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This is My Story


Jr. Member
Reaction score
After much dilly dallying and getting my head together and preparing,  I finally did it. I braved the cold and made my way down to the Recruiting Centre here in Calgary and handed in my application along with everything else. After waiting for what seemed ages the recruiter said that I had been scheduled to take my CFAT and my interview on Tuesday morning at 8:00 am.

So now that I sit here in my comfy chair writing this, I still get the bad thoughts of "you didnt study hard enough" and "you dont have enough time to fully prepare for your CFAT". In other words, I'm nervous as all hell. Just because this is my second time doing it and I dont want to fail. My younger sibling will help me finish preparing all this weekend and Monday afternoon and night as she too wants me to do good and knows that this is all I've ever wanted. (God bless her)

Also I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people here on army.ca for their words of wisdom. I know that everyone here has helped me out in taking the right steps and making sure that I am ready and confident in seeing this through. Wether it was in the threads that I had written in or from other threads you all helped me out and for that I want to say "Thank You"  :salute:

I will keep you posted as to what happens and how my recruiting process is goin.

Hey man, i'm in the same boat as you going in to do my CFAT, interview, and medical at 8 a.m on Wednesday. I have been brushing up on my math and preparing for the interview. I'm pretty nervous but really excited. If all goes well maybe we will see each other in basic. Good luck :)
Oh I understand, I'm very excited too. :)
I wish you luck and yes, perhaps we will see each other in Basic.
Well...I had my CFAT and Interview today.
I passed the test! AND I did awesome on my interview as well  ;D YAY!
Then the shocker, I had my medical at 2 o'clock today too, so I had to wait around for a few hours. Once I had my medical done they said that taking a look through all my paperwork I was a very good candidate for the Forces. So now my file is off to Ottawa where they will look it over and give it  that all awesome thumbs up.

congrats man... im off for my interview on monday and med on friday... i just hope it goes as well as yours...
Congrats. Good to hear everything is going well. Hopefully they will get to you with an offer soon and then you can start all the fun that goes along with the Forces.

Congrats to you Lazrus and fire guy

fire_guy686 said:
Congrats. Good to hear everything is going well. Hopefully they will get to you with an offer soon and then you can start all the fun that goes along with the Forces.

Fun always starts after waiting game. (I hope you don't)
About 20 minutes ago, the recruiting center gave me a call saying they had a job offer for me (Infantry!  ;D)
I have my swear in ceremony in 2 weeks and then its off to St.Jean for BMQ.

awesome, congratulations
[I'm a little more upset than yesterday My process take well about a year..]
Greenrubberduckie said:
Congrats to you Lazrus and fire guy

Fun always starts after waiting game. (I hope you don't)

Why are you congratulating me??? ???
I just missed [enter] key lol.
it was supposed to be congratulating Lazrus then comment on fireguy's comment.
[Gosh, I'm such a no-brainer in front of a computer]
Greenrubberduckie said:
I just missed [enter] key lol.
it was supposed to be congratulating Lazrus then comment on fireguy's comment.
[Gosh, I'm such a no-brainer in front of a computer]

It's all good. We're all on the same page now.