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Two dead, 22 injured in Toronto shooting

Bass ackwards

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This CNEWS article is reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act.

Two dead, 22 injured in Toronto shooting
By Chris Doucette QMI Agency

TORONTO -- A barbecue ended in bloodshed as a reckless exchange of gunfire erupted in an east-end neighbourhood late Monday killing two people and injuring 22 others, including an infant.

The mass shooting, the worst in the city's history, occurred around 10:40 p.m. during a large house party and sent a throng of people running for their lives from 193 Danzig St., just south of Lawrence and Morningside Aves.

"I've been a cop for 35 years and this is the worst incident of gun violence in my memory anywhere in North America," Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said at the scene shortly after the bullets stopped flying.

The city's top cop was obviously distraught and had difficulty finding the words to describe how he was feeling about the shooting that he called "unprecedented" for Toronto.

"It's a very shocking event," Blair said. "A lot of innocent people were injured tonight."

It's believed more than 200 partygoers were at the barbecue, described as an annual event by area residents. People were listening to music one second and dodging bullets the next.

Blair said "an altercation broke out among some individuals and there was an exchange of gunfire."

A young teenage girl, whose name was not immediately released, and a man, believed to be about 20, were killed.

Blair said 19 others were wounded by gunfire in the shooting and three were hurt in the stampede as the crowd fled.

An infant was among those struck by bullets, but the chief said the child's injuries are not life-threatening.

"This is the most serious crime of its kind that has ever taken place in the City of Toronto," an emotional Blair said. "I think every citizen in Toronto will be a little shaken up by what has transpired here in Scarborough tonight.

"In one single evening, to have two people lose their lives and 19 innocent people cut down by gunfire, it's a shocking incident," he said, adding he expects people across the country will be stunned.

The aftermath of the terrifying shooting was chaotic.

A total of 16 ambulances, some from the surrounding regions, and the Toronto EMS bus responded to the scene and rounded up victims, some of whom fled the immediate area.

Paramedics assessed patients and whisked them away to Sunnybrook, St. Mike's and Scarborough hospitals as neighbourhood residents -- most of whom were unwilling to talk about the deadly gun violence -- frantically tried to locate loved ones.

"This is unique," Toronto EMS Deputy Chief Garrie Wright said of the mayhem medics faced. "But our paramedics are highly trained. They train for incidents just like this."

Cops from across the city responded to the shooting.

Homicide detectives, officers from the Gun and Gang Unit, Intelligence Unit, ETF and 43 Division all spent the night at the scene gathering evidence and interviewing to witnesses.

"A lot of people fled the scene, but a lot of them have come back and are talking to us," Blair said, adding investigators have some "good leads" and have already made "significant progress."

One man, who was among the wounded, was taken into custody and Blair said he is "a person of interest."

A handgun was found at the scene but the chief said more than one firearm was involved.

"This is a very serious crime and it demands our full effort to bring the persons responsible for this to justice," he said.

Blair offered his "most sincere condolences and support" to the families of those who were killed and injured in the "senseless violence."

"This is a tremendously frightening and tragic event for all involved," he said.

Article link:

A house party at 11pm probably isn't the the best environment for an infant.
I lived down the road from this area. Doesnt surprise me in the least. Prayers for the victims and a hope they catch the perpetrators, however, I don't see this situation changing any time soon.
Now because of a few drunk Idiot's the ban all handguns in Toronto/Canada lobby will start up with renewed vigor.
"You all know this would not have happened if Canadian's were not aloud to have guns," haw haw right we know Dumb f#*ks have legal guns.
my72jeep said:
Now because of a few drunk Idiot's the ban all handguns in Toronto/Canada lobby will start up with renewed vigor.
"You all know this would not have happened if Canadian's were not aloud to have guns," haw haw right we know Dumb f#*ks have legal guns.

This isnt a matter of drunk idiots firing at one another. This area is rife with drugs, gangs, and a lot of "old world" mentalities that are accepted by the majority of residents. I would not be phased to hear that the violence was gang related.

