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Training Websites

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Yeah, I am thinking that I'll keep it up for SQ, although I might just write everything down while I'm there and then post it bit by bit afterwards.  My course instructors know about my site and while they don't really give me a hard time about it, I would rather not be called Military Matt on my SQ too.  It's always good to be able to blend in and having a blog that the instructors know about doesn't really help matters any...lol.
Ok that's great. I plan to join the reserve when I turn 16 ( one year to go!!) so I try and get as much info on BMQ as possible and your site has helped me out a lot!

(Great site!!)
McGowan said:
it's illegal to discuss an military things. remember about your inteveiw and your oath   ::)

You're not supposed to discuss anything with a secruity rating. Other then that, you're fine. Now, obivously, you ought to use common sense, but, if he's willing to put up with the potential ragging after his course mates or instructors read his site, then there's nothing what so ever wrong with it.
McGowan said:
isn't it illegal to disscuss what we do in BMQ   ::)

Of course there's nothing illegal about it, so long as you do not post anything that may give anyone on your course, or the CF, a bad name. "ex. My instructor, MCpl so-and-so, is a complete moron..." Other then that you're in the clear. Enjoy the rest of your course!  :)
It didn't take too long to make the site, just go to www.blogger.com and sign up for a blog.  All you have to do is select your style, type out your post and hit publish.  That's it.  I altered the HTML of mine to include the links and stuff, but that is easy enough and if you want help just PM me.  In regards to Just a Sig Op and the ragging from everyone, all the recruits with me like it and let's just say that all the course staff call me Military Matt now.  I don't really catch crap for it...just get bugged a bit.  I highly recommend to anyone else thinking of doing the same, just write the stuff out and post it AFTER your course.  You don't want to draw attention to yourself...lol.
That brought back memories for me as well! Great idea you had there, I will enjoy reading your training experiences! Good luck! :salute:
OK, I've been asked this a lot so I figured I would tell everyone here.  I am going on SQ this July and I am NOT posting about it during SQ.  I MIGHT post about it afterwards, it depends on how much of a pain it will be.  I don't wanna be called Military Matt by the MCpls on SQ like I was on BMQ.  I will post something about it, just probably not the day by day thing I did with SQ...unless enough people want me too.