If the civie agency has the abilities to work with in a mass NBC, explosion or other disaster threat then my hat is off to them, the reality is they are not fully prepared to. One thing i find with most of these exercises in disaster response is that they are staged, almost to an exact script. Every one knows what is going to happen, how it is going to happen and what the end result will be. Almost as if on que things happen. We all know that when a big situation comes up, it is not always on que or follow any of our previous planning.
One thing i hate the most is the false sense of security that we have and we portray to our people in how great our preparedness is or was. Our local authorities and the CF have done very little to foster the team work and the realities of a joint preparedness group. Yes the higher ups in the organizations have the best laid plans that all work when they do a script. Almost like acting. Yet we know that if you put troops on the ground to do more then just shovel side walks and cut trees and distribute food. (meaning securing sites with weapons and Armoured vehicles) their will be much more of a planning stage needed. (protesters, some of whom may be your friends and such)
This stage starts with an overall concept of operations, then moves onto a a more detailed concept for individual situations, (IE nuclear, chem, ice storms, earth quakes, fires, floods etc). The fact that a foot on the ground is always refereed to as the best method to train and prepare for a situation. (The saying TRAIN FOR WAR IN PEACE TIME is most befitting, even for these lesser of disasters).
Some will disagree, and say that we do not have to put feet on the ground as soldiers to be able to respond to a disaster. I can tell you it sure helps out though, things such as familiarity with the area, the people and the obstacles that are their helps. These skills go on a larger scale then just that single area or training aspect. The skills learnt and developed can be used any where else you want, and or may deploy in the future.
The aspect of a small attack in the sub way of TO, and then a bomb attack just mere blocks away is great to get feet wet and people to flush out skills. How many people were involved, what level were they notified prior to that this was an exercises, many more questions.
We need to look beyond our old relic days of one thought training and look into the larger scale of things and be prepared for them. Things such as being able to transport food, water and emergency personal to all points in Canada in time of need, with out the use of air ports, road ways or mountain passes. Have a stock pile of usable food and fuel.
I have to get going back to work.