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Trading Spouses

You'd need a "Coyote Prosthesis" - that way you wouldn't have to chew your arm off to escape...  >:D

I've seen the show before, and do find it interesting. I'd have to agree with Medicine Man, would have seen nothing but the soles of my feet, and dust after about 30 seconds of that. She ever turned on the camera man he would have had to beat her with the camera. I would have. In the end, I guess she saw the "light". Amazing how money does that for some people. She can't be much of a religious person to abandon her "beliefs", whatever they are, and whatever we think of them, for money. I bet you the girls, who got the money to get out on their own didn't waste time leaving. How far away do you suppose they moved? Bet ya the Hubby would have liked some moving money too!
As it ends up, she has quite the fan following.

For example, on E-Bay a "wobblehead" of her went for $870 US..
pictures, background music and details here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6225867209

And of course, the Dark Sided remix:

Wow.... I have too much free time on my hands. I really need to get a job.. But I'm enjoying post-deployment leave so much...
Is there some kind of requisite for backwoods bible thumpers to be A) morbidly, disgustingly fat, and B) unbelievably ignorant and stupid??
I'd like to see Trinity's take on this...not that I expect him to lower himself to the "dark-side" of Trading Spouses :dontpanic:

As a taoist daughter of an Anglican Priest I find it very unsettling when I see or hear or meet someone to proclaims themselves as Christian but are not accepting of other people for who they are...that is actually a very un-Christian thing to do...

Jesus taught forgiveness of sins...so...if you don't share the same beliefs, leave it at that, accept them for the people they are, and then pray silently to yourself for your God to forgive thier sins (for not believing in your God?)...

Oh, and I have dabbled in Tarot and Astrology and Numerology as well, as fun passtimes...and my dad never seemed to get twisted by it. >:D

A few weeks back they reaired this episode, so I watched it...the whole 2 hours.
I have never felt so sick in all my life!

I didn't know that a pentacle was a sign form the devil or that throwing incense into a fire at a summer solstice party was the work of the devil...

In the end I don't think that the "god warrior" should have received any of the money...
CdnArtyWife said:
I'd like to see Trinity's take on this...not that I expect him to lower himself to the "dark-side" of Trading Spouses :dontpanic:

UGH...  i happen to see my name in your post... decided to watch the video

I want those 5 minutes of my life back.

I would have to seen the footage of the whole show, but, I think its fairly clear
to say this woman severely overacted.  Most likely due to the inability to accept/understand
that her values are being challenged (even if its inside her own head). 

I was more upset for her scaring her kids half to death.  Gives the whole new meaning
to "god fearing" individuals... with a mother like that!  ;)
Trinity said:
I think its fairly clear
to say this woman severely overacted.  Most likely due to the inability to accept/understand
that her values are being challenged (even if its inside her own head). 

I think that is just what scared her the most. You may have nailed it on the head with that one.

Trinity said:
I was more upset for her scaring her kids half to death. 

That is actually what bothered me the most too. Especially the look of absolute fear and confusion on the youngest little girl's face. I just wanted to take her away and hug her.
CdnArtyWife said:
Jesus taught forgiveness of sins...so...if you don't share the same beliefs, leave it at that, accept them for the people they are, and then pray silently to yourself for your God to forgive thier sins (for not believing in your God
Not to get all religious, but accepting people for who they are is one thing, but accepting their "sins" is another.  If, for example, a person were doing "x" and "x" was sinful in the view of the "Christian", then, just as Jesus said to Mary Magdelene, "Go and sin no more".
vonGarvin said:
Not to get all religious, but accepting people for who they are is one thing, but accepting their "sins" is another.  If, for example, a person were doing "x" and "x" was sinful in the view of the "Christian", then, just as Jesus said to Mary Magdelene, "Go and sin no more".

True, but consider also that Jesus, too, was human and therefore He understood that it is difficult to "sin no more" and that is why we have confession and absolution. Hence, also, the theory behind the "Baptism and absolution of sins". The theory that babies are born with the sins of their mother and father and, though innocent in their own right, must be Baptised and washed of those sins. (This of course, is just one denomination's point of view...I am only talking about the Anglican POV that I grew up with)

But we digress.

