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This is not the Canada I remember [Boo-ing Team USA]

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That sucks.... as much as I was perfectly happy to see Canada beat The USA on the ice, I would have hoped for something better than what the fans did. It was classless, and not the mark of a gracious host. I would have held us to a higher standard than that.

But then, Canadian fans turned on Team Canada back in 1972 until Esposito ripped into them on TV...

Cheering for the Russians over the US?!? I just shake my head and sigh....

Some points:

1-You don't boo kids. These players are 17 and 18. What's next, boo the Team USA Bantam team? Pee-wee? Stupid.

2-The USA is arguably Canada's biggest rival in International Hockey. It USED to be the Soviets/Russia, but they have slid in the wake of the break-up of the USSR, and the USA has taken a huge step forward. Remember that the US won the World Jr's in '04, the World Cup in '96, Plus I believe they beat the Candians at the Olympics at some point as well. They've played Canada the toughest in the last 10 years or so.

3-A US player, Jack Johnson, threw a vicious elbow to the head of a Canadian player, Downie, in the dying seconds of their round robin game a couple of days prior, after Downie made a pass for the final goal. It was a real cheap shot that got a lot of press and really had the local fans here calling for a suspension, which didn't happen.

4-There is some Anti-US/Bush sentiment in Canada over the softwood lumber dispute, Mad Cow, and Iraq. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, it exists. It may or may not be more prevalent in Vancouver than elsewhere in Canada, I don't know.

The booing shouldn't have happened at all, as they are just kids. HOWEVER, the booing had WAY more to do with the rivalry and Jack Johnson than Bush, Softwood, Mad Cow, or American people in general. They were booing Team USA, and to a lesser extent, Jack Johnson, not the US as a nation or a people. It is a little ironic that by proxy they were cheering for Canada's old arch Nemesis, Russia, by booing the Yanks.

Caesar said:
They were booing Team USA, and to a lesser extent, Jack Johnson, not the US as a nation or a people. It is a little ironic that by proxy they were cheering for Canada's old arch Nemesis, Russia, by booing the Yanks.
That's a weak excuse.  I think a local radio host summed it very well when he said that the fans were not pro-Russia, they were just very anti-USA.  He even conceded that it might have been well deserved to "boo" at Mr Johnson, but the spectators went beyond that.
MCG said:
That's a weak excuse.  I think a local radio host summed it very well when he said that the fans were not pro-Russia, they were just very anti-USA.  He even conceded that it might have been well deserved to "boo" at Mr Johnson, but the spectators went beyond that.
Like I said, it doesn't matter the reason, you don't boo kids.

But I was at the game, and it was more Anti-Team USA, than Anti-USA. That local radio host, if he's from Edmonton, was not likely there. You don't get an appreciation for it on tv. In the stands, it was the team they were focussing on, not the nation. BTW, Team USA was one of the favorites coming into the tournemant, along with Russia, and clearly ahead of Canada. But yes, there were some who were clearly Anti-American, but they were the minority, in my view.

If I was an American, I would take it as a compliment on the way we view the quality of their hockey program.

Caesar said:
Like I said, it doesn't matter the reason, you don't boo kids.
What does it say that Canadian spectators were not there to cheer for a team, but to call-down the other team?  Consider that Team USA is a national symbol?  You'd probably laugh in the face of any American that told you a similar treatment of Team Canada is a compliment to Canada?
Sorta like when a USMC colour party marched out the Canadian flag upside down at a World Series game.  What did we get for that?  "Ooops, sorry, get over it."
MCG said:
What does it say that Canadian spectators were not there to cheer for a team, but to call-down the other team? 

Actually, they were cheering for Russia, which was surreal.

MCG said:
Consider that Team USA is a national symbol?  You'd probably laugh in the face of any American that told you a similar treatment of Team Canada is a compliment to Canada?
If Team Canada was booed at the World Juniors by Americans while playing another team, I would take that as a compliment. BTW, that's exactly what happened at last years World Jr's in North Dakota. It wasn't as big news because there were a lot of Canadain fans there, cheering, leveling the boos out a little.

The booing was BS only because of the age of the target. If the US fan gets all bent outta shape because they got booed in a rival's stadium, they need thicker skin.
Caesar said:
If Team Canada was booed at the World Juniors by Americans while playing another team, I would take that as a compliment.
Then explain to me why the Americans should take it as a compliment?

Caesar said:
BTW, that's exactly what happened at last years World Jr's in North Dakota.
Does that (in your eyes) make it okay for us to do the same?

