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Training Preparations

Try running in 5 min intervals.{I started 2 min run 3 min walk} I am now doing 4.5 min run .5 min walk. I am not a runner type at all {6‘6" 280 lbs}. I also started a circit traing program with dumbbells this also helped with my cardio and strenth. This really worked for me in 6 months I lost 45 lbs, motivation to become a solider really helped to. I hope this helps.
I guess you can‘t avoid weight loss when you run. I gotta eat more cuz I can‘t afford to lose weight lol (5‘11, 130lbs) I‘m not much of a runner, but i can push pretty hard. I have alot of upper body strength, I never thought about having to use my legs much so i never really worked them out, till I ran hard and now i‘m just starting to get over the pain of it and start working on the legs. i want to gain more mass, so i can get bigger muscles. Man i‘d love to be 150 or 160 lbs, then i‘d have more weight to throw around.
Hey arty, we‘re the same height and weight, i think i weigh 133 lbs and am 5‘11. i know what you mean, im a bloody feather
lol.. hey come on man.
I just turned 17. Doesn‘t make us any less of a warrior right Mcinnes. If not in the Canadian army i would‘ve been kurdish guerrilla fighter, or for sure a turkish soldier back home.
Besides, being smaller has its advantages. Among others, your agility is generally much better. Plus, you can sometimes surprise people.

I‘m in the same general boat. 5‘7", 130 pounds (barely). Despite working out like a madman (3x a week for 3 months), my weight hasn‘t budged. However, even others have been impressed how strong I am, considering my size.

Just use your size as an advantage, not a weakness. Work hard to make sure as much of that weight is muscle and you‘ll never have a problem :)
Agreed, we make smaller targets in war as well :)I can bench press way more than alot of the bigger guys in my gym class, and usually i can equal the same amount of weights that some of the big guys are showing off with lol, i love that the most. Still though some more weight for me would mean alot, I could propably be a better grappler.
Size does not mean anything. Some guys dont have the same ability to build muscle mass as easyly or as fast as others. It‘s all a matter of genetics but that does not mean you cant do the same things and be as good at the job as the big guys. Keep working hard and eventually you‘ll be able to show ‘em you‘re no push over :) You might never have big legs and arms but your muscles will be as good as theirs.
For weightlifting, it‘s actually better to be on the small side. People with short arms have a much easier time lifting weights and doing push ups than taller folk.

Push ups are absolute **** for me because I have really long arms and a narrow chest. No matter how hard I work at it, I can never seem to do any more than 19-22 push ups. Sit ups, running and most everything else, however, is not a problem.
JDG keep working hard and you‘ll do a lot more eventually. Im 6‘2" ,very skiny and have long arms too but I can do 50 real push ups (all the way down and up) any time. I think it‘s not very good but it‘s getting a little bit better every month. Keep pushing yourself, work to the limit of your strenght and you‘ll make it past 22 push ups. No matter what you look like or how your body is built you have the same potential as anybody else. Work hard, regularly and eat well.
Man after working out for 7 months, its getting harder and harder to drag my *** off to the gym. I dont know if it‘s the summer or what. if i dont workout for even 1 day i feel like i‘m getting weaker. Me dont like.
Hey guy‘s the best muscle you can build is by good hard mauel labour not in the gym!!
Why? when working you are using all you muscle‘s!
In the gym you are only training on set of muscle‘s at a time were in good hard work you use all you muscle‘s at once.

One of the best exercise‘s is swimming,do all the differant stroke‘s i.e. breast,over arm,butterfly,and treading water you are using all your muscle‘s at low impact!

That‘s how I past selction twice at the age 42,43.
just the pool and doing sit up‘s and push up‘s and practised my running.
Yes i know, I do janitor work that requires u to work long hours. Hauling crap, constant sweeping, mopping, going up and down stairs, all sorts of muscles get worked but the one affected most is the brain. You get bored out of your mind and you have nothing to do but think.
Doing waterproofing was fun, having to dig to the basement level, then filling the hole again, carrying rocks and gravel bags. Shoveling mostly.
It feels better than working out. especially loading trucks with cases of beer that feels good for some reason. No i wasnt sampling. Maybe a bit.
ahhh that‘s some good shiznat, i should try some swimming. You know i really can‘t tell if i‘m swimming the right way, most of the time when i try to breathe in, i suck in water. So how often do you swim? and how long.
By the way can anyone do one handed pushups, and how many, and also what‘s your style of doing them.
For those of you strugling with physical preparation I would recommend push ups using a Swiss ball. Alternating sets with hands on the ball and then with feet on the ball brings your core into play and works more full body than standard push ups.