He pretty well needs to keep up the facade. If he announces he won't run again, he becomes a lame duck and everyone stops listening to him. All the news becomes about his replacement and not him. Nobody will care about his promises (lies) as he won't be anywhere near a position to accomplish them. All he can do to alleviate that, is to announce his replacement and walk away. At the same time, the party can't progress, can't regain the confidence or support of the people. Keeping him in play just sinks the party further. Passing the torch to freeland is a sucker deal. She's hated almost as much as His Nibs and her style and tone of her speaking is horrible and not conducive to people listening much past the first couple of sentences. And that's usually "Let me perfectly clear. Canada is at the top of the G7. Blah, blah, blah." All this only matters if the liberals are truly interested in sovereignty, freedom and the Canadian people.
If we go back to the beginning, when he promised to make us the first post national state and his progress to that end so far, we can expect him to hold out until the people vote the party out. Giving us over to global Marxism certainly seems to have been his purpose in life. Economy is in the toilet. Out of control immigration. Rampant inflation. No housing. No jobs. And a government that is increasingly intruding on people's rights and forcing people to opt for more social programs to keep living. This isn't simply a by-product of his amateur leadership, it is by design. All of that to say that if this is his true purpose, you can expect him to keep chugging towards a globalist utopia and doing as much damage as possible to our democracy as he can until he is forced off the Hill.
That's the way I see it, through my lenses anyway.