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Transfer from PRes to CIC Officer?

From being former CIC, I speak in knowledge of cause.

and from, what I have seen in the pass you could be suprised....
I'm in Quebec city,  and I don't pretend to speak for all the regions,

And I continue to stand my ground. a majority of CIC, perhaps not a big majority, but never the less a majority of CIC would not pass the CF express test, It is not required to join in as a CIC and it should be mandatory, after all they are member of the CF and they are officers. 

and I won't speak that matter no more as we are bringing this thread into an other way that was not intended.
Hey guys, lets just chill for second OK ;)  .  You both have valid points.  From what I have seen the CIC is a bit dichotomus (sorry if I spelled that wrong).  There are plenty of CIC officers that are in good shape, and I would hazard a guess that these form the majority.  I find most of the CIC in this category are former cadets.  There are some CIC that do not look as if they could pass the express test.  At the risk of offending someone I would say that these members stand out to such an extent that they overshadow the fit ones and give an erronious perception that most of the CIC is out of shape. 
There are plenty of CIC officers that are in good shape, and I would hazard a guess that these form the majority.  I find most of the CIC in this category are former cadets.
Whether that is supportable or not it supports the idea of promoting physical fitness for cadets.  
There are some CIC that do not look as if they could pass the express test.  At the risk of offending someone I would say that these members stand out to such an extent that they overshadow the fit ones and give an erronious perception that most of the CIC is out of shape. 
There are members of the RegF and PRes that do not look as if they could pass the express test.

For the record.
Of the over 7,000 officers of the CF CIC

43% are aged 18 to 30   (28% are 25 or under)
42% are aged 31 to 50
15% are aged 50+         ( 2.1% are 61 to -65)

About 28 % of Cadet Instructors have RegF experience (an average of 5.3 years)
About 17 % of Cadet Instructors have PRes experience (an average of 2.7 years)
Others are Canadians enrolling in the CF some former cadets others members of the community at large ... the same recruiting base as the entire CF.  

An enrollee in the CF CIC serves for an average of 5.4 years.  

Their level of their fitness matches that of the Canadian population which is mirrored by the entire CF.

Even to suggest that most of the CF CIC is comprised of former cadets is without substance.  Like the rest of the CF, we don't keep track and the notiion is irrelevant.  What does having been a cadet mean? Seven weeks or 7 years?  It could be that the majority of those under 25 are former cadets ... but there is no solid statistic. 

Ok, this has all been a good read,but I have heard that the CFRC is going to apply the CF fitness standard to all new CIC applicants regardless of where they are coming from,civillian or Forces. Is this the truth? I have no idea... but it is supposed to match the current fitness standards of the Forces in all of its elements. Any body heard the same? If it the truth then I will hanker a guess that the enrollment proceedures for CIC applicants will get alot harder to do,and as such the ranks will thin for it. The CIC are volunteers as much as any other element of our Forces, but are drawn mainly from the civil sector for resources..correct? Ubique
rage said:
Let's do a hault here boys. The orignal post was Transfer from PRES to CIC; I think we may have started a new thread here on CIC fitness standards.

True that. Perhaps a mod can split it off into it's own CIC fitness standards thread?
