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Tpr. Mark Andrew Wilson - RCD - 07 Oct 06

RIP soldier  :cdn:

total is now 40 Cdn soldiers -- a very grim mile-stone.

I watched the online broadcast with Paul Workman on ctv.ca and you could tell he was visibly shaken up at the very end of the segment.
Sitting at my Mom's place this morning and heard a brief comment on this on the radio. Finally had a chance to get online to check the news on the internet.

Another sad day for Canada. My heart goes out to the family & friends of this fallen soldier. I'm truly at a loss for words this morning.  :cdn:
RIP friend.  Condolances,prayers and thoughs for family,comrades and loved ones.


40th Canadian soldier died in Afghanistan, NATO confirms
Last Updated: Saturday, October 7, 2006 | 1:08 PM ET
CBC News
A 40th Canadian soldier died in Afghanistan after a NATO patrol was hit by a roadside explosive on Saturday in the Panjwaii district west of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan, a military spokesman said.

Col. Fred Lewis, the Canadian deputy commander of NATO's international force in Afghanistan, said the victim was Canadian and a gunner inside an armoured jeep that struck a mine or a roadside bomb early Saturday morning.

The soldier, whose name and hometown was not immediately released, was killed in the same area as a previous attack on Tuesday that killed two Canadian soldiers and wounded five others.

Video footage showed a damaged Nyala RG-31 jeep being towed from the scene. The explosion penetrated the vehicle and the wounded soldier died later of his injuries. There were no other casualties, the colonel said.

Lewis said soldiers remain confident in the protection that the Nyala provides against roadside blasts, but added no vehicle is impervious.

"You can always build a bigger bomb," he said.

Canadian military officials said militants, who still have strong presence in the area, assaulted the patrol with small arms fire. Attack helicopters and an explosives disposal team were dispatched to the area.

"We interrupted two small patrols of insurgents," Lewis said. "They were to the west and north of our locations."

More than 2,000 Canadian troops are deployed in the region and Canadians are leading the NATO forces there. The latest death comes on the fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Southern Afghanistan has been the scene of increased fighting and attacks during the past several months. Taliban militants have been stepping up the use of roadside and suicide bombs.

NATO troops had massive clashes with militants in the Panjwaii area last month, and NATO said more than 300 fighters were killed.

Militants attack U.S. patrol in Khost

In the eastern province of Khost, meanwhile, a suicide car bomber targeted a U.S. patrol near the border with Pakistan, said provincial police chief Mohammed Ayub. He said there were no casualties but one vehicle was damaged. The U.S. military had no immediate information.

In Ghazni province, police said a regional Taliban commander — Mullah Abdul Rahim Sabauun — was killed by police on Thursday.

Sabauun and his bodyguard, who were riding on a motorbike, were killed by police in Gelan district, said police Chief Mirhamid, who goes by only one name. Sabuun was reportedly a high-ranking politician during the Taliban's rule.

Fifth anniversary of invasion

The U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan began Oct. 7, 2001, to oust the hardline Taliban regime for hosting al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Western forces and Afghanistan's Northern Alliance quickly routed the Islamic regime.

But the militant fighters who once appeared down and out have returned with a vengeance, taking control of large swaths of countryside in the last year.

More than 3,000 people have been killed in rising violence this year, mostly militants battling Western forces and their superior firepower. Suicide bombers are increasingly targeting ordinary Afghans and Western troops, and militants are assassinating key political figures, burning down schools and using roadside bombs to deadly effect.

CF Statement


OCTOBER 7, 2006 - 14:30 ET 
DND: IED Attack Kills Canadian Soldier in Afghanistan
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - Oct. 7, 2006) - At approximately 5 a.m. (Afghanistan time), a Canadian soldier was killed today when the RG-31 he was travelling in was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in the Panjwayi area, approximately 25 km West of Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Next of kin have requested that the name of the fallen soldier not yet be released. There are no reports of any other casualties. The soldier's unit was on patrol between the Zhari District Centre (ZDC) and Bazaar-e-Panjwayi, the location of a new two-lane road which is being constructed with the assistance of the Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team.

The Pashmul area is where the Canadian Forces have been focusing their efforts during Phase 4 of Operation Medusa, the reconstruction and development phase. The IED blast occurred within 1 km of the two most recent incidents which took the lives of three Canadian soldiers.

Canadian troops in Afghanistan are serving alongside soldiers and civilians from 36 countries under the NATO-led, UN-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). A key part of Canada's 'whole of government' assistance to Afghanistan is helping establish the security necessary to promote development.

While fellow troops will the mourn the loss of a fallen comrade, they we will not be deterred from the goal of helping the Afghan people achieve greater stability and security. 
RIP soldier, thoughts are with family and friends and his regimental family. Keep the faith you are all doing good work. :salute: :cdn:
Ctv.ca is now reporting the name our fallen brother.


40th Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan
Updated Sat. Oct. 7 2006 9:46 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Canada's 40th military death in Afghanistan, the victim of a roadside bombing, has been identified.

Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson of the Royal Canadian Dragoons of CFB Petawawa was on a pre-dawn patrol Saturday when either a roadside bomb or a landmine detonated.

The explosion penetrated the Nyala RG-31 armoured vehicle and took Wilson's life. The blast didn't injure any other soldiers in the vehicle.

Wilson was the vehicle's gunner. In the Nyala, the gunner is responsible for operating a machine-gun remotely from inside.

Video showed a wheel missing from the vehicle, but otherwise, it appeared to be largely intact.

Wilson's age and home town aren't available yet.

The Nyala is one of the toughest vehicles available to the Canadian military in Afghanistan, said CTV News' Paul Workman.

The deputy commander of Canadian troops in southern Afghanistan wouldn't reveal details about the explosion or how it managed to penetrate the vehicle built specifically to withstand simultaneous blasts from two anti-tank mines.

"You can always build a bigger bomb,'' said Col. Fred Lewis. "In this particular case, I think the enemy got a bit lucky.

"The RG 31 is a superb vehicle, and you know this is the first time something like this has happened," he said. "The troops have superb confidence in this vehicle."

The blast occurred as soldiers travelled in two RG-31s to pick up a foot patrol near where Canadian forces are building a new road. An attack in the same area on Tuesday killed two Canadian soldiers and left five others wounded, Workman said.

After the attack, an explosives disposal team and a military attack helicopter were dispatched to the area.

The Panjwaii region has been the scene of heavy combat and several bomb attacks in the last month. Thirteen soldiers have died in the area since Sept. 1.

Other attacks

Also on Saturday in the eastern province of Khost, a suicide bomber used a car to target a U.S. patrol near the Pakistan border, provincial police chief Mohammed Ayub told The Associated Press.

There were no casualties, but one of the vehicles was damaged.

Gunmen killed two German journalists in northern Afghanistan. A Taliban spokesman told Reuters they were not responsible for the attack.

And in Ghazni province, police said a regional Taliban commander -- Mullah Abdul Rahim Sabauun -- was killed by police on Thursday.

Sabauun was reportedly a high-ranking politician under Taliban rule.

In total, 40 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in Afghanistan since 2002. About 150 have been wounded.

This weekend marks the fifth anniversary of the commencement of U.S. military operations to overthrow the Taliban.

With a report from CTV News' Paul Workman
