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This may explain a lot


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Liberals’ Dreamworld

Plato wrote that the tyrant’s restless soul gives him difficulty falling asleep. When he does, he has many feverish dreams and nightmares.
American researcher Kelly Bulkeley has published a paper on the dreams that conservatives and liberals have. The key difference is that liberals dream about their fantasies while conservatives’ dreams are rather mundane:
Among his findings, Kelly Bulkeley discovered liberals are more restless sleepers and have a higher number of bizarre, surreal dreams including fantasy settings and a wide variety of sexual encounters. Conservatives’ dreams were, on average, far more mundane and focused on realistic people, situations and settings.

“Conservatives seem to have more of a focus on the here and now and the material world, whereas liberals, in contrast, seem to have a much wider sphere of imaginative activity,'’ he said. “They don’t just dream about what is, but what could be or what they wish could be.'’

Liberals were far more likely to have sexual dreams about strangers and a variety of partners, while liberal women showed a greater tendency towards same-sex fantasies than their conservative counterparts (24 versus four per cent).

“Especially for liberal women, there was a far greater variety in sexual partners and incidents of homosexuality,'’ Bulkeley said. “Liberals tended to show a greater willingness to experiment with different things.'’

Conservatives, by comparison, were far more likely to report having sexual dreams about their spouse or current partner.

While left-wingers might be more adventurous in the subconscious bedroom, they’re also more likely to wake up in a cold sweat.

Liberals showed slightly higher levels of nightmares than conservatives.

And the perfect conclusion:
“There may be a lot of hidden distress and unpleasantness in the liberal mind.'’

Among his findings, Kelly Bulkeley discovered liberals are more restless sleepers and have a higher number of bizarre, surreal dreams including fantasy settings

If liberals are likely to dream of fantasies and the bizarre and surreal I dare to try and imagine the dreams of the NDP!!!!    :o

(going to have nightmares now!)
This is a joke right? Not meant to be taken seriously?
If liberals are likely to dream of fantasies and the bizarre and surreal I dare to try and imagine the dreams of the NDP!!!!

I thought a prerequisite to dreaming was having a brain... I'm fairly sure if that's the case, the NDP do not dream.
a_majoor said:
American researcher Kelly Bulkeley has published a paper on the dreams that conservatives and liberals have.
This would be the American interpretation of the word 'Liberal' as opposed to the interpretation of pragmatic that we might apply.
MCG said:
This would be the American interpretation of the word 'Liberal' as opposed to the interpretation of pragmatic that we might apply.

What, you mean he didn't actually analyse the brain patterns of Canadian politicians.  How sad, so many opportunistic insults thwarted by this untimely insertion of reality in such a promising thread.

And, thanks to dictionary.com:

One favoring traditional views and values.

A person with liberal ideas or opinions.

Michael O'Leary said:
Liberal: A person with liberal ideas or opinions.

That has to be one of the worst definitions I have ever read.  ;D
That has to be one of the worst definitions I have ever read. 

conservative: one with conservative ideas or opinions.

yes very descriptive and defining!
Try these:
>This is a joke right? Not meant to be taken seriously?

File it with the studies purporting to find out things about conservatives that liberals deem unfavourable.
Brad Sallows said:
>This is a joke right? Not meant to be taken seriously?

File it with the studies purporting to find out things about conservatives that liberals deem unfavourable.
