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Training Websites

  • Thread starter Thread starter JediElf
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Hey all. I'm taking my Reserve BMQ right now, and with everyone asking me what I'm doing, I decided a website would be the easiest way to let everyone know. The site is http://www.militarymatt.blogspot.com/ in case anyone wants to take a peek. But what I really want to know is does anyone else have something similar? I kinda like reading about other people's experiences so if you have a webiste post it here so we can all see it.
I found that very amusing. Brings back memories of my basic training, and can now relate to it and laugh as I instruct BMQ's now. Good read, hope you keep it up.

Hey... keep it up!  I havn't laughed like that for a while!  also: thanks for letting us know some fun things we can look forward to!
Yeah, no prob. I think it would be a pretty bad experience if you didn't remember the good parts. I haven't heard of anyone else with a site like mine, anyone know of one?
LoL... Well im startin My BMQ today soo I guess i can do that too.... I gotta come up with an original name though because you stole military matt lol ..... I just start some PT today but when i get my real course going its going to be the BMQ/SQ co-op course soo I guess it will clear up a lot of things for potential co op people.
Hey man, good idea, that's kinda what I hoped this thread would do, get more people going sites describing training and stuff. I find that they are better for seeing what actually happens on course. The more sites, the more info you get. Make sure you post the URL here, so everyone can see it, and I'll link to it from my site.
Just curious.. Now that you're actually on course... Have they given you a PT program to follow during the week or is that up to you? Maybe poisting something like that would help a lot of people who are signing up to be rentals. Just a thought.
They reccomended that we do the same workout PT that they make us do on course, but it is completely up to us. I will put it on the site, but tomorrow...I'm a little tired right now.  ;) Thanks for the input.
Just thought anyone out there who is thinking of making a blog might wanna ask before they do it.  Just to avoid any problems.  And do not use names or anything that Identifies you.
In answer to the question of the original poster, yes their are other sites that have people talking about their basic training experience.
here is the link to one I found
it's another blog on someone doing basic in Laval
Hey, thanks for the link, I added it to my site. Nice to see the differences and similarities between the two different groups doing the same course.
I also recently started a blog on my BMQ experience, and although I am on the same BMQ as the guy whose site I posted it is an opportunity to see two different perspectives.  The main differences being I started the course late.
My site can be found here:
There is some stuff that we can't talk about, but since my course officer has seen the site, and has not told me to stop yet, I'm assuming that it is perfectly fine. Just remember not to give too much detail for sensitive things, names or locations and you should be good.
it's illegal to discuss an military things. remember about your inteveiw and your oath  ::)
Yeah, I remember my interview and my oath.  I also remember my interview with my course officer.  He told me that he showed the site to people in standards above him, and neither he, nor them had any problems with the info that I put on there.  There is some classified stuff that I cannot post, but I wouldn't wanna post that stuff up anyways so it's not a big deal.  Like I said...people higher than you have said it is ok, so until they tell me otherwise, I am saying that it is legal.
JediElf: good site. Like your Course O said, leave names out, you'll be fine. Blog on!


it's illegal to discuss an military things. remember about your inteveiw and your oath  

No it's not. Nothing on BMQ is off limits, that I can think of. Or military stuff in general, if its not personal or isn't given a security classification.

If discussing military stuff online were illegal, they would have to hunt down about 6,000 members of army.ca, wouldn't they.   ;D
