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Turkey vs Iraq news

Because they and the other Kurds are actually one in the same....the rest is political fiction
Yes unfortunately this political 'fiction' is costing lives and mega $$$ which could have been used for something better. Not to mention unstability to where it really is needed.

Lots of puzzling things going on there.... Iraq govt just declared PKK as a terrorist organization (x number of years later than USA and EU, Can etc)... but still their people are freely driving around villages...

Another interesting thing is, a Times journalist was able go to the terrorist training camps and interview all these women and men training to be bad guys and yet they cannot be located for extermination. How sad is that?
Turkish F-16 launch the first cross border air strike to different PKK positions in Iraqi Kurdistan... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7059721.stm

Just some more information on the subject for those interested .
The PKK released 8 captured Turkish soldiers. They were handed over to Iraqi authorities who in turn passed them on to the US who will see that they get back to Turkey.

Amazing the effect of a punitive expedition....  ;D

Thanks for posting that good to here  and sorry for the late response been busy at work lately witch is a good thing .

Just an update from CTV news site for those interested