Caesar said:
If the US fan gets all bent outta shape because they got booed in a rival's stadium, they need thicker skin.
Maybe they need thicker skin, but does that make it okay?  I mean really, what kind of mature sportsman-like conduct is "booing" a hockey team because of the nation it represents (and don't pass any more BS of "booing" in respect).
MCG said:
Then explain to me why the Americans should take it as a compliment?

I guess you missed my point, so I break it down.

1- The US fans in '04 booed the Canadian team in the US.
2-The Canadian fans booed the US team in Canada in '05.
3-Both teams are good teams, both nations have faced each other many times, in many different levels of hockey recently, and have played each other particularly hard.

Just as the top player of the opposition is often booed in any sport, the top team coming into this tournemant was booed. Yes, that's right, the US was favored to win it all. By booing, the fans are acknowleging the quality of the team. Afterall, would they boo Norway (who are quite bad)? No.
MCG said:
Does that (in your eyes) make it okay for us to do the same?

If this was not kids, yes. But like I said, you don't boo kids.
MCG said:
I mean really, what kind of mature sportsman-like conduct is "booing" a hockey team because of the nation it represents (and don't pass any more BS of "booing" in respect).
Would you criticize them for booing an adult Russian team? Swedish? Why can't they boo a team simply because they are a rival hockey nation?

I sense that you think the boos were politically motivated and anti-American. If that is your assumption, what makes you think they were NOT booing the team? What makes you think the fans were directing their ire at the US as a nation or a people? Because that's what you read? That's what you heard by some jockey in Edmonton? I was there, the boos were directed at the TEAM, not the nation.
Why automatically assume this was anything but backlash over a pretty cynical cheapshot?  If I remember correctly, after the Bertuzzi incident, the entire Canucks team were booed first time back on the ice.  Everyone thought that was well deserved.  And anyone who boos kids is a contemptible arsecrack, in my book.
Piper said:
Pathetic. And in very bad taste.

Cheer for your team, don't 'boo' the others for their playing. Especially considering anyone on that rink, Canadian or American, could outplay any of the ignorant loudmouths in the stands.

Don't watch Euro football, any Canuck road game, any baseball game involving the Yankees and the Red Sox, etc.

Sports is full of rivalries. Fans of opposing teams not only want their team to win, they also want the rival to lose. They show that by booing (or whistling in Europe).

Don't get all huffy because some jackass said us pinko Vancouverites were disrespectful to the US. If you weren't there, and especially if you didn't watch the game on tv, you really don't know. It was nothing. Heck, even Jack Johnson, the guy that threw that elbow, after the game said he'd be cheering for Canada, as would the rest of the team. If the players themselves didn't get their nose out of joint, what got your knickers in a twist?
Kat Stevens said:
Why automatically assume this was anything but backlash over a pretty cynical cheapshot? 
Because the guy who was there has told us it was mostly at the team & not the individual responsible.
Booing sports teams shows poor sportsmanship by the spectators. 
I have a question then, if booing the team is in bad taste, what about booing the ref's? I'm sure many people here who have been to any game have seen a call they disliked and booed, is that right? The guys are just trying to do their job after all.
I have watched every game Cdn game of the tourney and half the US games.

I am not anti American, and I do know hockey. This particular US Jr team deserves to be booed.

This team was touted as the tournament favorite. They have all sorts of NHL draft picks (current and future) on their team. They turned out to be arrogant individuals who can't or don't play as a team and finds no fault in taking obvious cheap shots at their opponents. (As seen in the games against Canada, Finland and Russia)

These are not boys, there are young men...18 and 19 yr olds. They have friends and peers old enough to die for their country...those hockey players can be booed.

But cheering for Russia I can sort of understand, but taunting a losing US team....thats wrong.
It's sport rivalry, plain and simple, it's not one of the many cracks in US-Canadian relations.
After having been to a few premiership match you kind of numb yourself to it being a personal thing.

Poor taste I suppose to a certain extent, but it's not as simple as a Canadians just hating all things American.
kincanucks said:
Oh get over it.  crap happens.

I agree....too much analyzing, it happens in all games. Ignore it & carry on is all, in my opinion.
I wasn't impressed by the booing of the US Team. I know it happens, but I think this time it was way overboard.

About the US booing us in North Dakota last year...funny I watched the games and I don't remember that. Perhaps because they didn't go overboard or perhaps it's because I remember a huge snowstorm rolling in and hundreds of Canadian fans being taken in, sheltered and fed and well-cared for by the US. I imagine that alot of those Canadians who were so graciously hosted by the US last year were just cringing watching the Canadian fans' behaviour towards the US this time around.