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Things to do in Budapest?


Army.ca Veteran
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Ok, so me and a few buddies are going to be doing an overnighter in Budapest. Anyone got some experiences, places to see, things to do?

(It is my understanding that Captain Jack's has been shut down  ;) )
Sig_Des said:
Ok, so me and a few buddies are going to be doing an overnighter in Budapest. Anyone got some experiences, places to see, things to do?

(It is my understanding that Captain Jack's has been shut down  ;) )

Captain Jack's closed??  Say it ain't so!

My last experience in Budapest was in '97 (and it was fairly drunk out at the time) - but I DO recall - excellent museums on the Pest side - wonderful "floating restaurants" on both sides, and architecture to die for EVERYWHERE (I'm an inveterate admirer of architecture - what can I say).  I wish I could remember the names/locations of the two museums that are sticking in my memory.  If I get time later today, I'll do a little "google-fu" and see if I can come up with them.

Sig_Des said:
What, no international incidents?

So doon't you dare try to invade the next country (just remembering old news) :).
I was there a last month. Take the Danube Cruise. 1 hour full of sights. free drinks

  Go to a cafe. Oggle the women.
There are little pamphlets in the hotels. they advertise various specials etc.
Shop around,
drink beer,
get some!
I liked pauls pub, but thats just me. They have these courtyards around the universities (which are closed for the summer) which they turn into these crazy outdoor clubs. If you can find these I recomend it.
As well the best place I saw was the House of Terror
If your intrested in history check it out. Goes into detail about the Arrow Cross and the Communists and Hungry in and after ww2. It is really good.
Hope that helps and that you enjoy your trip.
that place is a crap hole, stay away from all the  strip clubs, you will get f%cked over big time their... Dont trust anyone..... The Cabbies will shiest you and the Local Police are Corrupt as F@ck

Have fun
I have a question, when you go overseas do you ever get a few days off, I'm wondering because if I was ever sent to hungary, i'd like to go over to the city of Maneuti in Romania (north of Sucesava) because that is where my great great great grandfather is from, figured it would be neat to see.

P.S. I'm not in the CF yet, just wondering about time off.
Do everything you can to find out about the 1956 uprising. I'm fascinated by the entire episode and i'm sure Des, with your eye for history, you'll dig it too. 
mover1 said:
get some!

Sounds like something to do ;)

Actually, we're really liking the Danube cruise idea...especially the free drinks!

Hale said:
Do everything you can to find out about the 1956 uprising. I'm fascinated by the entire episode and i'm sure Des, with your eye for history, you'll dig it too. 

That's actually a really cool idea, Hale. Hadn't thought about it, but may be interesting. Hopefully I'll have some time for it.
The Cruise went something like this.

Get on the boat, get champagne, tour guide tells the story shows the sights
Beer is served, more tour guide stuff a Q&A session,
Chat up a cute Aussie tourist,
Boat lands go drinking with said Aussie tourist and her friends,
get some with Aussie Tourist.

That's the Danube cruise in a nutshell
The Terror House is quite cool and I also highly recommend it. Also went to one of the midevil (sp?) all you can eat buffet type places, spectacular food. King Arthur's ? Sir Lancelot ?, can't remember (it was a good day  ;)). 5 of us ordered a platter for 6, we couldn't finish it. It was basically a stretcher-sized board, carried by two serving wenches. Spectacular.

Never took a cab, got a pass for the subway, way better deal (in 2002), easy to figure out where you are.

There is good food everywhere you go, never had a problem with the locals. Just watch the prices, if they come up to you and talk English right away, they've already pegged you as American, and the prices go up automatically.

Went on one of the cruises also, don't remember much and most of my pics were blurry (for some strange reason, must have been rough water or something).

I would go check out Heroes Square. Pretty neat. If you are into heroes, and stuff. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes'_Square_(Budapest)

My buddy and I walked from any locale that had a beer sign (Stella, Heineken, etc) in front of it, had one or two, then moved onto next establishment. Good times, and get to see more sights (usually twice as many and blurry, but I digress). I would avoid expat hangouts (i.e where only N Americans hangout). If you wanted to hangout with drunk N Americans, you could have stayed at home and done that.

I do second the opinion on the medieval place (forget the name). The barmaids/wenches alone were worth the price of admission, and we spent a while longer there than we should have.

Keep wallet in front pocket, and passport in hotel safe. Whiskey dolly's love to grab your backside (and wallet, while they are there). Don't get money changed in subway, as only drunk tourists do that, and they rip you off (as I found out, even after receiving warnings about it: hey, I was drunk!!!)

Contrary to the doom and gloom scenarios painted by somebody who knew a guy, who knew a guy that got ripped off  ::), as long as you are sensible you can have a good time in Budapest (or anywhere for that matter)

Subway is definately the way to travel. Look for Irish pubs, they tend to attract English speakers, and most are pretty good. Pauls Pub was a good spot when I was there alst in 2004.

Isbis [sp]Hotel (used to be the leave center hotel) is right across from the Youth hostel and right beside the subway.
Spent a week in Hungary in 2000 when on leave from Sarajevo. Had a good time - lots of good restaurants/bars. Watched the movie Gladiator in the mall downtown (English with Hungarian subtitles). Go see the royal palace. It was destroyed in fighting between the Nazi's and Soviets during World War II, but they had such detailed blueprints that they were able to rebuild it over the years. When they were rebuilding the palace they discovered the old medieval ruins that were underneath the palace. You can see the palace and then go into the tunnels to see the medieval ruins underneath the palace.

When you get a hotel, get one on the Pest side as that will put you closer to all the bars/restaurants, etc. The city is known for its thermal baths and some of the hotels have thermal pools that you can relax in.

Don't know much about the bars other posters have mentioned. When I was in Budapest I was on my own and just went where I felt like it.

One thing when taking the subway/trams, male sure you validate the tickets. They have ticket checkers that are dressed just like everyone else and when they get on the tram/subway they slip on a red armband that signifies who they are. If you're ticket isn't validated you have to pay a fine on the spot.