The vast majority of these guns are not bought or sold legally in Canada. Gun control isn't going to solve these issues. It is a convienent scapegoat for politicians and the MSM.
Bass ackwards said:
TORONTO -- A barbecue ended in bloodshed as a reckless exchange of gunfire erupted
The point isn't that there was shooting, but that it was "reckless."  Exhale. Pause. Slowly squeeze the trigger......

You'd think they'd learn after the last 'target-rich' shooting at the Eaton Centre.  Toronto -- can't even do gang slayings right  ::)
A large part of the problem with many there is the lack of a good strong, live at home, working for a living father figure.

'Baby Daddies' are not father figures. ::)

But I'm sure the typical Toronto response of building them more basketball courts will help.

After all, soon we'll be told by their lawyers that they were just starting to turn their lives around, as the Crown gives them bail.
rmc_wannabe said:
The vast majority of these guns are not bought or sold legally in Canada. Gun control isn't going to solve these issues. It is a convienent scapegoat for politicians and the MSM.
I know this you know this every one here knows that. I was being a dumb ass.
my72jeep said:
I know this you know this every one here knows that. I was being a dumb ***.

I admire your honest ;D . My sarcasm meter is on the fritz.... need coffee :blotto:
recceguy said:
A large part of the problem with many there is the lack of a good strong, live at home, working for a living father parental figure.

The picture of the teenaged girl (in the article link) leads me to agree with you on that one.
recceguy said:
A large part of the problem with many there is the lack of a good strong, live at home, working for a living father figure.

'Baby Daddies' are not father figures. ::)

But I'm sure the typical Toronto response of building them more basketball courts will help.

After all, soon we'll be told by their lawyers that they were just starting to turn their lives around, as the Crown gives them bail.

Build 3 basketball courts but only give them 2 balls..
The press are remarkably coy about revealing any context of the nature of the party and the people involved.  I think I read the word "gang" three times in two articles.  But that should be enough to reassure people that this is not a problem of neighbours exchanging volleys across the fence during backyard barbeques.
So who's willing to bet when they do find the people responsible for this, and I use that word loosely, at least one of them will have been on a conditional sentence / probation ?
R031button said:
So who's willing to bet when they do find the people responsible for this, and I use that word loosely, at least one of them will have been on a conditional sentence / probation ?
My :2c: 80/20
Too bad this sh*t is happening. It has been building up over many years and the area is probably rife with problems. I think Canadians as a whole need to really want to "take back" their country. I don't know what the solution is but a knee jerk reaction by City of Toronto or province or Ottawa is not going to solve this mess.

The problem didn't pop up overnight and it will not go away with a quick and easy solution.

Anybody who really knows this area or has lived there got any ideas/suggestions?
Excerpts from this CBC article reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act:
(highlights mine)

Shooting fallout: TCHC head promises to evict anyone with a gun

...Gene Jones, who has only recently taken up the post as president and CEO of the housing organization, left no doubt about how he intends to deal with anyone caught with weapons in his housing units.

"We have a gun policy that means no guns at all," Jones told reporters.

He said anyone on TCHC property with a gun will be arrested and he will evict whoever they were visiting."

Jones said the party was supposed to end at 9 p.m., but continued without TCHC permission.

"It didn't stop. It wasn't sanctioned by TCHC."

He said he doesn't have any magic solution but finding jobs for disenfranchised youth could go a long way to keeping them out of gangs.

"Kids have guns that shouldn't have guns," he said. "We just gotta get those guns off the street — plain and simple."

Full article:


I think he may have a battle on his hands trying to evict someone on those grounds. I could be wrong, I'm not too up on the current Landlord/Tenant Act.

And does anyone really believe that most -hell, any- of those "disenfranchised youths" would actually prefer to get up every day and go to some job ?
Bass ackwards said:
And does anyone really believe that most -hell, any- of those "disenfranchised youths" would actually prefer to get up every day and go to some job ?

Exactly.  Why go to work at McD's for minimum wage when welfare is free and/or the drug/sex trade is so lucrative? 
So the TCHC's version of a mall cop is going to confront an armed thug and say, "No, no; no guns here," is that the plan?  :facepalm: