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Tribute Video

Hi every body!

My wife's heart... my heart ...have been touching by this awesome tribute. It's such a good video that we need to show too our families, friends and our band of brothers!

The reason of my reply is... those people who died for our freedom should never be forgetton because they died for us and our children!

My family would like to say thank you folks for your sacrifice :cdn:

Caporal Stéphane Caron  :cdn:
I saw this on the ASC forums; it was very touching and i had watery eyes. Is there any chance of it being updated and being played on The news on November 11th?
I will be moving this website soon to a more reliable server... and sadly, I am in the middle of updating the video again, with our most recent loss.

for now, it remains at: http://members.shaw.ca/travner/  The new website URL will be posted here for those who have it bookmarked.
Here is another video tribute i made it doesn't show any of the 50 plus dead canadian soldiers but i think most of you do get that all soldiers are like brothers who serve under diffirent flags but still anyways here is my video i have made.


