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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Fair enough but I question why the timing would be necessary to be in line with the US. They are at their set deadline and so will we next year.
It’s not necessary. I think the CPC have some (valid) concerns that a Trump victory in November followed by nine months of him in power may have a bit of a drag effect on support for the CPC in Canada. CPC support is probably at or very close to its peak right now, and sustaining such a peak is difficult. With more than a year to go before our own election, they’re probably cognizant that the margin, while still likely to strongly favour CPC, probably won’t be quite a dismal for the LPC as it is now. Worst case they may fear being held to a minority government.

Canadian elections this fall are very much not a need, but they probably are very much a want for team blue. I have no reason to believe they’ll get what they want though, as both LPC and NDP currently stand to get blown out of the water, and both would desperately like to see CPC miss a majority.
It’s not necessary. I think the CPC have some (valid) concerns that a Trump victory in November followed by nine months of him in power may have a bit of a drag effect on support for the CPC in Canada. CPC support is probably at or very close to its peak right now, and sustaining such a peak is difficult. With more than a year to go before our own election, they’re probably cognizant that the margin, while still likely to strongly favour CPC, probably won’t be quite a dismal for the LPC as it is now. Worst case they may fear being held to a minority government.

Canadian elections this fall are very much not a need, but they probably are very much a want for team blue. I have no reason to believe they’ll get what they want though, as both LPC and NDP currently stand to get blown out of the water, and both would desperately like to see CPC miss a majority.

The only reason to have an election for some is due to current polling and mood. I understand that perfectly. I would be lying if I said I did not think that change is needed (I may however differ on how that change comes about or what that looks like).

I suspect you are correct that 9 months of Trump may be as much of a factor at that time as much as four years of Biden might be at this time.
I suspect you are correct that 9 months of Trump may be as much of a factor at that time as much as four years of Biden might be at this time.

And to be clear, I’m not taking a position on how valid or justified that might be; just that it likely will be a factor should Trump win, and probably not one that plays to the CPC’s advantage. Though they have such a commanding lead that whatever difference that would make probably wouldn’t matter much.
And to be clear, I’m not taking a position on how valid or justified that might be; just that it likely will be a factor should Trump win, and probably not one that plays to the CPC’s advantage. Though they have such a commanding lead that whatever difference that would make probably wouldn’t matter much.
Absolutely. Trudeau wants nothing more than to run against Trump in the 2025 election. He's put some effort into planting shit seeds e.g "Poilievre wants to make Canada great again".
Suck it, Pierre!

Here is an article discussing why our economy is the fastest growing. It’s not for good reasons.

Worried about foreign interference investigations Want to spend more time with their family.
To be fair, lost the nomination fight to someone else, but until all the leaders are briefed in ....
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Absolutely. Trudeau wants nothing more than to run against Trump in the 2025 election. He's put some effort into planting shit seeds e.g "Poilievre wants to make Canada great again".
Sometimes I read or watch something that makes me again wonder if we're living in a simulation, and Trudeau is just the NPC that's the center character of this storyline...

Or if that's not the case, just how different his brain really function really is ...

Just imagine for a moment, that you are the Prime Minister of Canada. And you have been for the last 10 years.

Your ego won't allow you to see the massive problems that your policies have had. Sure, tens of thousands of families have had to uproot and move because you killed entire industries. The price of rent has skyrocketed. The price of homes has surpassed some of the most expensive luxury markets in the entire world.

Groceries are up. Homelessness is way up. Gas is way up. Taxes are way up. Unemployment is way up. Crime is way up. And the public debt is way up - up so much in fact that the interest to be paid on it rivals that of national Healthcare...

Now imagine, just imagine, saying that people shouldn't vote for the other guy because he's promising to "Make Canada Great Again!" and vows to use some common sense thinking to fix some problems that wouldn't exist if your own government approached the issues using common sense...

Imagine discouraging people from voting for the opposite guy because...well...what if he succeeds? What if he actually does make Canada better...isn't that utterly terrifying??

And now imagine walking off the podium actually thinking to yourself that you just did some actual damage to the other guy's campaign...
It’s not necessary. I think the CPC have some (valid) concerns that a Trump victory in November followed by nine months of him in power may have a bit of a drag effect on support for the CPC in Canada. CPC support is probably at or very close to its peak right now, and sustaining such a peak is difficult. With more than a year to go before our own election, they’re probably cognizant that the margin, while still likely to strongly favour CPC, probably won’t be quite a dismal for the LPC as it is now. Worst case they may fear being held to a minority government.

Canadian elections this fall are very much not a need, but they probably are very much a want for team blue. I have no reason to believe they’ll get what they want though, as both LPC and NDP currently stand to get blown out of the water, and both would desperately like to see CPC miss a majority.
I suspect you are correct that 9 months of Trump may be as much of a factor at that time as much as four years of Biden might be at this time.
And to be clear, I’m not taking a position on how valid or justified that might be; just that it likely will be a factor should Trump win, and probably not one that plays to the CPC’s advantage. Though they have such a commanding lead that whatever difference that would make probably wouldn’t matter much.