Although I don't really practice any organized religion these days, I still try to live with the principals I grew up with. I don't fully understand all religions, but I am open to learning about them. I still sometimes get bothered by fanatical "Bible thumping" (as I've heard it called), but I try not to judge the people themselves for their beliefs, as I know it is their right to believe what they choose, even though I may disagree with their beliefs wholeheartedly...and I hope that people look at me with the same openmindedness.
CdnArtyWife said:
Although I don't really practice any organized religion these days, I still try to live with the principals I grew up with. I don't fully understand all religions, but I am open to learning about them. I still sometimes get bothered by fanatical "Bible thumping" (as I've heard it called), but I try not to judge the people themselves for their beliefs, as I know it is their right to believe what they choose, even though I may disagree with their beliefs wholeheartedly...and I hope that people look at me with the same openmindedness.
Agreed.  Beliefs are like opinions (and rear-ends, apparently) in that everyone has them.  :D  Judging people is, IMHO, sometimes OK.  Perhaps judging people is the exception rather than the rule, but there are historical examples where, I think, it may be appropriate to judge (Hitler comes to my mind on one end, Ghandi on the other end of the "good/bad" spectrum).
Anyway, I guess the way for me to sum up is to say "live and let live", so long as letting them live doesn't affect my ability to live  :P
vonGarvin said:
Agreed.  Beliefs are like opinions (and rear-ends, apparently) in that everyone has them.  :D  Judging people is, IMHO, sometimes OK.  Perhaps judging people is the exception rather than the rule, but there are historical examples where, I think, it may be appropriate to judge (Hitler comes to my mind on one end, Ghandi on the other end of the "good/bad" spectrum).
Anyway, I guess the way for me to sum up is to say "live and let live", so long as letting them live doesn't affect my ability to live  :P

Hear, Hear! Well said!
She is living, breathing (screaming!!!) proof that religious fanatacism/extremism knows no boundaries and is not confined to any one religiion.

Picture her wrapped in a (big) belt of ball-bearing studded Semtex boarding a bus loaded with Anglicans and you get my meaning.
Glorified Ape said:
Is there some kind of requisite for backwoods bible thumpers to be A) morbidly, disgustingly fat, and B) unbelievably ignorant and stupid??

Possibly because that prejudicial stereotype gets ratings. 

I mean if it was someone of mild manor who was a real bible thumper and knew it's ok for christians to marry even pagans they wouldn't carry on like they were on acid.  And who would start a thread?

Couldn't even watch the whole thing, seemed to fake. ::)
I admit, I do watch the show sometimes.  My Kids and I love seeing the contrast of families.  However, I missed this one, and only saw the reaction of the Warrior for Jesus.  What happened in the show with the other family to make her so upset?
Belay last pipe:
I googled her name, found the fox site, and read the synopsis.  You just gotta love this, "Margaret begins preparing for spiritual warfare. Not a literal crusade, but a figurative one. Although when Margaret talks to the Perrin kids about Christ, the look on their faces indicates that they might prefer having their heads lopped off by a Crusader on horseback than listen to Margaret much longer."
Darn, I though this was going to be a thread about Key parties...

Guess I'll go look for my Friday night entertainment elsewhere.
Armymedic, that was the first LOL elicited from me since joining army.ca.  Thanks mate
Remember guys not all Christians are like this. Im pretty serious when it comes to my beliefs in Christianity. so as a Christian shes horribly wrong. These people discust me because they make us Jesus loving Christians all look like psychos, when I'd never do soemthing liek what she did. The big thing is shes being a total hypocrat. Jesus said not to be one. What a stupid whale. She should have accepted her new family for who they are, not condemn them. I hate it when people force their beliefs upon others! What a whack job! And of course all the money gets allocated in a thoughtful loving manner by the "non-christians" wow go figure.
Cpl Massecar said:
Remember guys not all Christians are like this. Im pretty serious when it comes to my beliefs in Christianity. so as a Christian shes horribly wrong. These people discust me because they make us Jesus loving Christians all look like psychos, when I'd never do soemthing liek what she did. The big thing is shes being a total hypocrat. Jesus said not to be one. What a stupid whale. She should have accepted her new family for who they are, not condemn them. I hate it when people force their beliefs upon others! What a whack job! And of course all the money gets allocated in a thoughtful loving manner by the "non-christians" wow go figure.

More Proof that just because you belong to a church it doesnt make you a better person...

Its the individual, NOT the Religion...

I know so-called christians who wouldnt Pi** on you if you were on fire, and i know supposedly "dark-sided" people who could give mother theresa a run for her money....

just my .02 though.