Great find Kirkhill!
It's amazing how blatantly the mainstream media twists what people say & present their message completely differently than how it was intended (or even what was actually said)
Years ago, I met a lovely young girl who was the daughter of my girlfriend's friend. She was around 6 years old or so, and just seemed like a happy, playful, innocent kid.
Fast forward roughly 8 or 9 months...this same friend is getting married, and we are invited to the wedding.
It was a Mormon wedding/reception held at a Mormon church, so it was all in a gymnasium that had been decorated. Same with
My girlfriend & I get sat at the same table as the little 6yo girl I had met 9 months prior, and I wanna say her grandma. (The bride's mom)
Holy shit... (I'm not trying to make a joke here)
That beautiful, happy, playful little girl who had been running around and laughing when I first met her was borderline catatonic, unable to speak, unable to turn her head, cried because of apparent constant neck pain, had very limited motor function, and you could tell had some sort of mental or processing handicap...
I actually didn't recognize her at first, until my girlfriend greeted her by name.
Long story short - I asked her grandma what had happened, as gently as I could.
And her answer? They took her in to get vaccinated (can't remember what for) and 2 weeks later she started having seizures, and over time had just become progressively worse
I realize there is a debate between whether vaccines can contribute to the onset of autism.
Regardless of whether they do or not isn't the point of my post here. But vaccines CAN be dangerous, extremely dangerous, if you're that unlucky person who has a severe reaction to them.
So with that in mind, should we be injecting a few dozen vaccines into babies? Especially for things that a baby would most likely not have, like Hep-B? (I'd say probably not...)
I'm not anti-vaccine. But I'm not pro 'inject my baby with a ton of chemicals and dead viruses within a few days of them being born' either
(Has there ever been studies on whether injecting multiple vaccines at once can cause subsequent medical issues? Maybe it isn't the vaccines causing these issues, but rather we are injecting a bunch of them into someone who's immune system hasn't even had a chance to really do anything yet?)