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The World According to ProPatriaMike

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ProPatria Mike said:
So enlighten me? Are the tanks going are not?  Did they urgently order parts to make them orperational, or NOT???? Is this just some conspiracy of the press as yourdelusional rant about the press would claim, or just a dose of bitter reality you aint got the cajones to accept. 

Funny thing is, I was sure I saw a Candian tank on several netowrks being unloaded off the back of an American jet in Khanadar but, geee,...but you know better, I guess. Yawn again, slick.

As for the hijacking of this thread, I didn't start it.

Somebody hijacked my post and did so for their own purposes.

How weak is that?

Nobody on this site said the rumours in the press regarding the tanks going was false. What they said was "watch and shoot." Ever heard of that? My 9er loves that saying lovely little balck, blue and yellow rock painter that he is.

The media had X number of tanks going on X flights etc etc. What was posted here...was wait for the Official Announcement. No rumour mongering. No speculation, no assuming. Wait for the facts. And when the announcement was made officially, a whole lot of the details were different that what the press had put out.

As a point of note, I did the requisite medical etc prior to joining. My first PT test was done after I had been sworn in and occured in Cornwallis Cornwallis 8804. You seem stuck in some self-imposed time-warp with some very senior combat arms type posters who have been trying to let you know that times are different now and that in the CF...we modernize and change the rules. Not that the rules regarding PT testing have changed a single iota from what they were in the 80s. Perhaps you are just are not adapting very well to change, it's a PER point now.


ProPatria Mike said:
What kind of pukey, gutless cheap shot is this?

I did not start this thread.

Somebody wannabe cut and post....

Geeez, what kind of crap is that?

Now if I wanted to start a thread with this title, I would have done so!

So who ever did, in my name,  piss off and grow the hell up!

nobody cut and pasted anything, Sparky. I split your paranoid rantings and tough-guy chest-thumping off from a real thread, being discussed in a grown-up fashion by knowledgeable adults. Your name appears as thread originator since your first ridiculous post was where I split the thread from. And, since you seem to be doing the same thing on other threads, I expect there will be more threads wherein you appear as thread originator, as they successively get split off.

Have a super day.
Your right, that was extreme. 

Forgive me!

Its much better to bomb them into submission with conventional weapons.

you know better, I guess

In this particular case, I do, "slick"....  For your edification, the tanks were dispatched with sufficient parts to keep them fully operational.  The spares recently ordered were for second and third-line accounts, as the system was stripped to mount the deployment.  I know exactly how many tanks are in theatre right now and how many are in transit.

I'm completely confused as to what your point is.  You quote the press, I tell you the press is wrong and you call me delusional.  If you have any doubt as to my bona fides on this site or this subject, take a look at my previous posts - my record should speak for itself.  If it doesn't, there's not much I can do about that.

2 Cdo? What years would they be? Somalia?

Tsk, tsk...
The Librarian said:
Nobody on this site said the rumours in the press regarding the tanks going was false. What they said was "watch and shoot." Ever heard of that? My 9er loves that saying lovely little balck, blue and yellow rock painter that he is.

The media had X number of tanks going on X flights etc etc. What was posted here...was wait for the Official Announcement. No rumour mongering. No speculation, no assuming. Wait for the facts. And when the announcement was made officially, a whole lot of the details were different that what the press had put out.

As a point of note, I did the requisite medical etc prior to joining. My first PT test was done after I had been sworn in and occured in Cornwallis Cornwallis 8804. You seem stuck in some self-imposed time-warp with some very senior combat arms type posters who have been trying to let you know that times are different now and that in the CF...we modernize and change the rules. Not that the rules regarding PT testing have changed a single iota from what they were in the 80s. Perhaps you are just are not adapting very well to change, it's a PER point now.



Well, old dogs take time to learn new tricks.  ;)

The tank reference was made, solely, to refute Teddy's manic dislike of the press and everything they do and say. The bottom lionhe, regarless of spin, is that the press said they were going and O'conner said they were not. They are! I felt it was a perfect example of sometimes wherein even they get it right and, if you will read back, I stated so in just that manner! Sometimes I think the attitude about the press around here is is totally misplaced, by the way. This is not America and sometimes, even though it sticks in your craw, it is what it is.

I also said that I did not have to pass my PT test formally and that it was changed to the entry level because to many recruits still could not pass it at the end of the recruit training. I think it is an excellent idea for two reasons.

A... it ensures the recruit can pass the basic physical demands when he arrives and prepares him mentally for the challenge ahead.

B... it sets the tone for his entire future.

I read what people say around here, how they are concerned about their weakness and inability to pass the test. I think that is a good thing, it makes a new recruit aware of his weakness and makes hi8m do something about it..

Before he becomes the weak link in the chain.

What ever happend to the ole BMI? Do they still do that? 
Teddy Ruxpin said:
In this particular case, I do, "slick"....  For your edification, the tanks were dispatched with sufficient parts to keep them fully operational.  The spares recently ordered were for second and third-line accounts, as the system was stripped to mount the deployment.  I know exactly how many tanks are in theatre right now and how many are in transit.

I'm completely confused as to what your point is.  You quote the press, I tell you the press is wrong and you call me delusional.  If you have any doubt as to my bona fides on this site or this subject, take a look at my previous posts - my record should speak for itself.  If it doesn't, there's not much I can do about that.

Tsk, tsk...

I have friends that were in Somalia so what is your tsk tsk crap about?????????

Paranoia again? I asked a simnple question, sliiiiick .

The point was not about spares, but about tanks going and the fact that  Oconnor said they were NOT and the press said they were. For your edification, the PRESS was right.

Havent seen a tank beyond the line, teddy ole boy. Since it isnt spare parts, what ever can it be!!!!!   
Mmm, is it me or do the mods have more patience today
then usual?
PPM -- your a maroon.

Teddy is a SME on amoured matters -- leave it at that.

You are making yourself look like the proverbial horse's ass.

I will not compromise MY standards even if I look like a horses ass, brother. 

Or if some goober sets me up for a verbal warning by starting a thread in my name.

Thats just kindergarden time

They stuck those words in your mouth?

That's good. "I am not responsible for my own actions."

Yep, never pass a fault all right.

Yrys said:
Mmm, is it me or do the mods have more patience today
then usual?

I must be suffering from the same thing Yrys.
ProPatria Mike said:
I will not compromise MY standards even if I look like a horses ass, brother. 

Or if some goober sets me up for a verbal warning by starting a thread in my name.

Thats just kindergarden time

...and just like kindergarden time you get to "read only" for a week. Maybe it will help and maybe not.
Hey Duke nukem, I take it you didn’t get the memo the Cold War is over.

Now come back over to the BS table in the corner Mike finish your beer and tell the yung uns again how you could’ve, should’ve, would’ve beat them Ruskie hordes at the Hof Corridor back in the good ole days.  ::)
Yrys said:
Mmm, is it me or do the mods have more patience today
then usual?

We have seen it before, someone who joins the site and laments about thier past service, its not the same now, wussies, etc, etc......usually they get a grip on themselves after a few hours though.
Not this time.....
I know you can't answer this, but I also know you won't possibly be able to tear yourself away, and will be reading this, so:

You didn't get your verbal because of the thread being 'started' in your name by having it split off. You got it for the content of the individual posts, which YOU typed out, and YOU posted. YOU refused to listen to the guidance and direction being provided.

YOU are held accountable for your own actions. Hopefully, you'll take this opportunity to learn something about how the place runs, then will come back and provide some advice for those who are now where you once were, and become a productive member.
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