of Clinton’s emails. In addition, Republican on that committee wrote the Justice Department on Thursday and asked for a second special counsel, in addition to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, to investigate “unaddressed matters, some connected to the 2016 election and others, including many actions taken by Obama administration.”

This is the letter, which was sent on Thursday and is signed by 20 Republican members of the Judiciary Committee:

View this document on Scribd

The House Republicans identify no fewer than 14 additional scandals or potential scandals that they want investigated by a second special counsel, Robert Mueller having shown himself to be a tool of the Democratic Party (my characterization, not theirs):

(Due to the formatting of the original, the 14 scandals are attached below)

Roger Simon more modestly suggests five scandals that need to be investigated, along with Russian activities in connection with the 2016 election: the unmasking scandal, Fusion GPS, Imran Awan, Loretta Lynch’s cover-up of the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and Uranium One.

As Roger says, “let a hundred scandals bloom.” At a time when the corruption of the Democratic Party stinks to high heaven, it is absurd that the “investigation” garnering nearly all the headlines relates to something that didn’t happen. It is time to fight fire with fire.

The House Republicans addressed their letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Sessions may or may not have been correct in recusing himself with regard to the investigation into the Trump campaign, but he certainly has no need to defer with regard to the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the fourteen additional subjects raised by the House Judiciary Committee members. He should appoint one or more additional special counsels to go after the Democrats. They should all be loyal Republican attack dogs. And when the dust has settled, the special counsel law should be repealed.


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mariomike said:
Dear Chief of Staff Kelly: Good luck.  :)

He doesn't need any luck. The people requiring luck are the ones who dare to interfere with his Chief of Staffness.
Somehow got this got lost in the Trans and Scaramucci twitter bombardment:

Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee
“I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests,” Browder writes.

Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Feinstein, and members of the committee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify today on the Russian government’s attempts to repeal the Magnitsky Act in Washington in 2016, and the enablers who conducted this campaign in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, by not disclosing their roles as agents for foreign interests.

Before I get into the actions of the agents who conducted the anti-Magnitsky campaign in Washington for the benefit of the Russian state, let me share a bit of background about Sergei Magnitsky and myself.

I am the founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital Management. I grew up in Chicago, but for the last 28 years I’ve lived in Moscow and London, and am now a British citizen. From 1996 to 2005, my firm, Hermitage Capital, was one of the largest investment advisers in Russia with more than $4 billion invested in Russian stocks.

Russia has a well-known reputation for corruption; unfortunately, I discovered that it was far worse than many had thought. While working in Moscow I learned that Russian oligarchs stole from shareholders, which included the fund I advised. Consequently, I had an interest in fighting this endemic corruption, so my firm started doing detailed research on exactly how the oligarchs stole the vast amounts of money that they did. When we were finished with our research we would share it with the domestic and international media.

For a time, this naming and shaming campaign worked remarkably well and led to less corruption and increased share prices in the companies we invested in. Why? Because President Vladimir Putin and I shared the same set of enemies. When Putin was first elected in 2000, he found that the oligarchs had misappropriated much of the president’s power as well. They stole power from him while stealing money from my investors. In Russia, your enemy’s enemy is your friend, and even though I’ve never met Putin, he would often step into my battles with the oligarchs and crack down on them.

That all changed in July 2003, when Putin arrested Russia’s biggest oligarch and richest man, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Putin grabbed Khodorkovsky off his private jet, took him back to Moscow, put him on trial, and allowed television cameras to film Khodorkovsky sitting in a cage right in the middle of the courtroom. That image was extremely powerful, because none of the other oligarchs wanted to be in the same position. After Khodorkovsky’s conviction, the other oligarchs went to Putin and asked him what they needed to do to avoid sitting in the same cage as Khodorkovsky. From what followed, it appeared that Putin’s answer was, “Fifty percent.” He wasn’t saying 50 percent for the Russian government or the presidential administration of Russia, but 50 percent for Vladimir Putin personally. From that moment on, Putin became the biggest oligarch in Russia and the richest man in the world, and my anti-corruption activities would no longer be tolerated.

More on link

kkwd said:
He doesn't need any luck. The people requiring luck are the ones who dare to interfere with his Chief of Staffness.

I am sure you must be right.  :)

Hopefully he will last longer than his predecessor.

"Priebus lasted 189 days on the job, the fewest of any chiefs of staff who were not leaving the office with their president or serving in an interim role."

Looks like "The Mooch" only lasted about a week as White House Communications Director.

Maybe Sean will make a come-back?
Comms director firing alright, comms director - STOPS!


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milnews.ca said:
Comms director firing alright, comms director - STOPS!

The dumpster fire known as "President Trump" can't end soon enough....it was laughable at first but it's getting sad now

Ad hominem attacks aren't appropriate.

Milnet.ca Staff
Good2Golf said:
Ad hominem attacks aren't appropriate.

Milnet.ca Staff

Since when can we not be critical of political figures?

I can see this rule as essential if someone is taking a personal attack against another member but if BG45's comments are inappropriate then you'll need to start doing some pretty strong enforcing in things like the Trudeau related threads as well because there's been a lot stronger stuff spouted there.

I'd hate to think we can only be critical of progressives and not conservatives.

Rethink this one guys.

FJAG said:
Since when can we not be critical of political figures?

I can see this rule as essential if someone is taking a personal attack against another member but if BG45's comments are inappropriate then you'll need to start doing some pretty strong enforcing in things like the Trudeau related threads as well because there's been a lot stronger stuff spouted there.

I'd hate to think we can only be critical of progressives and not conservatives.

Rethink this one guys.


I have already noticed posts being removed and NO indication or notice as to why.  Just a little pissed at this tactic.
Be critical all you want, but childish, emotional name calling adds nothing to the forum or discussion. You'll note this rule is being fairly applied across the full spectrum of politicians, both left and right.

Attack the policy or actions, but vitriolic attacks on the person are a no go.
Removing posts and not informing the person why their post has been removed is not on either, especially if there is no name calling involved; but someone felt offended by what THEY read between the lines.
FJAG said:
Since when can we not be critical of political figures?

I can see this rule as essential if someone is taking a personal attack against another member but if BG45's comments are inappropriate then you'll need to start doing some pretty strong enforcing in things like the Trudeau related threads as well because there's been a lot stronger stuff spouted there.

I'd hate to think we can only be critical of progressives and not conservatives.

Rethink this one guys.


Do you think "dumpster fire" is an appropriate way to refer to a Head of State, FJAG.

Look at the details of the Warning I gave to Bird Gunner.  It stated that an ad hominem attack wasn't appropriate.  I did not take the extra time to quote the Milnet.ca Contact Guidelines, but we can if many deem it beneficial.

On the issue of posts disappearing, Mike, and Scott as his COS have provided the moderator staff with guidance regarding helping to
Keep the site functioning and maintaining decorum.  If the DS had more time, we could perhaps provide evidentiary quality summaries of all moderation action taken, but doing so is not practical in many cases.  If some people are truly puzzled by posts of theirs, or of others that have disappeared, they are welcome to contact any of the DS through a number of site functions.  Of the number of posts that I know of that have been straight up removed for non-conformity with site Conduct Guidelines, the offending posters have not questioned the posts' removals, so they either knew they were posting contrary to the site guidelines or just didn't care enough to complain they they hadn't had the opportunity to observe reactions to their posts.

People here are capable enough of expressing themselves and their opinions and remain fully with the site guidelines.

G2G as a Milnet.ca Staff member
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