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Time well wasted

Birthday 1990-01-01 (18 Years, 191 Days, 19 Hours, 27 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2007-29-10 (251 Days, 8 Hours, 47 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 14 Days, 15 Hours, 39 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 3.7174 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 5.829 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.2167 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 55.97
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 960.13
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.09 *

Pffft what ever I could have spent 3.7 % of my lie eating Eggos instead.  I took a higher path.
Time wasted for Springroll

Birthday 1978-03-22 (30 Years, 115 Days, 15 Hours, 4 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-21-07 (2 Years, 352 Days, 7 Hours, 48 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 20 Days, 19 Hours, 23 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 9.781 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 1.9225 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.188 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 29.96
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 1558.55
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.18 *
Time wasted for Ex-Dragoon

Birthday 1968-07-19 (39 Years, 363 Days, 18 Hours, 10 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2003-04-10 (4 Years, 277 Days, 19 Hours, 10 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 108 Days, 3 Hours, 45 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 11.9037 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 6.2238 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.7409 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 24.16
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 388.21
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.06 *

Time wasted for ArmyVern

Birthday 1968-10-03 (39 Years, 294 Days, 0 Hour, 28 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-18-09 (2 Years, 299 Days, 18 Hours, 43 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 198 Days, 16 Hours, 1 Minute
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 7.0877 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 19.2922 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.3674 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 30.07
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 155.86
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.02 *

* Calculated as if the user had been a paid subscriber since registration, with a $30 annual subscription rate. This figure shows the total subscription cost divided by the number of hours the user has been online.

I have just realized that I spend a HELL of a lot of time here. And, that I'm almost f'n 40.  >:(
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 19.2922 %


Vern, you are a prime example of a person who also really likes this site, maybe a little too much ;D

But I'm catching up ;) :D

Time wasted for Deadpan

Birthday 1990-10-04 (17 Years, 288 Days, 9 Hours, 11 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2006-30-05 (2 Years, 45 Days, 20 Hours, 36 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 71 Days, 8 Hours, 10 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 11.9485 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 9.1951 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.0987 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 45.76
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 497.66
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.05 *

Deadpan said:
Vern, you are a prim example of a person


I think you meant prime.  Vern is a lot of things but prim is a word that doesn't come to mind when I think of her..... ;)
PMedMoe said:
I think you meant prime.  Vern is a lot of things but prim is a word that doesn't come to mind when I think of her..... ;)
Sorry, I was out in the sun too long with my tin foil hat on ;) ;D

PMedMoe said:
I think you meant prime.  Vern is a lot of things but prim is a word that doesn't come to mind when I think of her..... ;)

What the hell are you trying to say??

Those who know me ... know I'm an angel. Those who know me well ... call me angel!!  >:D

(Stupidiots are everywhere though ...  8))
ArmyVern said:

I have just realized that I spend a HELL of a lot of time here. And, that I'm almost f'n 40.  >:(

You are farther away from being 40 then I am ;)
ArmyVern said:
What the hell are you trying to say??

Please!  I meant it as a compliment!!  Really!! 
  You know I worship you!
Woo! 73 days on here! ;D

Time wasted for Deadpan

Birthday 1990-10-04 (17 Years, 299 Days, 8 Hours, 26 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2006-30-05 (2 Years, 56 Days, 19 Hours, 51 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 73 Days, 0 Hour, 1 Minute
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 12.0969 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 9.2779 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.1223 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 46.35
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 499.57
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.05 *
Haven't posted much lately, but I'm finally getting some time to catch up on my reading here.  Nothing like being lazy on leave!  ;D

Time wasted for airmich

Birthday 1973-07-25 (35 Years, 9 Days, 8 Hours, 33 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-13-02 (3 Years, 162 Days, 19 Hours, 1 Minute ago)
Total Time Logged In 140 Days, 20 Hours, 37 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 9.8385 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 11.1989 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 1.1018 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 131.29
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 1172.31
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.04

The calculation for age is off by a few days though.....
Ok just for laughs I went to see "time wasted"  Ummmm oh, Mr. Bobbit!  I think there's a glitch somewhere here.

Time wasted for emmiee

Birthday 0001-01-01 (2008 Years, 327 Days, 12 Hours, 59 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-29-12 (2 Years, 208 Days, 16 Hours, 53 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 8 Days, 21 Hours, 20 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 0.128 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 0.9469 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.0012 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 256
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 27034.68
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.42 *

Last I knew I wasn't 2008 years old!!!!!!!  You know how touch women are about their age !!!!! 

emma the not 2008 years old!
emmiee said:
Ok just for laughs I went to see "time wasted"  Ummmm oh, Mr. Bobbit!  I think there's a glitch somewhere here.

Time wasted for emmiee

Birthday 0001-01-01 (2008 Years, 327 Days, 12 Hours, 59 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2005-29-12 (2 Years, 208 Days, 16 Hours, 53 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 8 Days, 21 Hours, 20 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 0.128 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 0.9469 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.0012 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 256
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 27034.68
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.42 *

Last I knew I wasn't 2008 years old!!!!!!!   You know how touch women are about their age !!!!! 

emma the not 2008 years old!

I think you need to change your age in your profile, that may be the problem ;)

Deadpan said:
Woo! 73 days on here! ;D

Small fry.

Time wasted for NFLD Sapper

Birthday 1977-01-24 (31 Years, 190 Days, 13 Hours, 26 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 2001-30-04 (7 Years, 87 Days, 14 Hours, 26 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 102 Days, 14 Hours, 57 Minutes
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 22.968 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 3.8834 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0.8919 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 58.43
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 1504.68
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0.1

NFLD Sapper said:
Small fry.
Yeah but you were on here way back when it was in the wee stages of growth.

I think I'm coming along nicely, thank you very much ;)

Deadpan said:
Yeah but you were on here way back when it was in the wee stages of growth.

I think I'm coming along nicely, thank you very much ;)


I guess then I should head back to my cave then  ;D