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Trouble/concern on recruiting still ongoing ATM advice needed.


New Member
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I was recruiting into the reserves Late November Early December of 2009, Finished the CFAT Dec 9..and  apparently there was a 4 month hiatus on Reserve recruitment, and I called at the end of the haitus and there was still no reply, emails, phonecalls anything. I tried to contact them through the aforementioned methods, and it apparently failed to sum up reply.I called in just now, and uh they didn't really give me an exact reply: they said no openings until fall or winter. I apaprently still have the PT,medical and interview to do, and i would like to finish these before I move on.

I did use the search function before this so uh please don't lock this thread so quickly please?

And isn't the CFAT valid for a period of time? I did a search on it, i heard six months. And in 2 days it will be it. And are there any more time or reapplication constraints on the CFAT?

Any recruiters who can help me on this situation? Kinda confusing for me...I will call again later on this afternoon to get a better response if not i'll consider a reapplication in the fall or before univeristy

If you want more detail go ahead and ask.

Any sincere advice is needed

THANK YOU in advance.
I wouldnt worry about your cfat, I wrote the test in summer 2003 for reg force work and let my application slide.  When i went to apply for the reserves in april of this year i was told by cfrc that they found my old test and they took that one instead of making me write it again.  So the short answer is (and im not a recruiter or even a member yet so dont take me as gospel) you "should" be ok with the cfat!!!

Hope this helps and good luck!!
The CFAT does not have a stale date (caevat: that I am aware of) . If written and passed, your score is your score.
Now or 5 years from now.

In regards to your application to the reserves:

In Ontario, almost all reserve units have been given minimal new positions for this fiscal year. In 31 Brigade ( Southern Ontario) most units have 5 positions allotted. A few units have larger numbers ( in 31 Bde the RHLI and 31 CER), primarily co-op positions. Most units have filled their 5 or so spots with those folks who had completed the recruiting process (interview / medical / PT test etc) PRIOR to the recruiting freeze last year.

In all likelyhood you will have to wait until April next; but please contact the unit ( or units) you were interested in as they may have had merit listed people drop off their lists for a multitude of reasons.

Alternatively, if you are still in highschool, look into going COOP.

Ready to go:  Please refrain from giving advice to pers on things military.  When people like yourself do so, albeit with good intentions, , it makes our job on the Recruiting end much more difficult as YOU join the ranks of THOSE people an applicant has talked to / been informed by that it is possible to VOT from infantry to Nuclear Powered Frisbee Pilot at St. JEAN "no matter what the recruiter says!"
Steel Badger: I see nothing wrong with what readytogo said.  He offered no advice that was detrimental.  Furthermore he let everyone know that he wasn't even a member and not to take his word as gospel and used the word "should". He only relayed HIS experience with the recruiting system.  You yourself added a caveat "that I am aware of" which tells me you don't know either 100% if the CFAT is stale dated and therefore should refrain from answering these kinds of questions.

While I agree that un-informed people can offer bad or erroneus info, not all of them do.

You do make a good point, it just seems misplaced in this situation.

I agree Ready has good intentions; unfortunately, even the best intentioned "advice" from other applicants and various other persons can lead to frustration, anger and in some cases loss of opportunities when the recruting process does not or cannot match what they were told.

In regards to my caveat ( apologies all for mispelling the damn word.....): As far as I am aware, there are no changes to the policy..although the PSO world can and does seem to change things at a moment's notice.... Sorry if that tells you I should refrain from posting.....

Meanwhile I shall contine to offere advice from deep within my lane.


I didn't mean you should refrain from posting.  That came out wrong.  Merely saying that your answer to readytogo could have teh same logic applied to it since you were not a 100% sure.

My point is that his experience not his advice (I'm pretty sure he didn't offer anything but his experience) was perfectly within lanes and there was nothing wrong about it.  Plus he let him know where he was coming from ie a civy.

Can you tell me what he said that was wrong?

By all means, anyone who gets it wrong, call them on it.  I am well aware of the damaging info people can give potential applicants.  In my experience it's usually uniformed personel who have those same good intentions but get it wrong.

And yes the PSO world changes at a moments notice, as does the managing authorities, CFRG HQ directives, PRES recruiting numbers LFC budget spending etc etc etc.  The SIP changes daily.  Readytogo didn't talk about any of that.  Just his own experience.

Steel Badger said:
from infantry to Nuclear Powered Frisbee Pilot at St. JEAN "no matter what the recruiter says!"

