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This is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong

Well, no disrepect, as my better half is a 'fan'  ::) ;....man, I ain't gonna sleep well tonite after viewing that, needa beer or two if I can keep 'em down.
Well if Metallica can dabble in Classical....

The painful part was the High five that they did near the beginning.


retiredgrunt45 said:
She just embarrased the greatest band in the world. I think Bon Scott would be turning in his grave. 

I think she embarassed herself more.  Scott will get his revenge when she gets kicked downstairs after she dies.

This is like.... I dont know... like maybe one of those chocolate chip Keebler elves suddenly turning around and trying sell crack on street corners.  You just want to walk over and smack them upside the head.

Perhaps someone should tell her to 'stay in her lane'?
medicineman said:
Just watch this - need I say more?  BTW - Gravol prior might be in order.



Angus and Malcolm Young would be spinning in their graves.  :mad:

Celine Dion has no business making music.  I think she should be formally banned from the music industry and never allowed near a microphone of any kind again.

If I were Angus or Malcolm Young, I would be using the, no doubt, substantial fortune created from years of epic rock stardom to creat a crack team of AC/DC special forces, who would be ever poised to strike whenever some talentless moron decides to butcher my music.  Not for my ego, but for the sanctity of rock history.  Consider the future generations, who will hear, by some odd chance, this version of such a classic rock song, and believe that this is the way rock should be... That's just wrong on so many levels.

I don't blame Celine alone; I blame her record label for thinking this crap-ass cover might be a good idea, I blame AC/DCs Label for selling the rights to one of rocks greatest songs, especially to friggin Celine Dion, I blame AC/DC fans world wide for not protesting this abomination immediately once the very idea was made public in any way... and finally, I blame Celine Dions fans for not rushing the stage and destroying the band the minute the first few cords were strummed out, 'cause you know; they knew the tune, and they should have gone into a bloodthirsty berzerk charge the instant she stepped on stage to defile that music.  Not out of hatred of Celine, otherwise why would they be at her concert, unless they're AC/DC fans who got wind of her plans, they should have rushed the stage just to keep her in line and to protect the purity of rock... just out of respect.

All I'm saying is; Celine Dion destroyed that song.  I didn't watch the whole thing, as it enraged me too much, but the time I spent watching it was time I could have used to do something better with my life, (like reading more articles in Radio Chatter) and although I've now used 10 times as much time writing this diatribe, I take solace in the fact that maybe some one out there, reading this, hates her as much as I do and will find a way to put an end to her musical career.
Conquistador said:
Dear World:

Our condolences go out to the victims of Celine Dion's latest aural mass rape and bastardization of what was once a classic tune. Please forgive us.



That's it. I'm never listening to music ever again. She's ruined it. All of it. :(
Medicineman I curse you for this incident! CURSE!
Note to self, do not click on links of thread entitled "This is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong", especially after ample warning.
G2G, don't forget to boil yourself as well.  I'm feeling pretty unclean after watching the Dion cover...I may need to have my ears flushed as well...
Now if she did Big Balls, I would have to stop listening to AC/DC so that I would not have been reminded.

Still I beleive it went down hill after the High Five...


the 48th regulator said:
Still I beleive it went down hill after the High Five...

Yes, that was a combat indicator of things about to head south in a hurry...
Rice0031 said:

That's it. I'm never listening to music ever again. She's ruined it. All of it. :(
Medicineman I curse you for this incident! CURSE!
Note to self, do not click on links of thread entitled "This is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong", especially after ample warning.

You have nobody to blame but yourself - ok well, me a bit and the crazy man who occupies the seat beside me at school.  But, as you noted, you read the title and the rest of the warnings, so, well, I'd say about 90% blame still goes to poor impulse control on your part  ;D >:D.

I still hate everyone here at army.ca who peer pressured me (or Jedi tricked me) into watching the video  :rage:
It's a fine day for jedi tricking you : 30 years fr Stars Wars today (I believe) :)
Yrys said:
It's a fine day for jedi tricking you : 30 years fr Stars Wars today (I believe) :)

I already have the trio going.  Pizza, beer and Star Wars marathon. ;D
Now I just need to get the images of the "AC/DC" out of my head so I can keep the pizza and beer down. :-X
midget-boyd91 said:
I still hate everyone here at army.ca who peer pressured me (or Jedi tricked me) into watching the video  :rage:
Okay I am sorry. Sheesh, and to think he listened to me  :D
midget-boyd91 said:
The video.. or the fact that someone listened to Baker?  >:D
You know it happens once in a few years, looks like 2012 until someone will finally listen to me again  :(