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Training more than one weekend a month - confused.

Well, after reading all of your posts and doing some serious thinking; you guys make really valid points that I took into consideration.

After I told my girlfriend Canada was going overseas to Afghanistan in 2007 and I might want to go if there's still room, she started crying in the car and giving me this huge guilt trip. But you know what, you guys are right, I shouldn't have to sacrifice something i've wanted to do since I was a wee lad.

so...now the question. I've passed all of the tests and i'm just waiting for my medical to come back...how do I change my choice from Reserves to Regular? Do I just phone the recruiting office and ask?
meni0n said:
And to Sig_Des, hang in there. It took me 8 months to CT. You staying in trade?

Probably...but I'd rather get attached to a Brigade then go to JSR...RCD eh, I know a few of your guys..

Incoming PM
ThatsLife said:
so...now the question. I've passed all of the tests and i'm just waiting for my medical to come back...how do I change my choice from Reserves to Regular? Do I just phone the recruiting office and ask?

I went into the office and told them I was changing from reg to res. They asked why and I told them that the trade I really wanted, i couldn't get into without a few years reg force experience, unless I went res, then i could join right off the street. They changed it right there and told me that I could always go reg later on.

No harm in giving them a call and asking...and BTW, WTG!!! Take charge of YOUR life.
ThatsLife said:
So...now the question. I've passed all of the tests and i'm just waiting for my medical to come back...how do I change my choice from Reserves to Regular? Do I just phone the recruiting office and ask?

Good for you...Yup, just call them and tell them you want to go Regs, if they ask why, be honest
To answer your training question, it all depends on the unit.  You would have to speak to a recruiter of the unit you want to join.  My regiment last year was very active in training.  We usually went in 4 tuesday nights a month and an exercise every other weekend.

This year though, not so much.  Budget cuts?  Who knows....

EDIT:  Just noticed your decision to go regs.  Good choice.  No matter what branch of the armed forces you join (res or regs) you will have a blast.  Have fun!
That was some good advise you gave the guy,

Dude your only 17. I remember a few years back when I was going to join and I had everything done to go Reg and then The girlfriend was like no you will be gone all the time( you know the deal Boys). So being stupid I decided to not join.

Don t make decisions based on the G/F. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and do what you want. You don't know if shes the one do ya?   You never know if it will be the right or the wrong decision but you know you only live once.

Anyways good Luck in your Endeavours and Tell your G/F to suck it up or giver the punt.

Now I have an awsome G/F that has a whole family current CF members and she has no problem . Im going reserves but after collage im for sure going regs.

Take care.

Also I have talked to the Commander of the CFRC here in edmonton and he told me that there is sometimes the odd courses open that you can get if you want and if your unit wants to send you on it. In the reserves of course.
Right on. :) Coming from the other side of it. You for sure can't let girls tell you what to do.

EEPPPSSS....I was the girl calling the bar with "so and so is there...ya ya ya". I had been really badly burned and was insecure. I certainly didn't mean for it to be that way.  :-\

Looking back on 4+ years I have changed A LOT. Whole outlook got revised. "Hubby" has a wild outlook not a lot of people can take(I've learned to pretend he is saying something else :) ), he has been gone for at least 1/2 those years(15 months at once) with countless taskings, courses, trips, blah, blah, blah and I have learned to live alone at home with what family I have around, basically to "suck it up". It never ends, so why bother stressing about it.  ::)

It's hard and everyone on every side sacrifices. If the girl(whoever and wherever she may be) really loves you and puts you first, you'll know she's the one. Til then, have a great time, live it up and all the best on the new career choice.  ;D

I'll shut up now....I'm just the "girl"  :-X
kimmie said:
I had been really badly burned and was insecure.

You learned from your mistakes, and was taking due diligance.

Once Trust has been established; then the checking on, changes tone.
kimmie said:
Right on. :) Coming from the other side of it. You for sure can't let girls tell you what to do.

EEPPPSSS....I was the girl calling the bar with "so and so is there...ya ya ya". I had been really badly burned and was insecure. I certainly didn't mean for it to be that way.   :-\

I'll shut up now....I'm just the "girl"   :-X

Hey Kimmie, I'll wager that you were still a young lady at the point in time when this occured...
I'm a girl too so my post was not meant to insult, just to advise that he is not yet old enough or experienced to make his choices based on his girlfriend. Things change. I have witnessed many of my younger troops marrying young, some getting left while on tour (gals & guys), and giving up half their pension after being married for a year or two because at 19 or 20 they honestly believed that they had found the perfect partner.

You are only young once...enjoy it and live life to the fullest!! When the right person does come along, he'll know it. The right person will support him in his decisions and will make him feel confident in the choices he makes, much like you are now experiencing with your hubby. Good on you.
We could get Dr. Phil as a guest poster:

"Now you troops with too much chub around the waist, Ya"ll need to put the cheeseburgers down...This is how my third wife dealt with it"