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Time on med files returning to CFRC

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dreadnought
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wow, it seems like there's a lot of people having first-time rejections from borden... i passed my physical the first time and from what i could tell at the CFRC, things went well enough.. so i really hope my medical test comes back allright. when i went in for my interview, the officer told me the file was due back in a week or so. i really hope i won't have to redo it.. the waiting is such a pain  :-X
Dreadnought said:
Hey wussup QY Rang, from my impression of the whole process I think that when you get that rejection letter it's like saying your not freakin getting in and your cut off from the process. When you submit your specialist letter or whatever documentation you need you re-open your file but they won't budge on your application because they have to wait till the meds clear it, then they will give you a call to book your PT and redo security check. Because then they know they won't be wasting their time and resource. So your locked out from doing anything to speed up your application process until that dang med comes back clean. By the way it sucks so bad about my situation because I have to turn down any offer because I have accepted a position in Quebec for next year. Ahhh all that way for nothing. Whatev. Good Luck man.

No man, that's not the problem, the medical came back clean a month ago, that is when I had my file re-opened.  It seems that they are waiting on nothing right now.  I don't know if it is because they are really busy or what, I'm just terrified that they are going to lose my file or something. 

Last time I applied they had called me within a week to book the tests.  I understand that if we were still waiting on Borden to O.K. the second medical, that they would not want to book the tests, but that isn't the case.  I called them today and still got no luck.. If I didn't have to take a day off work each time and travel down to the city to do it, I'd go down in person to get to the bottom of this.  Oh well..
I sometimes wonder about the staff at some of the CFRC.

I went in this past Tuesday to drop off a letter of reference.  It had been 1 week and 6 days since my PT and I had not got a call re: my interview and medical.

The clerk at the desk tells me to have a seat and he will book me in for my interview.

He calls my name about five minutes later and informs me I will also have to do my medical again.  After reading a few screens, he then tells me that it will probably be on the 17th, so make sure I can come in that day, and that he should be giving me a call by the end of the week, and if I don't hear from him by then to call on Monday.

Well, why not just look in your scheduler right then and there and book me in on the 17th instead of making me wait for a phone call that may or may not be placed?
Are you going to have to do the whole medical again?  It seems kind of silly since we just spent the last year finishing the last one..!?!  Or is it just the hearing/vision thing again...?
Presumably it's just the vision/hearing part.  I'm guessing this is because my last one is dated from Oct. 2003; I just I hope I don't have to shell out for another optometrist to get an updated eyeglass perscription.  Probably will.
Hey guys.. My med came back yesterday and all clear! It was the first time it was sent too.. It took a whole month to get back, so I wonder what people in you guys CFRC's are doing  with your files  ???
Good luck to y'all!