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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Come onnnnnn Sea Biscuit! ;)

Conservatives retaining lead over Liberals with slightly wider gap, new poll says​

A new poll suggests the Tories still have a small lead over the governing Liberals and have slightly widened the gap.

A new poll suggests the Tories still have a small lead over the governing Liberals and have slightly widened the gap.

The poll conducted by Leger over the weekend says 33 per cent of respondents would vote for the Conservatives and 30 per cent would vote for the Liberals if a federal election was underway.

It's the fourth consecutive monthly poll in which the Conservative party has maintained a lead — and the fourth since Pierre Poilievre became its leader.

Both parties were slightly down overall, with the NDP up to 21 per cent from 19 per cent in November and the People's Party of Canada doubling its support to four per cent, up from two per cent.

The poll is based on an online survey of 1,526 Canadians taken from Dec. 9 to Dec. 11, and it cannot be assigned a margin of error because online surveys are not considered truly random samples.

Support for both the Bloc Québécois and the Green Party held steady in the poll, at seven per cent and four per cent of national voter intentions respectively.

There was no perceptible bump for the Greens despite the recent re-election of Elizabeth May as party leader on a joint ballot with co-leader Jonathan Pedneault.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals held substantial leads in Atlantic Canada, where they were up nine points over the Tories, and in Quebec, where their support remained six points ahead of the Bloc.

Only 19 per cent of Quebec respondents said they would vote Conservative. Only eight per cent supported the NDP.

In Ontario, Poilievre's party enjoys a seven-point lead over the Liberals at 36 per cent, with Liberals at 29 per cent and the NDP at 26 per cent.

Same dilemma CPC always face. They need to accept the risk of losing some votes that don’t impact seat count in the prairies, in exchange for some more centrist policies to draw in swing voters from the red Tory and blue liberal cohort. They’re stuck in opposition until they accomplish this.
Same dilemma CPC always face. They need to accept the risk of losing some votes that don’t impact seat count in the prairies, in exchange for some more centrist policies to draw in swing voters from the red Tory and blue liberal cohort. They’re stuck in opposition until they accomplish this.
Very, very true ... but a distressingly large number of Conservatives disagree ... that's one of the big reasons Erin O'Toole was stabbed in the back replaced.
Very, very true ... but a distressingly large number of Conservatives disagree ... that's one of the big reasons Erin O'Toole was stabbed in the back replaced.
A distressingly large number of conservatives are unfortunately un-self aware, and would rather tantrum in opposition than accept some political compromise and hopefully form government. Changing a diaper means having to do the work and tolerate a bit of a smell. Otherwise it simply remains full of shit.
Very, very true ... but a distressingly large number of Conservatives disagree ... that's one of the big reasons Erin O'Toole was stabbed in the back replaced.
And the same reason Kenny was punted by his party in Alberta for attempting to govern on a moderate middle path that pleased the party fringe without turning off swing-able voters (while succeeding only to disappoint both groups and to appear imbalanced).
Same dilemma CPC always face. They need to accept the risk of losing some votes that don’t impact seat count in the prairies, in exchange for some more centrist policies to draw in swing voters from the red Tory and blue liberal cohort. They’re stuck in opposition until they accomplish this.
Didn't they have a, let's call it, distributed voting system last ldrshp race that ensures the leader would have support from all around Canada?

Still, PP received massive support,

@McG I think I was at sea when that happened, and I still can't believe they actually punted Kenney, of all people.
Didn't they have a, let's call it, distributed voting system last ldrshp race that ensures the leader would have support from all around Canada?

Still, PP received massive support,

@McG I think I was at sea when that happened, and I still can't believe they actually punted Kenney, of all people.

Support from paid up party members across Canada. Which is totally fine- a party should get to determine its membership and leadership criteria and processes. However, there’s a major gap to bridge between ‘party faithful’ and ‘persuadable voters’. That gap is the CPC’s vital ground.
And the same reason Kenny was punted by his party in Alberta for attempting to govern on a moderate middle path that pleased the party fringe without turning off swing-able voters (while succeeding only to disappoint both groups and to appear imbalanced).
The problem is way more fundamental than just CPC move to "middle" ground policies. O'tool moved to very middle ground in the last election...He didn't win.

The problem is 50 years of the culture, the media and big tech. Progressive thought has be the dominant force since the 70's. The move left is never a pendulum it is a ratchet. Conservative = Evil. I see it everyday. People living what is a conservative life but voting Liberal because Cons are mean.

CPC moving to the middle is not the answer. In truth they are in the middle now. Their policies if in power would do very little to change the course of the country just slow the decline.
Come onnnnnn Sea Biscuit! ;)

Conservatives retaining lead over Liberals with slightly wider gap, new poll says​

A new poll suggests the Tories still have a small lead over the governing Liberals and have slightly widened the gap.

