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Truth, Duty, Valour - Season 2 starting January 5th

I think they were filmin 1 RCR for a while there. I dunno, camera's showed up a bunch of times for the platoons were doing training for overseas.
I still haven't seen the basic para one yet. I want to see if I can see my buddies ugly mug on TV so I can make fun of him (his name is dewittering, so if any of you jumpers in 3 VP read this, smack em for me)
I remember at Ex Stelwart Guardian 04 that when we finally arrived in camp we had to sign a waiver for TDV if we wanted to have our faces on camera or not. It must have been a daunting task to find out who did and who didn't out of the 3500 some odd people that were there this summer.
In Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge area, it's 48, just check your TV guide, or watch the listing channel to find out what it is where you are.
Thanks for that, I watched this show a couple times before but never really looked into it.

I missed it last night though =/ oh well, I'll catch it on Sunday  :salute:

Hello everyone,
My name is Colin McKeown and I am the producer of Truth Duty Valour. I am posting to hopefully help many of you who may have missed the first episode of TDV2 this past Wednesday.
Evidently TV Guide and other television schedules have the wrong times listed for the show during the next few weeks, so please don't use them! The best guide for timings is our website. Sometimes OLN will play the shows more than scheduled but that is usually not planned.
We will endeavour to keep the website up-to-date with all changes to their schedule. My apologies to those that missed the first show, unfortunately it was beyond our control. Thankfully the first show will repeat this Sunday.

On a personal note, the two best shows of the season in my humble opinion, are Exercise Stalwart Guardian and Pathfinders. I think the people who frequent this website will really enjoy those shows.

Please feel free to email us to provide ideas or constructive criticism of Truth Duty Valour. We want to make it as accurate and true-to-life as possible.


Executive Producer
Truth Duty Valour
www.truthdutyvalour.ca :cdn:
Thanks for the info Colin.  I love your show.  Keep up the good work. :)
awesome show, i can't wait to see more new ones. i have seen all the season 1 episodes about 5 times each, haha. so far season 2 is looking great after the combat divers show i saw wednesday. i find the best way to get the times for the show is to go to oln.ca and find the link to the oln broadcast schedual
Thanks colin for your dedication to the forces. The positive exposure is greatly appreciated by everyone.  :salute:
Is there any plans to promote this to another network in addition to OLN? Like, for example the CBC?
Just curious.
ramy said:
Putting it on DVD will be cool too :D

the episodes for season one and some of season two are available on VHS and DVD. go to the website and look under merchandise. to answer the other statement about CBC - we have been trying been it is really difficult. my hope is to have a full 13-part documentary series on the CF done in the next year or so for a major network like CBC or History
Just like to say that it is a great show, and can't wait until i see the one about Exercise Stalwart Guardian i've read so much about it and been wanting to see some real footages.

I'm a fan of the show as well. I can't say I was surprised to learn, however, that the producers are encountering difficulty in getting CBC to bring this pro-military show to a broader audience.   I wonder if this is because of the usual political / politically correct reasons or are there actual difficulties - non political -   in getting this show on national television to help educate the broader public about the role the CF has?

I find your show to be informative, well-balanced and objective.   Some staffers at the CBC may do well to learn a few lessons in these journalistic techniques.   ;D
Thanks man, much appreciated.

Not too excited for the showtimes though  :-\ And to think I only have a VCR.. damn 5 yr old niece watching her movies all the time :(

Aw well, I'm sure I can catch a rerun sometime when my insomniac kicks in for 3 in the morning  :D
Jay: A VCR cost about 50$!!  Buy another one!!  You can call it the TDVCR!!  ;D

Colin: It's a great show (What I saw of it last year). Hope you can find a way to put it on CBC or a major channel so I can watch it!!  Keep up the good work!
Do you expect to translate it in french for the buddies in Quebec?


That means getting up  ;D

Hmmm, second thought... I could probably make a run to wherever it might be sold  :o Perfect!  I have a new route to run next week  :D
Frank the Tank said:
Jay: A VCR cost about 50$!!   Buy another one!!   You can call it the TDVCR!!   ;D

Colin: It's a great show (What I saw of it last year). Hope you can find a way to put it on CBC or a major channel so I can watch it!!   Keep up the good work!
Do you expect to translate it in french for the buddies in Quebec?



frank we have taped the show in both english and french whenever possible. we were all set to edit the series in french for TQS but at the last minute they pulled out the deal. we hope to bring TV5 onboard in the next few months so we can get the series in Quebec. we are trying, standby to standby