Trump 2.0 being a bad thing for Poilievre is a common theme of late. I’m not sure it’s actually a foregone conclusion. Trudeau’s potential inability to deal appropriately with Trump in a manner that fails to secure positive outcomes for Canada could conceivably play against the LPC.

“Do Canadians want three more years of getting beasted by Trump, or do they want someone to work pragmatically with him in a collaborative manner to ensure that Canadians fortunes are maximized?”
Sometimes I read or watch something that makes me again wonder if we're living in a simulation, and Trudeau is just the NPC that's the center character of this storyline...

Or if that's not the case, just how different his brain really function really is ...

Just imagine for a moment, that you are the Prime Minister of Canada. And you have been for the last 10 years.

Your ego won't allow you to see the massive problems that your policies have had. Sure, tens of thousands of families have had to uproot and move because you killed entire industries. The price of rent has skyrocketed. The price of homes has surpassed some of the most expensive luxury markets in the entire world.

Groceries are up. Homelessness is way up. Gas is way up. Taxes are way up. Unemployment is way up. Crime is way up. And the public debt is way up - up so much in fact that the interest to be paid on it rivals that of national Healthcare...

Now imagine, just imagine, saying that people shouldn't vote for the other guy because he's promising to "Make Canada Great Again!" and vows to use some common sense thinking to fix some problems that wouldn't exist if your own government approached the issues using common sense...

Imagine discouraging people from voting for the opposite guy because...well...what if he succeeds? What if he actually does make Canada better...isn't that utterly terrifying??

And now imagine walking off the podium actually thinking to yourself that you just did some actual damage to the other guy's campaign...
The thing is that “common sense” isn’t common, nor are the same things “common sense”. There are many “common sense” things that are…uh…common, but lots that aren’t.

Meme aside about it being a superpower, we all fall into the trap that we assume everyone else thinks the same as us regarding what is “common sense” or not. Recent example - some think that DEI or “woke” initiatives are a waste of time, while others think they are “common sense” that springs from taking care of your people. Both arguments have folks that think it’s “common sense” - the CPC even says it in their messaging, while it’s a major part of the LPC brand.

Common sense issues aren’t necessarily “common sense until it’s too expensive or too hard” either. It’s common sense to fight/prevent crime, but obviously crime continues. No one seriously says “let’s disband the specialist aspects of police and focus on reactionary policing” even though it’s not 100% successful.
And to be clear, I’m not taking a position on how valid or justified that might be; just that it likely will be a factor should Trump win, and probably not one that plays to the CPC’s advantage. Though they have such a commanding lead that whatever difference that would make probably wouldn’t matter much.
You can bet the liberals will take full advantage. They have used Trump before, they will again, in spades. Of course it'll depend on Trump’s performance. If he has reduced inflation, household and real estate expenses, taxes and fuel. If he manages peace deals in Ukraine and the ME, comparing the CPC to Trump may backfire big time.
If Biden wins, then Trump effectively disappears, and then what?
Trump will remain in the public sphere for as long as there's money to be grifted from conservatives. The man finally found a scheme that he can't possibly bankrupt.
He also still faces considerable legal jeopardy if he’s not able to get presidential immunity from prosecution. Were he to lose the election, we can probably bank on him mounting another legal campaign like last time to try to reverse the result.
I believe that the "Trump Factor" worked against the CPC in the last Canadian election to a significant degree. In recent months, Trudeau had been advised to ratchet back on the PP/Trump comparisons. I don't think he'll be able to contain himself much longer given that Trump is a virtual shoe-in for POTUS 47 given his near martyrdom two weeks ago and the obvious decline of Biden (I can't believe the Dems saying he's going to stay on!!!).

I think PP would be wise to keep some policy distance between himself and Trump. But will Trump come out in support of him? That will definitely not be helpful.
I believe that the "Trump Factor" worked against the CPC in the last Canadian election to a significant degree. In recent months, Trudeau had been advised to ratchet back on the PP/Trump comparisons. I don't think he'll be able to contain himself much longer given that Trump is a virtual shoe-in for POTUS 47 given his near martyrdom two weeks ago and the obvious decline of Biden (I can't believe the Dems saying he's going to stay on!!!).

I think PP would be wise to keep some policy distance between himself and Trump. But will Trump come out in support of him? That will definitely not be helpful.

It’s likely good politics for the LPC to try to connect Trump and PP, likely won’t work but still worth a shot.
However what is good for the LPC politically is a huge strategic risk for Canada with very massive potential negative consequences and no upsides.

If given a choice I have zero confidence Trudeau would choose Canada over the LPC and his political fortunes.