What CFAT score would I need to get to be eligible for this Frisbee Pilot Position? Is it Phase V Pilot Training??  ;D
THANK YOU FOR ALL THE KIND ADVICE, Im going to call the CFRC for a more precise answer, I originally applied for QOR but they were full so they told me to get a unit swap and call me this week, I shall call now for it. And isnt Southern Ontario 32nd Brigade? Anywho thank you very much all of you. Hopefully I can finish all the tests and what not before University.

And one more question, Is it quicker to get accepted If I do co-op? Ive read a few posts about people getting processed faster in Co-op. And im going into Grade 12 next year, but course selections are done so, maybe impossible.

Anywho again I thank you all
32 Bde units are located in the greater Toronto area, including oakville. The G&SF in Barrie / Owen Sound are also 32.

The 31 Brigade AOR runs from Burlington down to Windsor.

Regarding co-op: I can only speak for 31 BDE units but:
A) There are far more co-op  positions available, and:
B) At the present time the Brigade has only authorized the enrolling of COOP candidates. Although numbers of non co-op recruit positions have been given to Brigade units, they cannot begin enrolling them until the brigade gives CFRC the go ahead. For 31 Bde anyway, only co-op applicants are being processed at the moment, at least until after the G8 / G20.

For 32 Bde I am unsure, but will try to get an answer from their reserve desk pers. ( Or I should say our Toronto desk pers now, as CFRC Hamilton has ceased to be and all it's composite dets now fall under CFRC Toronto.)

Crantor: the error was in advising a fellow applicant " not to worry about it" As I stated, the best advice is "call CFRC" for all of the reasons you and I have outlined. The rapidly changing nature of the "recruiting state" makes that the best and only choice.

As for uniformed pers giving incorrect info with best intentions: Agreed 100%, and sometimes, thes these are the most damaging ones to an application as the applicant is convinced that soldier X knows more than the recruiter behind the desk.
Steel Badger said:
As for uniformed pers giving incorrect info with best intentions: Agreed 100%, and sometimes, thes these are the most damaging ones to an application as the applicant is convinced that soldier X knows more than the recruiter behind the desk.

Or that Soldier X is convinced he knows more than the recruiter behind the desk.  Ah, recruiting.  rewarding and yet frustrating at times.
Thank your for the information again SB, I believe that I will continue contact with the CFRC despite numerous attempts at leaving messages...in which has never been successful for me, but I will continue to persevere and accomplish this task of entering into the reserves. In the meantime I will continue to excel in physical fitness to pass the PT with flying colours. Thank You all for your help everyone :D

I think part of your trouble may be in the fact that the Reserve Brigades have not given the CFRC's permission to enroll non co-op reservists yet. ( That is certainly the case down our way).  The NCO in charge of PRES files here has his hands tied until the Brigade gives him the official numbers for each unit.
The units in my Brigade have their numbers, but if CFRC has not been given the authority / confimation of allotted vacancies by the Brigade, CFRC cannot begin or continue processing a reserve applicant's file.

You may be in for a bit of a wait. if I were a betting man I would say that the powers that be at Brigade and Area will not direct their attention to this matter until after the G8/G20 is over and done with. Say, early July.

This does cause issues, as my unit is supposedly allotted 2 positions on a summer GMT, but we have heard nothing more of the course and do not have permission to enroll anyone to fill the slots. Same goes for the three slots on the fall BMQ.

Best advice: Be patient and wait for the furor over the G20 to die down.
I have been having somewhat of the same issue, hopefully things do begin to pick up again after the G8/G20. Best of luck to the many others  :2c:

Here was my thread

First of all CFRC's do not enrol Reserves and that includes CO-OP. The CFRC does the process then sends the completed file to the Reserve Unit and they enrol as they see fit.
Second CO-OP applicants do get processed faster only because of the time line involved. It is up to the Unit as to who or how many CO-OP they will keep as directed by their command.
Third the CFAT does not expire. If you want to change your trade choice and you did not score high enough then you will have to rewrite it. Please do not ask what scores are needed for what trade there are lots of posts on this topic.
Fourth and final the CFRC always recommends that you go down to the Reserve Unit you want to apply for and ask the Recruiter there what your chances are. They will know how many and when they will enrol. Chances are the CFRC will not get that info.

Retired FDO is correct: CFRC does not enroll reservists.

regarding Coop: as I have stated, the situation ( at least in 31 Bde) atm is that we ( CFRC) can only process COOP files at the moment, hence that is why COOP applicants will find their application process going faster
