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Tussauds' Hitler wax figure sparks uproar in Germany

In Germany it is illegal to wear/display a Nazi uniform, perform a Hitler salute, make/display a swastika ... basically everything related to that period is anathema.

German children are taught about what happened, how and why and have the lessons learned from those events drilled into them.  I remember when I was having nachos with My friend Thomas (native German) when a table of 'tipsy' people 10 meters from us had a guy start singing Deutschland uber alles.  I thought it took alot to make him really pissed off,  I guess it only took a song.

I don't think it is that they want to forget,  I think it is because they were so strongly affected by that time they can't view it with the detached curiosity we can.  Example: a guy was arrested, charged and convicted for selling anti-nazi tee shirts.  These shirts show a swastika  in a red circle with a line through it. ( http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/769481.html )