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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

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Nemo888 said:
When I fire an incompetent employee I don't have to go to court. His poor record has made him infamous worldwide. He is a serious liability.


He's elected. Not an employee per se.

Nemo888 said:
When I fire an incompetent employee I don't have to go to court. His poor record has made him infamous worldwide. He is a serious liability.


I like your notion of riddance. Can't Kathleen Wynne have him removed?

Anyone seen the video?? HA
Apparently not. The Ontario Municipal Act (I think I have the right name) currently has no mechanism to remove a mayor who hasn't been found guilty of a crime. The mayor of London ON, Joe Fontana, is facing criminal fraud charges but he's still in office.
IMHO we need some kind of recall legislation, similar to what exists for various officials in some states in the US.
This is all hilarious.  The same liberal lefties who screamed for Khadeer's release - a person who was found guilty of much worse and convicted ... are screaming for this guy's resignation without so much as a single charge having been laid against him.

F'n hypocrites --- the whole damn  lot of 'em.
Nemo888 said:
When I fire an incompetent employee I don't have to go to court. His poor record has made him infamous worldwide. He is a serious liability.


One man's incompetent employee is another man's conspiracy theorist. What goes around ... it comes around (Justin Timberlake:  words to live by).
ArmyVern said:
This is all hilarious.  The same liberal lefties who screamed for Khadeer's release - a person who was found guilty of much worse and convicted ... are screaming for this guy's resignation without so much as a single charge having been laid against him.

F'n hypocrites --- the whole damn  lot of 'em.

Liberal lefties like the Toronto Sun and the National Post, you mean?  Just because I want public officials to behave themselves, be accountable, and set some kind of example of personal integrity does not make me, or anybody else for that matter,  a "liberal leftie".
pbi said:
Liberal lefties like the Toronto Sun and the National Post, you mean?  Just because I want public officials to behave themselves, be accountable, and set some kind of example of personal integrity does not make me, or anybody else for that matter,  a "liberal leftie".

No, liberal lefty hypocrites like the Star, G&M who campaigned for Smitherman.  Like I already mentioned.  They supported someone who HAD prior hard drug use, but they never went any further than that.  They never probed to ask for all the gritty details.  The Sun and Post wanted that information but finding it not forthcoming was one of the reasons they did not support Smitherman, as they felt rightly having someone in office who had done something more serious than smoke weed was not a good thing.  The Sun and Post are more or less sticking with their principles.  The others are showing once again their two faced hypocrisy.  They openly wanted one hard drug user to be Mayor, but this one they want tossed. 

And for the record I no longer support Ford.  I could put up with the other stuff, but I draw the line at hard drug use, this is not a new stance for me.   
So then let us put the video of him smoking crack while mayor(or perhaps just smoking asthma medication out of a crack pipe with convicted crack dealers), many legal problems, abuse of position for personal gain, misuse of public funds and poor public image out of the equation

He promised to "stop the gravy train" and slash the budget by 2.05 billion while increasing funding for childcare and seniors. Budget when he tool office, 9.2 billion. Budget now, 9.4 billion. Even though he slashed, you guessed it, childcare and seniors programs.

He promised 100 new police officers. He tried to cut their budget by 10% and failed miserably keeping them to a 0.6% increase with 196 officers off the rolls.

He also promised to eliminate the land transfer tax and build a subway to Scarborough. Both completely unrealistic and unaffordable.

I can see why Ford is appealing since he is not some weasel lawyer type. Might I suggest an engineer or other professional to run the city. Someone who can understand infrastructure and economics. Rob Ford did not lie when he made those promises. He was too stupid to know they were impossible. You should be looking for a competent replacement.

Edited to remove unsubstantiated claim
Nemo888 said:
So then let us put the video of him smoking crack while mayor(or perhaps just smoking asthma medication out of a crack pipe with convicted crack dealers), many legal problems, abuse of position for personal gain, misuse of public funds and poor public image out of the equation

He promised to "stop the gravy train" and slash the budget by 2.05 billion while increasing funding for childcare and seniors. Budget when he tool office, 9.2 billion. Budget now, 9.4 billion. Even though he slashed, you guessed it, childcare and seniors programs.

He promised 100 new police officers. He tried to cut their budget by 10% and failed miserably keeping them to a 0.6% increase with 196 officers off the rolls.

He also promised to eliminate the land transfer tax and build a subway to Scarborough. Both completely unrealistic and unaffordable.

I can see why Ford is appealing since he is not some weasel lawyer type. But he is a drop out crack head who can't even manage his own life. Might I suggest an engineer or other professional to run the city. Someone who can understand infrastructure and economics. Rob Ford did not lie when he made those promises. He was too stupid to know they were impossible. You should be looking for a competent replacement.

I guess the fact that Toronto like most Canadian cities has a weak mayor system, were he is only at the end of the day 1 vote on council matters, escaped your attention.  As far as a replacement, also last time I checked, we have these things called "elections", and people have to volunteer themselves to the process.
Hatchet Man said:
I guess the fact that Toronto like most Canadian cities has a weak mayor system, were he is only at the end of the day 1 vote on council matters, escaped your attention.  As far as a replacement, also last time I checked, we have these things called "elections", and people have to volunteer themselves to the process.

