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U of Windsor Pres Wonders Whether AFG Mission is About Oil

The Bread Guy

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If he REALLY doesn't know, he's not doing much reading - an interesting stance for somone committed to (according to his bio) "the importance of universities as places where learning, discovery and creativity in all disciplines make essential contributions to society."

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U of W president questions purpose of Afghan mission
Donald McArthur, Windsor Star, 20 Jan 09
Article link

University of Windsor president Alan Wildeman questioned the mission in Afghanistan Monday, wondering in a speech to a room full of Rotarians whether Canadian soldiers were there for oil.

"I can't help but become emotional each time a casket is flown home with another young Canadian in it who has been engaged in a conflict that I really can't understand, and I try really hard to understand it," said Wildeman in a lunchtime speech at the Caboto Club.

"I don't know. Is it really about a better future for all of us? Is it really a war on terror? Is it about oil? I just don't know and I wish I did."

The remarks came during a prepared speech where Wildeman discussed the global economic turmoil and the "magnitude of the expectations" being shouldered by incoming U.S. President Barack Obama, who will be inaugurated today as the 44th president.

"There seems to be a desperation in the air right now," said Wildeman, who took over from Ross Paul on July 1.

"There seems to be a sense that a lot of things are happening and a lot of things are changing."


Wildeman was noncommittal when asked after his speech whether he thought Canada should pull its troops out of Afghanistan.

"Because I don't know why we're there, I don't know if we should be there," said Wildeman.

Because Afghanistan is sitting on a sea of oil.  ::)
"I don't know. Is it really about a better future for all of us? Is it really a war on terror? Is it about oil? I just don't know and I wish I did."

If only he worked somewhere where he could ask smart people about viable oil reserves in Afghanistan.
No.  No.  NO.  It was a Pipeline.  To ........ Pakistan...........No, China.    Or was it going to Georgia through Iran?  Wait, it wasn't oil; it was Natural Gas.  :o
George Wallace said:
No.  No.  NO.  It was a Pipeline.  To ........ Pakistan...........No, China.    Or was it going to Georgia through Iran?  Wait, it wasn't oil; it was Natural Gas.   :o

No, wait, it was a PROPOSED pipeline.....  I'm not alone, I see....
George Wallace said:
No.  No.  NO.  It was a Pipeline.  To ........ Pakistan...........No, China.    Or was it going to Georgia through Iran?  Wait, it wasn't oil; it was Natural Gas.   :o

And it was funded by Hallibur....I mean Kellogg, Brown and Ro....I mean Blackwat....the mastermind was Dick Chen...I mean Donald Rumsf...or was it George Bu....MATT DAMON MATT DAMON MATT DAMON (if anyone remembers Team America). 
Not much of a "prepared" speech if he just stood up there asking question after question. And how is this news? I'd question the Windsor Star for producing a completely irrelevant non-story as much as the U of W for supposedly producing such a bewildered individual as its president. Who cares if he is non-committal?
GDawg said:
Not much of a "prepared" speech if he just stood up there asking question after question. And how is this news? I'd question the Windsor Star for producing a completely irrelevant non-story as much as the U of W for supposedly producing such a bewildered individual as its president. Who cares if he is non-committal?
Guess they never had anyone covering the Obama story.
Dr. Alan Wildeman 
(519) 253-3000 Ext: 2000
Room 505 Chrysler Hall Tower

Whoooopsies.  Guess we'll all have to e-mail him now.
Wildeman was noncommittal when asked after his speech whether he thought Canada should pull its troops out of Afghanistan.

"Because I don't know why we're there, I don't know if we should be there," said Wildeman.

I can think of a University of Guelph activist-communist who'd probably like to award Wildeman a Leadership Award for that statement ...


Michael O`Leary said:
If only he worked somewhere where he could ask smart people about viable oil reserves in Afghanistan.

You said it Michael. It makes me wonder how someone this learned in terms of world affairs can get a position like this. Nice to see he'll be influencing the student body and helping shape some ideas and sparking healthy debate! Yuck.

