Who are you? Your profile doesn't say much about who you are and what kind of experience you have. Around here, if you want some credibility for your views, you've got to earn it, and one way of earning trust and credibility with us is filling out your profile. It's really simple to do actually.
willsfarm said:
What I meant to say more elaborately was that I can understand the assertion that he not only violated a contract but fled his home country and therefore should endure a penalty. It seems to me that that's not what the majority of you guys are debating (or overwhelmingly agreeing about).
I thought this was exactly what we were debating about. Care to give an example of where we weren't?
willsfarm said:
Isn't the situation in Iraq enough of a miscarriage of everthing the military stands for that an individual's protest deserves some attention of a different variety? Isn't what's going on over there bad enough for ANY of you to stop and say "Well, something does have to be done soon," and not so cold and dismissive as "Deport him."
What do you know about what the military stands for? Which military? US military? Canadian Forces? Care to elaborate some more and clarify that statement?
He got is 5mins of fame, so what type of attention should I pay to him that's of a "different variety" ? Have YOU been over there? Or are you just another couch potato civi that loves to critique everything the government and the military does, but never had the will or the ability to do something about it?
What would you like US to do? You're sort of barking up the wrong tree there aren't you? He's a deserter from the United States Navy. NOT the Canadian Forces. Why is it cold? Have you SERVED a DAY in your life? DO YOU understand what it means to SERVE with HONOUR and INTEGRITY? If you can answer YES to any of the above, then I will give you an answer to WHY we want him deported. Actually, if you've answered YES to anything of the above, then you'll have had the answer yourself.
willsfarm said:
Or are you all so jealous that you're not in Iraq as well that you it angers you when someone voluntarily opts out.
I take that statement as a personal affront for every single servicemen and women both in the Canadian Forces and the United States Military. I have had buddies who bled, some more so then others in both Afghanistan AND Iraq. I've had people I know killed in Iraq, and people I knew of distantly who were killed in Afghanistan.
I WILL NOT HAVE YOU DEFAME THEIR NAME and THEIR SACRIFICE by you, some anonymous TROLL who probably can't and won't say these things to them face to face, eye to eye.
YOU have NO idea what it means to serve. What DUTY means, what INTEGRITY means, what HONOUR means. These aren't the terms and action sequences that you see on JAG, NCIS, Navy SEALs or any other movie or t.v. show. These are the values that many of us live by day in and day out. I will NOT have you come in here and insult us.