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Tim Hortons in Theatre Merged Thread (in AFG, no plans to preposition)

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Given that the CME look after the water, I won't say that it's got something to do with the aqua :)
Blame it on the synthetic cow I guess.
Heres a quote from an article I seen just now:


Brace yourself. Green Bean's secret weapon is a sort of triple-triple — a $4.50 (U.S.) iced confection of three shots espresso, chocolate syrup and steamed milk. The Canadian battle group of about 2,200 is lining up in droves

$5.00 Coffee ? :o  ??? ?

So why do we need Tim's in KAF?
Armymedic said:
Heres a quote from an article I seen just now:


$5.00 Coffee ? :o  ??? ?

So why do we need Tim's in KAF?

Ice Caps are Marginally Cheaper
Pricing in Kandahar for Timmies hasn't been set
hold onto your tuques
$5.00 Coffee ? Shocked  Huh ?

So why do we need Tim's in KAF?

The "Green Beans" at KAF is like a Starbucks. It's all overpriced designer coffee...
Nearing the end of a CTV interview today, BG Fraser is quoted as saying "Tim Horton's better get their ass over here"   :cdn:
.... If that's all he has to bitch about..... it's a good thing!
Don't forget the price of a blizzard at the Dairy Queen over there - $7.00 US! I kept the receipt for the novelty, the top line of it reads DAIRY QUEEN - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN  ;D
Alrighty...I'll weigh in here and try to give some insight.

Timmies will never get the go ahead to open a franchise there as long as Green Bean is there. They have the monopoly.....period.

The food chains are contracted through KBR, which is co-owned by....drum roll please....the VP of the US. We can't even get our own contractors to go in and do work...KBR does it all, at a snail's pace at that.

Timmies will not be given any sort of military flight room, they'd have to fly it all in themselves...there by jacking up the price of every cup of joe.

As it stands right now the average cup at Green Beans in KAF is sitting at approx $3.50 US.

Another good example of how bad it gets....Subway on the new board walk runs out of supplies quite regularly. Before I left for home, there was only 3 different types of salami and no tomatoes, pickels,olives and only 1 type of bread....sesame. Burger King ran out of fries over a month ago....you get the idea.

I'd personally rather see Tim Horton's donate tins of coffee to Canada House in KAF and in Kabul for the Kabul 100.

They can make their own coffee and have at least a small reminder of home and to know that at least one corperation cares enough for the troops to have that flown in so they can have a cup of Timmies first thing in the morning before going out on patrol.

Besides....the MPs would be sitting in the Tim's instead of chasing down speeders who go over the 16 km/h limit    ::)

Dream on troops.....it ain't going to happen.

My $0.02 worth.

Bzzliteyr said:
Just a little thing I noticed when driving across the Countries last year.. in the US you pay the same for a med. dbl-dbl as you do in Canada, so with the exchange rate it makes for a mighty 'spensive cup of java.

(ref: third page price discussion)

One interesting thing I noticed the last time I was down at an American Timmy's was that they only had S, M, and L sizes of coffee, no XL.  Everything was also scaled up, making a US small = Canadian medium, and so on. 
Are people really this hung up on Tim Horton's? Its not even that good, the taste is all in the cream...

Plus I believe that Franko has hit the nail right on the head, KBR is not going to allow them to set up shop in their 'territory'. How is Tim's going to ship their gear over? Fed Ex?
I saw a show on KBR and their idea of supporting the troops.  Now don't get me wrong I am all for making life as comfortable as possible, but doesn't the idea of having a franchise set up in the middle of an army base seem a bit odd?  Just a thought.
Hershey.... you haven't thought this one thru - have you
imagine the customers that these franchises would get if they were operating on the other side of the wire.
You suggesting that our guys go out of camp every day / every night to walk to wherever....... This ain't Kansas Toto!!
I have thought it through.  Just think on your days off you could walk out the gate, have a Tims, then wonder down the road to the new Gap store and pick up some stylin' tan cargo pants........

No, that is not what I meant with my statement.  I was asking what level of support is needed to keep troops happy.  Is it bare bones military support or is it customer based service, like KBR, where you can get all the shit that you can get back home?  Or some place in the middle?

I am not saying you should suffer while on deployment, but does it make sense to have a Burger King in your camp?
the US Forces, with their umpteen thousands of troops have felt that a little bit of Home & mom's apple pie is justified.

Up until now - Canada has felt that something like Canada House has been satisfactory.
You be the judge
Well if I am going to be the judge, then I would say it is sending the wrong message.

We will now turn the question around:  If you are some local from Iraq, Afghanistan, or where ever and you look over at the large military base what do you think goes thought that person's mind when you see all of these western stores?  Troops macking down on burgers and stuff?  Spending $5 on a coffee, or having the cost back loaded through contracts like the US and KBR?  To a poor local that might seem excessive, expensive and wasteful.  Why not run the base on the economy?  It might not be Tim's but it will be cheaper and 'friendly' to the locals and the economy.

signalsguy said:
Are people really this hung up on Tim Horton's? Its not even that good, the taste is all in the cream...

signals... it's not until you cut the fat (cream) that you really recognize the unique taste of Tim's. "XL double milk... no sugar". It wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I began to really love the taste of coffee.
herseyjh said:
Well if I am going to be the judge, then I would say it is sending the wrong message.

We will now turn the question around:  If you are some local from Iraq, Afghanistan, or where ever and you look over at the large military base what do you think goes thought that person's mind when you see all of these western stores?  Troops macking down on burgers and stuff?  Spending $5 on a coffee, or having the cost back loaded through contracts like the US and KBR?  To a poor local that might seem excessive, expensive and wasteful.  Why not run the base on the economy?  It might not be Tim's but it will be cheaper and 'friendly' to the locals and the economy.

You are kidding right?
The coffee here is 5 bucks only if you buy one of those fancy ones (and I can't pronounce them).  A standard cup is $1.75, which ain't all bad as a little luxury item for the day.  As for prices/availability, the food in the chow hall is free.

Having recreation facilities and little bits of home available certainly helps maintain morale.  I suppose it can be taken to an extreme, but I don't think that we are there.

That being said, a Timmies was the first thing I hit on HLTA during my last tour...


herseyjh said:
Why not run the base on the economy?  It might not be Tim's but it will be cheaper and 'friendly' to the locals and the economy.
one big problem is..... not all locals are friendly.
Troops need time to rest and relax.... making change, having a burger or a double double while wearing vest, helmet and packing a C7 AND looking over your shoulder for AQ or Taliban is not relaxing.

Locals don't come into the camp, they do not get to see the boardwalk, they do not get to taste our little taste of home - and they shouldn't - cause it isn't part of their way of life.

time to wake up and smell the coffee!
(no more time to waste on this thread - Bye!)