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Thee Chuck Norris Thread

There, they might as well just cancel the elections and give this guy his Emperor status.
Oprah vs Norris. Thats not even a fair match. Not even the master of the universe Steven Hawking himself is a match for Chuck Norris.
Where's a smiley showing a person smacking their forehead and shaking their head?  That is not something you can take seriously...

Rayman said:
Oprah vs Norris. Thats not even a fair match. Not even the master of the universe Steven Hawking himself is a match for Chuck Norris.

What about Darth Vadar? You can't forget about Darth Vadar.  :)
Watch out if Ted Nugent starts campaigning as well. :)
Too bad though that Huckabee as zero chance of winning the nomination his stance on immigration when he was governor is a deal breaker. The MSM doesnt like his religious views but they are touting him because they think that he would lose in a general election.
tomahawk6 said:
Watch out if Ted Nugent starts campaigning as well. :)
Too bad though that Huckabee as zero chance of winning the nomination his stance on immigration when he was governor is a deal breaker. The MSM doesnt like his religious views but they are touting him because they think that he would lose in a general election.

But how did he get Norris to go along with this?  He must have been paid for the spot, or that was a Chuck Norris impersonator...

I'll take Ron Paul's blimp over Huckabee's washed up Texas Ranger  ;D
Chuck Norris sues, says his tears no cancer cure
By Christine Kearney

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Tough-guy actor and martial arts expert Chuck Norris sued publisher Penguin on Friday over a book he claims unfairly exploits his famous name, based on a satirical Internet list of "mythical facts" about him.

Penguin published "The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 facts about the World's Greatest Human" in November. Author Ian Spector and two Web sites he runs to promote the book, including www.truthaboutchuck.com, are also named in the suit.

The book capitalizes on "mythical facts" that have been circulating on the Internet since 2005 that poke fun at Norris' tough-guy image and super-human abilities, the suit said.

It includes such humorous "facts" as "Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried" and "Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits," the suit said, as well as "Chuck Norris can charge a cell phone by rubbing it against his beard."

"Some of the 'facts' in the book are racist, lewd or portray Mr. Norris as engaged in illegal activities," the lawsuit alleges.

Norris, who rose to fame in the 1970s and 1980s as the star of such films as "The Delta Force" and "Missing in Action," says the book's title would mislead readers into thinking the facts were true.

"Defendants have misappropriated and exploited Mr. Norris's name and likeness without authorization for their own commercial profit," said the lawsuit.

The suit, filed in Manhattan federal court, seeks unspecified monetary damages for trademark infringement, unjust enrichment and privacy rights.

Norris, whose real name is Carlos Ray Norris, claims in the suit he is protective of what his name is associated with. He has recently made U.S. headlines for backing Republican presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

A spokesman for Penguin, owned by Britain's Pearson, was not immediately available for comment.

(Editing by Michelle Nichols and Todd Eastham)

The lesson here kids is: Don't mess with Chuck!            ;D

I'd say something RBD but I see your locking everything up today so I'll pass.  Merry Christmas.
Spring_bok said:
Merry Christmas.

Crap, thanks for the reminder!

Merry Christmas to you too buddy!        ;D

Recce By Death said:
The lesson here kids is: Don't mess with Chuck!            ;D


Especially if Rayman believes Chuck can do this: 

Because when Chuck Norris does a push up, hes not lifting himself-hes pushing the whole earth. It appears hes teamed up with Mike Huckabee and made a variety of ads with him. 


This quote was taken from this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/68622.0.html
Norris, whose real name is Carlos Ray Norris, claims in the suit he is protective of what his name is associated with.

Surely it can't be serious drama, or even reality for that matter.

CougarDaddy said:
Especially if Rayman believes Chuck can do this:   


This quote was taken from this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/68622.0.html

That was actually what Mike Huckabee said in his ads with Chuck Norris. Chuck more or less "pushed" Mike. Mike then more or less told a Chuck Norris joke with a whole trying to be tough theme...

If the world was pushed everytime he did a pushup well...im sure days would be rather different.
Maybe Chuck Norris spent all his money from Delta Force and Walker: Texas Ranger and now is resorting to sueing people to make ends meet?