A new poll suggests the Tories still have a small lead over the governing Liberals and have slightly widened the gap.

The poll conducted by Leger over the weekend says 33 per cent of respondents would vote for the Conservatives and 30 per cent would vote for the Liberals if a federal election was underway.

It's the fourth consecutive monthly poll in which the Conservative party has maintained a lead — and the fourth since Pierre Poilievre became its leader.

Both parties were slightly down overall, with the NDP up to 21 per cent from 19 per cent in November and the People's Party of Canada doubling its support to four per cent, up from two per cent.

The poll is based on an online survey of 1,526 Canadians taken from Dec. 9 to Dec. 11, and it cannot be assigned a margin of error because online surveys are not considered truly random samples.

Support for both the Bloc Québécois and the Green Party held steady in the poll, at seven per cent and four per cent of national voter intentions respectively.

There was no perceptible bump for the Greens despite the recent re-election of Elizabeth May as party leader on a joint ballot with co-leader Jonathan Pedneault.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals held substantial leads in Atlantic Canada, where they were up nine points over the Tories, and in Quebec, where their support remained six points ahead of the Bloc.

Only 19 per cent of Quebec respondents said they would vote Conservative. Only eight per cent supported the NDP.

In Ontario, Poilievre's party enjoys a seven-point lead over the Liberals at 36 per cent, with Liberals at 29 per cent and the NDP at 26 per cent.

I still don't believe in polls.

However, it's Christmas time. Nobody is even paying attention.

The poll is based on an online survey of 1,526 Canadians taken from Dec. 9 to Dec. 11, and it cannot be assigned a margin of error because online surveys are not considered truly random samples.

And Conservatives don't answer polls as a rule, so it always skews left.

Trudeau is losing votes every time he opens his lower facial orifice.
Support from paid up party members across Canada. Which is totally fine- a party should get to determine its membership and leadership criteria and processes. However, there’s a major gap to bridge between ‘party faithful’ and ‘persuadable voters’. That gap is the CPC’s vital ground.
And how many of those members are new insta-members who were juiced up by a particular candidate or issue that won’t resonate with “normies”?
And how many of those members are new insta-members who were juiced up by a particular candidate or issue that won’t resonate with “normies”?
The red and orange liberals don't charge to join their party. The Conservatives do. Not many will pay to become insta-members. Only, mostly solid, true supporters will join. With the other two, it's easy peezy. Hell, I join them just so I can write them and say I quit over their leadership and policies and generally make a nuisance of myself. It's free, cheap entertainment.:LOL:
And PP was micro targeting his party at the time.

That being said, there is no denying Trudeau’s popularity is not increasing.
That being said, there is no denying Trudeau’s popularity is not increasing.
Having both Dem and GOP-aligned family down south, it’s very enlightening to hear the most critique for Le Dauphin coming from the Dems. They ask me “who actually is running your country?!?” I tell them it varies between the West Wing and Xi Jinping, and that we currently seem to be trending more to taking direction from the West Wing these days.
Having both Dem and GOP-aligned family down south, it’s very enlightening to hear the most critique for Le Dauphin coming from the Dems. They ask me “who actually is running your country?!?” I tell them it varies between the West Wing and Xi Jinping, and that we currently seem to be trending more to taking direction from the West Wing these days.
Should have just cut to the chase and said Klaus Schwab and George Soros.🤯😄
And PP was micro targeting his party at the time.

That being said, there is no denying Trudeau’s popularity is not increasing.
Its not increasing but I don't see a path for the CPC.

With the government in full control of over 50% (64% if you go by the MLI) of the economy and GDP Liberals have a vise on future elections. Over 50% of working people now work in the public sector or government funded or controlled orgs. I have my doubts on them losing control.
The Angus Reid Institute indicates a bit of a gender gap.

Approval of Prime Minister Trudeau by age and gender

Most recent poll ( Sept. 2022 )

Female 47%

Male 32%

Plus not to mention the future voters in this country. The stuff I see my kids being "taught" in high school leads me to to have very little hope. When books like 1984, Animal Farm, even Gulag Archipelago are deemed not reliable written by old dead white guys. urgh.

History taught seem not even from the same planet. Funny story my son comes home.....Dad, the teacher told us he is going to break the rules and teach history a little different, he was going have a lesson on D-day and Vimy. He could get away with it because my sons class was off campus (hockey program) for that class.
The Angus Reid Institute indicates a bit of a gender gap.

Approval of Prime Minister Trudeau by age and gender

Most recent poll ( Sept. 2022 )

Female 47%

Male 32%

Damn that Woman's Suffrage!