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U.S. Army to shoot live pigs for medical drill

Ooooh, maybe I shouldn't discuss the last meal before solo phase during BSERE then... ;D
Well in the words of an old soldier I know "You can't tell a Heinz Pickle f*ck all".

That's what PETA is....a Heinz Pickle.
Simian Turner said:
Quick clot and its competitors work best with real flowing blood, pigs and goats are better to practise on than a screaming live human ....
Bump to an older thread with an update .....
On average, soldiers on Fort Bragg slaughter 300 goats a month for medical trauma training meant to help save lives in battle.

Animal activists say the animals are shot, stabbed, bludgeoned and blown up to simulate the types of injuries soldiers face.

For three decades, the activists have tried to end the practice. Their efforts appear to have finally paid off.

The 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law this month, requires the Department of Defense to provide Congress with a strategy and detailed timeline by March for the replacement of animals for medical training.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which applauds the move, said Fort Bragg training accounts for about a third of the animal deaths caused by the military each year ....

Hope nobody in PETA ever needs a pig's heart valve to save their life....
milnews.ca said:
Bump to an older thread with an update .....
Hope nobody in PETA ever needs a pig's heart valve to save their life....

I kind of hope they do. That way they can have their faith in the cause REALLY tested.

Ingrid Newkirk, the president and founder of PETA is diabetic, and she uses insulin derived from swine pancreas.

So..round 1 of "Who's the biggest hypocrite" goes to...
Pandora114 said:
.... Ingrid Newkirk, the president and founder of PETA is diabetic, and she uses insulin derived from swine pancreas ....
Close - it's PETA's VP who's diabetic - and here's how she reportedly defends using insulin:
“I’m an insulin-dependent diabetic. Twice a day I take synthetically manufactured insulin that still contains some animal products — and I have no qualms about it… I’m not going to take the chance of killing myself by not taking insulin. I don’t see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals.”

Pandora114 said:
So..round 1 of "Who's the biggest hypocrite" goes to...
This part is still correct ....

smoked pork butt,  pulled pork sammiches, bacon, pork chops, baby back ribs, side ribs, sausages, the USA Army needs to invite the Canadian one down for a cook off.  See who makes the best Pork product. 
I share a lot with PETA...

... it's People who Eat Tasty Animals, right ??
Another factoid about PETA:

They euthanize more domestic animals than they "save" and Re-home.

http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/24/documents-peta-kills-more-than-95-percent-of-pets-in-its-care/#ixzz1nP1mXYuv  Those are their 2011 numbers. 

As an animal lover, I support rescues, and responsible pet ownership.  I also know that our modern farm animals have had all their intelligence bred out of them over the centuries, so now they are just walking, breathing meat factories.  (A friend of mine, his inlaws own a beef farm, a cow had to have a calf pulled..she was too stupid to push I guess, and the cow just ignored the calf and walked away.) 

So US Army, you keep on practicing on those pigs, just invite us all down for a BBQ when you're done, eh?  We'll bring the beer.
Pandora114 said:
...... for a cook off.  See who makes the best Pork product.
I've been involved with this type of training in the past; depending on the school, it could also be a goat BBQ.  :nod:
Journeyman said:
I've been involved with this type of training in the past; depending on the school, it could also be a goat BBQ.  :nod:

Never had goat before.  I think I can dig up a recipe for a Moroccan goat stew...

Clerks are allowed to cook too right?
Journeyman said:
Yep. Drop your boiling-bag into the pressure cooker with everyone elses.  ;)

mmm  Field food.  I had it when I was a kid.  It was pretty good then.  Heard it's better now.
Journeyman said:
I've been involved with this type of training in the past; depending on the school, it could also be a goat BBQ.  :nod:
Not at (at least) Fort Bragg anymore ....
Pandora114 said:
Never had goat before.  I think I can dig up a recipe for a Moroccan goat stew...

Mmmmmn Moroccan Goat stew, washed down with a couple of bottles of
