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Those selected for BMQ: 26th Sept to 9th Dec in Borden

I'm departing at 0945 from Winnipeg on Sunday. So I get an extra day at home. ;D

There seems to be a lot of people going Infantry, nice to see some other airforce people there. Hopefully we'll be out to a running start, and not have any major hic-ups. I don't know if I have a single strong point, but most of it should come back to me after being out of the reserves for a year. I'm also hoping for a mild winter, and not another repeat of my first BMQ FTX that also took place in the winter. ::)
Tollboothwilli3 said:

Im head'in to borden for the 26th as well. Think there will be time to catch a game? didnt even cross my mind until now

Silly Rabbit...  You won't have the time...
Hey have seen you guys running around Borden already. lol ohh the BMQ days.  I will be thinking of you guys while I sit at PRETC waiting to go to Sigs QL3.
haha.. my mod is right outside PRETC and I laugh at everyone still there .... well it wasn't too bad but sitting out smoking in the tents gets old REAL quick

It kinda sucks cause we literally have to race them to get to the mess for .. just about every meal before they do.. and their marching! Priceless

I was surprised at the sheer number of recruits coming in though... a few weeks ago it was just like ... 2 platoons, but since then more and more just keep piling in, I think there are around 4-5 here now all crammed into one general area (close to T-139 or the NavRes school).. And a few days ago I saw a bunch of people in civvies "formed" up which could only be another BMQ platoon getting ready to go.
It kinda sucks cause we literally have to race them to get to the mess for .. just about every meal before they do.. and their marching! Priceless

Hey now, our marching is coming along quite well.  Just wait and see when we go on parade 11Nov05.

Parade went pretty well today. A Coy 2 Pl is way ahead on drill....

going in the field this Monday, should be fun.
SierraAir said:

Parade went pretty well today. A Coy 2 Pl is way ahead on drill....

going in the field this Monday, should be fun.

But who looked better in the end..A1 Baby..   :P...Congrads to all of us who graduated the 8th...Was a hoot and good luck down the road