- Our universities are bastions of institutionalized socialism.  Aside from the sets of actually useful skills (engineering, science, medicine, commerce, law), most of the effort of a university is directed towards maintaining the socialist cadre. Students pay their wedge of the tuition, after which they pretend to learn while the profs pretend to teach.  The students are then CERTIFIED (vice EDUCATED) and have a slip of paper assisting their eventual admittance to the bureaucracy.  University presidents are chosen for their level of enslavement to the dogma of socialism, not their intellect.
It seems to me that socialism is all about cowardice and greed.

Cowardice, as in never being willing to lay down any comfort, or take any risk of any harm to one's self for the betterment of anyone but yourself.

Greed, as in, wanting everything belonging to everyone, thus no one has to work hard for anything. "Socialism: Where everyone shares. With someone who has more."

I do not subscribe to that ethos.

I have not often found anyone who has actually been, willingly, in combat, who does not understand the need for combat.

I have, however, often found that hollywood women and the effeminite hollywood men are leaders in criticizing, ridiculing, and belittling any and all who are involved in combat, unless, of course, they are terrorists who would murder children to make headlines. Then they are "freedom fighters struggling against American imperialism."

Socialism is just one of many steps on the way down the tube for a society.

And, being truthful and honest have nothing to do with socialism, at all. Thus the constant whining attacks on anything that involves military action. Socialism seems to have at its heart the destruction of any society where being rewarded for character and hard work is valued.
I've gotta give the guy credit for one thing though. Those in his position are often quick to commit to taking a particular stand on an issue. At least he admitted ignorance and didn't try to take a specific stand one way or the other. That takes a certain amount of courage of its own in a society where everyone is so quick to form, hold, and vociferously argue their opinion, regardless of whether they're informed or not.

Ridiculous. I can't believe that you think university is just about the promotion of socialism. Personally I just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History, and I think its laughable that you think professors simply 'pretend' to teach. I had many profs of many different backgrounds and ethnicities and to say that they 'pretended' to teach me is personally offensive. When was the last time you sat in an advanced seminar class and voiced your opinions? As for your useful level of skills, give me a break, many of those you list have little to do with anything in the real world and only refer to specific occupations. Last time I checked a degree in Science isn't too helpful in the real world, unless you're in a lab. Also I took a course based on globalism and indeed argued until I was blue in the face against the typical socialist behavior, and quite frankly crushed most people of that opinion. While I do not agree with the president of U of Windsor's position, I think you are being unfair in your labeling of a University degree.

To the guy who is featured in the article at the start of this thread, is he a bloody ostrich with his head in the sand?
Last time I checked, the world wide web was invented by the science homeboys at CERN.  I would argue that has made a profound impact on 'real life', or whatever that really is anyways.

But you are right; there are a myriad of degrees that weren't listed that play an important role in the development of our society.  It would be silly to deny their far reaching influences.

Mkay, back to this silly story.
sm1lodon said:
I have, however, often found that slutty hollywood women and the effeminite hollywood men are leaders in criticizing, ridiculing, and belittling any and all who are involved in combat, unless, of course, they are terrorists who would murder children to make headlines. Then they are "freedom fighters struggling against American imperialism."

Wow, tell us how you really feel.  ::)

On topic:  I certainly hope the U of W Pres will read up on the reason we are in Afghanistan.  But at least he didn't say we shouldn't be there.
George Wallace said:
Guess they never had anyone covering the Obama story.

No. That was today's paper. Half the front section. Another daily waste of a good tree.

edit - spelling
TCBF said:
most of the effort of a university is directed towards maintaining the socialist cadre.
I think I have to add my 2 cents here.
I have two degrees...does that make me a double socialist  ???
I've spent a lot of time in university (more than some, a lot less than others), but in no way do I think it swayed my beliefs or political views. The only people who are influenced are those that haven't made up their minds or, who are weak minded and easily swayed; take your pick. Ya, there are some "interesting" individuals and profs at university, but they're not all like that. One prof I remember was a former NDP MP, but I also had a prof who trained me while in the Sups and is still an officer in the Regiment.
So while some of what you are saying might be true, you can't sterotype everyone.
BTW, am I certified? Yes. But am I educated? I dunno, maybe you can ask my students...they seem to think so. But what do they know anyway, right?