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Those crazy Grewal's....

Your points are very well taken, pronto.

I let my fury at our political 'leaders' and their low standards get in the way of good judgement.  I apologize to Messrs Grewal, Disanjh, Martin and Murphy â “ for all I know they might be decent, ethical, honest, upright men.

I should have scattered "I believe" and "in my opinion" throughout because, of course, I have no proof that Grewal is scum and Martin is a crook.  I, like everyone else, must await the outcomes of investigations and, oh I hope, criminal trials.

What I can say is: the ethical standards of this parliament, with some individual exceptions, are unworthy of the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of Canadians who shed their blood and gave their lives in the hope that we would live in an exemplary liberal, constitutional democracy.

Gilles Duceppe, Stephen Harper, Jack Layton and Paul Martin and their colleagues should pause and reflect upon the fact that better men than they will ever hope to be fought and died to give them the right to LEAD our country.  They should shake their heads, stiffen their backs and get on with the job â “ which may involve resigning their offices and letting Canadians select better people.
Have to agree with Pronto on this one.  One can understand that in the heat of the moment a lack of tact or Political Correctness can come out.  But we still have to be carefull not to mix opinion with fact and truth with lies. 

Now for my two cents,The way this Parliament is playing out it is like a giant Wrestling match with everyone fighting and trying sell themselves to be the good guy.  Just when you think you got it all straight they switch sides or the tag team partner defects by backstabbing his partner.  It is fun in way to watch, it is just to bad these are the people who are supposed to be shaping the future of our country.  Surely we as Canadians deserve better then this mockery of a Parliament.  Again this is my opinion and not a fact, but i feel that this will not change in the next election either.  I feel we will be stuck with these minority governments for at least one more term.  So i hope you all are prepared, the script is being written and the wrestlers are all warmed up. 

pronto said:
Jeez guys, you really have to watch your biases.

If you said this in a newpaper, or in open forum, or to the persons involved - you would be sued. Here we have someone accusing someone else of conspiracy to commit an illegal act for god's sake! I may not like the liberals anymore than you do, but I will not stoop to slander and/or libel. It really dilutes the point of the argument, don't cha think?

Hell, if someone wanted to, they could certainly make life difficult for the owners of the Board here for allowing actionable wording. I kinda think it is against the posting policy, anyway.

I would have to agree with this post for the most part. Lets be careful with this sort of chatter.
tikiguy said:
The truth of the situation is that you cannot expect the police to properly police the police.

We can and they do.

Same applies to the governing party or any other party.

A truly independent Ethics Commisioner with real investgative powers [including powers of search and seizure] and near judicial status would be a good start. A Code of Ethics with severe sanctions [read: Jail time] for the Tomfoolery of late would be handy. 

Dosanjh cleared: No offer to buy MP's vote
Last Updated Wed, 25 Jan 2006 18:10:43 EST
CBC News
The federal ethics commissioner has found no evidence that Liberal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh offered "specific rewards" for a Conservative MP's support to prop up the government in a key vote last May.
And in doing so, he gave the minister's Conservative accuser, Gurmant Grewal, a severe slapping-around.


...'Genuine political principles and competency ... do not seem to have been an important feature of the conversations'...

...'This case presents all parties to the events in an especially unattractive light'...