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Trying to start a reserve unit

redleafjumper said:
Yes, it is Prince George.   The Rocky Mountain Rangers have made a few attempts over the past 15 years to try to re-establish the company that was shut down.   The last attempt by the previous CO was shut down by Brigade - it seemed to be gaining momentum, a few of us had even carried processing to come off of Supp List and the rug got pulled out from under everyone.   It's one of the hazards of living out west and up north in a country that has its votes down south and back east.

The rangers are a sweet unit in kamloops I though about joining them, but didn't real want to move to kamloops. Kamloops is a nice place to live, though I'll at mitt that. Training would be awful cold in Prince George. I had 2 partners of mine start a small unit in Ontario. Good luck!

from gomerpyle
I had 2 partners of mine start a small unit in Ontario. Good luck!

from gomerpyle

Really?  Interesting.  Which unit is that?
I'd like to know that as well.......

I think I smell poo ....    ::)

Franko, I haven't seen a post from you in forever  :o 4 posts and he gets a verbal, on a roll he is, maybe he should tag team with the Pte/Sgt Combat diver/paratrooper who was on here earlier.  ::)
Island Ryhno said:
Franko, I haven't seen a post from you in forever   :o

Been busy gearing up for Roto 4........

Gotta love TMST!!!  ;D

Going on confirmation ex on 13 June...... busy busy

Just getting caught up whenever I can here and there.....

Looks like I didn't miss much.  ::)

Waiting for a reply from Mr Pyle though.

Did you send Gomerpyle something? or is Mr Pyle someone else?

Franko and the rest of us, are waiting for you to substantiate your statement:  ::)

Quote from GomerPyle:

"I had 2 partners of mine start a small unit in Ontario. Good luck!"

from gomerpyle

Prove it, or shut it.  ;)
I had 2 partners of mine start a small unit in Ontario. from gomerpyle

Poo is right, fresh, hot and steaming to say the least.

Humm, at 10 posts and already at 'Strike 2', look what spouts from the mouth of babes, and yet another hollow profile to back up another high profile poser. Me thinks its time for a purge here Gents.

I just love the quality of these '10' so called posts.

:warstory: Req dir auth by Mods for 'Strike 3' action on this individual - OUT!

I was wondering about what other people think about other locations for new reserve formations.

Once upon a time, Prince Rupert had a reserve infantry battalion, but it was demobilised. However, say give a company of a reformed battalion to Prince Rupert, another to Kitimat, and another to Terrace, you have a (understrength) battalion in an area of some 40 00 people. Having these forces, in addition to a Prince George company, would increase the importance of a training facility in Northern BC.

Here in Alberta, though, we also have the booming cities of Grande Prairie (with 50 000 people and only some rangers in the surrounding area), and Fort McMurray (over 60 000 people and nothing that I'm aware of). Though unemployment in these cities is low, the cost of living (especially in Fort McMurray) is pretty high. Plus, the distance from either city can't be any further from Wainwright than Medicine Hat or Lethbridge.

Your thoughts?
My thoughts, and mine alone, no spamming me please.
BC has seen the removal of most of its' former military facilities, and deactivation of its major training base ( Chilliwack), It seems the Feds have no interest in maintaining a military presence in one of the most strategic areas of the country. That said, and in line with previous posts, I would love to see the RMR expand  to its former glory, with companies scattered theoughout the Cariboo , and the Columbia /Kooteney. The RMR has a long history in the area, and there are many who would gladly return to the fold (Off supp list) to rebuild a presence in Western Canada. The major problem is the lack of political will, as the dis-infranchised West is not part of the Centrist Liberal Political persuasion
The cash is there, make the Liberal party repay all of its ill gotten gains from the public trough! :cdn:
Hello Franko,

First of all I'd like to apologize. I shouldn't of said they started a unit but were trying to start a unit, that what I ment to, sorry to all member and guess who read my misqote.

from: Gromerpyle

On the right track but you have a long way to go with the apologies my friend...

think it over, then get busy.

Hello Franko,

First of all I'd like to apologize. I shouldn't of said they started a unit but were trying to start a unit, that what I ment to, sorry to all member and guess who read my misqote.

Way too little, way too late
Gomerpyle, I'm willing to cut you a little slack, (it is, after all, a comic choice of name) but realize that there are people on this forum with a great deal of experience, both in the military and in other aspects of life, and any attempt to shovel us poo-poo is going to be rigorously challenged.  I suggest that, as you are new, that you browse, lurk if you prefer, and read the posts of others for a while before you begin posting. There is some great stuff here and you would do well to take advantage of it.  As in any forum, there is also some information that is questionable, please don't add to it.  You might also find it useful to check the profiles of others who post and realize that when your own profile lacks verifiable detail you will be met with much suspicion.

When I started this thread, I was looking for useful information that would make a serious contribution to the lobbying efforts of those trying to start a reserve unit in Prince George.  There have been many useful posts, some of which have been incorporated into the lobbying process.  I hope that there will be many more.

ttfn (taa taa for now) 

Wesley H. Allen said:

Way too little, way too late

We'll soon see Wes......

It's in GOMERPYLE's court now.

Received yet another negative response from the Defence minister regarding a unit in Prince George.  It would seem that if there is to be any change in policy a change of government will be necessary.
Yeah it's too bad that there's 2 ways to spell Canada- Ontario, Quebec.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to up man the RMR & LER in Alberta.  Hmmmmm, Maybe King Ralph could spend some of his ill gotten gains.

As we were closing CFS Beaverlodge in 85, some of the locals suggested using the base to house a Res unit & the Rangers fm Dawson Cr.  Needless to say all that is left is the pine trees on Main St, the sewage lagoons & a very derelict rifle range.

So much for that idea!!

Similar thoughts were expressed at the close of CFS Baldy Hughes in '88.  The old radar station has changed hands a few times and now it is a guest ranch.  One of the early owners bought it for a dollar, logged it for big bucks and then sold it for more cash.  The radar is in the hands of transport Canada.  All the pine trees left at this old pine tree line site are now red from the beetle.
We went through a similar and very frustrating expeience with LFRR in trying to raise a troop of the SaskD in Swift Current (I have described this in detail elsewhere, so I won't slog through all the details). We also developed two proposals to tactically group our Arty units (done) and our Svc Bns (coming soon). We learned three things:

-the Army Reserve internal political world continues to be dominated by voices (in and out of uniform) centred in Toronto and Calgary. Outcasts in forgotten places like SK. MB and NWON are not on their screen unless of course we threaten their empires by talking about the "a" word;

-there is a dominance of thinking that says that only units in big cities can be successful and should be assisted; and

-far fewer restrictions were applied to some proposals for new sub-units in Ontario than were applied to us in 38 CBG. As a result we have ended up trying to raise an Engr Sqn inside a recce unit.

All I can say is: keep trying, as we did. Use everything: Honoraries, Legion, MPs, MPPs, the media, whatever you have to get your idea out. If you are in uniform you must respect the chain of command, but if you are not you have much greater freedom of action. I just heard yesterday that our Sask D troop might get a revival. Lesson: don't give up on a good thing.

I am utterly convinced that one the worst mistakee we have made in the last 50 years was shutting down all those rural units.