The Mayor of Toronto has a number of levers of power beyond his one vote. Appointments to committees and many other means to reward or not councillors that oppose or approve of his stance on issues before council.
Baden  Guy said:
The Mayor of Toronto has a number of levers of power beyond his one vote. Appointments to committees and many other means to reward or not councillors that oppose or approve of his stance on issues before council.

And has been repeatedly demonestrated, individual councillors won't always sing the mayor's song, even when he does appoint those he wants into places he needs them.  At the end of the day even if a mayor stacks committees with people he/she wants, the big issues still go before the entire city council which ammend/approve/disapprove recommendations from the committees, and in city council the mayor is still only 1 vote.  Look at the casino issue, flip flopping on transit, budget committee removing things and council putting them back...
Part of Mayor Ford's poor results with Council can be partly attributed to his poor skill at being able to sway/cajole council members.
Rob and Dougie Ford 's personalities doesn't lend itself to gentle persuasion as I am sure you are well aware.  :)
Nemo888 said:
So then let us put the video of him smoking crack while mayor(or perhaps just smoking asthma medication out of a crack pipe with convicted crack dealers), many legal problems, abuse of position for personal gain, misuse of public funds and poor public image out of the equation

Correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is that the video in question shows him holding a crack pipe, it doesn't not show him smoking it. Now I haven't been following Mayor Ford's trials and tribulations all that well, but please provide examples of where he abused his position and misused public funds.
Did you hear? It's all good. Rob has announced on his radio show today that he made some "mistakes" and he's sorry for them, and he is going to carry on. He seemed to be referring mainly to two of his episodes of public drunkenness.

Soooo... as long as we're prepared to be fair and to extend the same level of forgiveness that Rob Ford wants us to give him, to all other misbehaving politicians, including ones we don't like or who don't align with our politics, then we're cool.

All they have to do is say "I'm sorry".
"And as a condition of Ford keeping the mayor’s chair, ( Deputy Mayor ) Kelly wants a driver to keep an eye on him – a full-time employee, vetted by the city, “someone who picks you up in the morning, drives you around all day, drops you off at home.” "

A friend of mine, a Line of Duty Injured ( LODI ) Paramedic, was redeployed into that job years ago. 

It involved long hours, including weekends.

After-hours "Standby" was a written requirement because, "City Council hereby delegates its statutory authority under the City of Toronto Act, 2006, and under any other legislation, to the Mayor, exclusively for use in emergencies."

( The language was a bit different then, but basically said the same thing. )

It was a top of the line Mercury equipped with red lights and siren behind the grill. The only official marking was the licence plate: METRO 1.

“The mayor can nominate, but we should have either myself as deputy mayor or someone on his executive, or a combination of them should have the ability to approve.”

Whoever gets the job, for sure they will be required to maintain an official log of where and when the car transports the Mayor. 

The irony is that many of his toughest critics likely imbibe in the same recreational activities they accuse him of and likely support the decriminalization of such drugs. However likely the voters choose him as he is the least worse candidate, which shows that Toronto does not appear to have much leadership depth.
Colin P said:
The irony is that many of his toughest critics likely imbibe in the same recreational activities they accuse him of and likely support the decriminalization of such drugs.

Yup that plays out on my FB wall all the time, people being critical about him allegedly using a crack pipe, while simultaneously extol the virtues of safe injection sites....of course those SI shouldn't be in THIER neighbourhoods.  I am actually quite sick of all the hypocrisy, and started taking a page from Tucker Max, I am calling you out on your blantant double standards, and frankly could care less if these acquaintances think I am an a-hole, and unfriend me.  I have told them as much I don't care, even to people I have known for years.  There really is no hair splitting when it comes to drug use with me.
mariomike said:
"And as a condition of Ford keeping the mayor’s chair, ( Deputy Mayor ) Kelly wants a driver to keep an eye on him – a full-time employee, vetted by the city, “someone who picks you up in the morning, drives you around all day, drops you off at home.” "

What this Mayor needs is a good old-fashioned fireproof RSM who can come, in close the door, and say: "Sir, let me tell you a few things..." but it seems that he Mayor is in the habit of doing away with people who point out that the Emperor has no clothes.
pbi said:
What this Mayor needs is a good old-fashioned fireproof RSM who can come, in close the door, and say: "Sir, let me tell you a few things..." but it seems that he Mayor is in the habit of doing away with people who point out that the Emperor has no clothes.

I think the advice he takes most seriously is from big brother Doug.

Politics aside, the immediate priority, in my opinion, is a City employee - who has been vetted by the Deputy Mayor, Council and the Executive Committee - to drive him.

When the job is posted, it will indicate that Standby is a requirement of the job.

( It will likely be an Accommodation position under the Modified Work Program. )

Toronto mayor Rob Ford has admitted that he’s smoked cracked cocaine.

“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Ford told a press scrum at city hall on Tuesday.

He said he is not an addict and that he’s made mistakes. The media have previously ask Ford is he uses the drug after reports last May of a video seen by Gawker and the Toronto Star showing the mayor appear to use the drug. Ford denied it at the time. Toronto Police have since confirmed that they are in possession of the video.

“I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions,” said Ford ....
Postmedia, 5 Nov 13
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