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The World According to ProPatriaMike

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ProPatria Mike

Jr. Member
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Well, its not like we have any standards left now that the Conservatives have sold out.

All you have to be a fat doper and glory glory, the conservcatives got a place for you.... in todays Candian armed forces... beside those who are not... fat or dopers.

What a sell out!
ProPatria Mike said:
Well, its not like we have any standards left now that the Conservatives have sold out.

All you have to be a fat doper and glory glory, the conservcatives got a place for you.... in todays Candian armed forces... beside those who are not... fat or dopers.

What a sell out!


Excuse me there sunshine, but the lads[ladettes] are doing a lot more today than you and I did back then........mind your step and tone.

EDIT: sorry forgot about the women that are doing more right now then myself and the above poster.
ProPatria Mike said:
Well, its not like we have any standards left now that the Conservatives have sold out.

All you have to be a fat doper and glory glory, the conservcatives got a place for you.... in todays Candian armed forces... beside those who are not... fat or dopers.

What a sell out!

You've got to be kidding.  Got any facts to back up your assertions, or have you decided to take the media's speculation, spin and innuendo as gospel?
Listen, ladsssss.... Wake the hell up!

First of all, I am referring to the message the government sent yesterday, ie, if you get caught with dope in your system well. geee freaking whiz, as long as youre going to Afghanistan, heckkk... you can even get caught again!!!!! Three times? Holy crap, if that is not a sell out of standards, I don't know what is.  This is a combat zzone, for Christs sake, not the freaking kitchen! All a new dope smokin recruit has to do is be clean on the test at entry, once he's in, he can get caught up to three times. Thats BS!

As far as the minimal fitness standards and the fact that ALL recruits may have to do a stint on the pointy end of the stick before they can be rewared with an actual trade... WTH is that????


Every time we lower a standard, we are weaker.

When we do it out of politicial expediency, out of desperation, the entire Candian Armed Forces becomes weaker yet. Should it come to pass that these new recruits will be FORCED to play infanteer for two years, forced to go to the very pointy of the stick, it will only greatly weaken our combat regiments. Why? Cause they DO NOT WANT to be a Royal, or a Patricia or a Vandoo, their service is not voluntary, but some politicialy motivated scam to force people to do something else before they can have the trade they really want to be in.

Good lord, as if the battalions don't have enough on their plate as it is! 

Ask yourself two questions?

If the recruiting is all so rosy as the Conservatives would have you believe, how come they have to FORCE people into the infantry when they signed up for something else? Who cares if the numbers are up in trades that aready laden and with a waiting list a mile long? Five rounds WP for effect, boys, the entire blurb is a smokescreen to conceal the fact that NO, recruitment numbers in COMBAT ARMS are not being met and the message, as someone mentioned early, IS NOT getting out.

Secondly, why does the government feel it is so necessary to erradicate the minimum fitness standards on entry?

I would suggest the answesr are self evident.

A, as I said, these legions of new recruits are NOT interested in combat and will only go if they are forced.

and B, Most of these new recruits can't pass the the minimus standards of the current physicial fitness  test!!!!!!!!!!

They are fat, lazy and clearly, mentally, do not have the will power to get in shape and master some pathetic pushups... now, out of politicial desperation thats acceptable?

Maybe in your world, brothers, but not in mine.

Never pass a fault!

PS Should there be any potential recruits reading this, I have some words of wisdom!

Get in shape BEFORE you sign on the dotted line!

And don't smoke dope!
First of all, I am referring to the message the government sent yesterday, ie, if you get caught with dope in your system well. geee freaking whiz, as long as youre going to Afghanistan, heckkk... you can even get caught again!!!!! Three times? Holy crap, if that is not a sell out of standards, I don't know what is.  This is a combat zzone, for Christs sake, not the freaking kitchen! All a new dope smokin recruit has to do is be clean on the test at entry, once he's in, he can get caught up to three times.

And this is a change how?  Again, you're taking what's reported in the media as fact.  The FACT is that there's a well-oiled process for dealing with drug use and what the CDS has said is no change to that policy.

minimal fitness standards

Again, you're mixing things up.  The CF had started to test wannabe recruits at the recruiting centre as part of the effort to determine suitability.  This is the policy that's been discarded, not fitness testing.  Were you fitness tested before you joined?  I wasn't...

You are seriously out of touch with what's happening on the ground and in today's CF.  Yet, you post hyperbole and ranting based on speculation and inaccurate media reporting.  Give your head a shake.
Well, superman, when you get out of your phone booth, you might want to take notice that most armed forces in the world don't require a fitness test prior to joining....but what do they know.

As for the drug thing, did you really think the CF is any different than the general population.....just a guess, but they are drawn from them. Are they perfect....nope...but, then again, from the sounds of it nobody will measure up to your standards....thus the phone booth syndrome.
You can watch what was said yourself on CPAC, Im sure it will be on again on the weekend.

The media is just reporting what they said.


Does this mean that Belinda really is a dog?
Today's Calgary Herald "Recruiting May Slow" in brief 'because all recruits will have to serve two years in the infantry before being allowed to join one of the technical trades in order to make up for the infantry numbers required in Afghanistan'. Seems to me we had to do four years in the infantry before being allowed to re-muster into one of the coveted "high paying trades" but then that was back when Christ was still a corporal.
ProPatria Mike said:
You can watch what was said yourself on CPAC, Im sure it will be on again on the weekend.

The media is just reporting what they said.

I know what the media is saying and they're wrong in 90% of instances, particularly regarding Afghanistan.  I also know full well what the policy says and what's changed and what hasn't.  I'll start getting excited when there's direction from the chain of command encompassing all these reported "changes" in the way we do business.  Until there is, I'll take everything with a huge grain of salt - as you should.
3rd Herd said:
Today's Calgary Herald "Recruiting May Slow" in brief 'because all recruits will have to serve two years in the infantry before being allowed to join one of the technical trades in order to make up for the infantry numbers required in Afghanistan'. Seems to me we had to do four years in the infantry before being allowed to re-muster into one of the coveted "high paying trades" but then that was back when Christ was still a corporal.

More 'Fear Mongering'.  There are still going to be Recruits who will not have the Medical Categories to be in the Cbt Arms, but will be able to get into the Purple Trades.

Another factor is the numerous Recruits who wanted to go Infantry, but were accepted into other Trades instead.  I have noticed numerous accounts of just that on this site.
GAP said:
Well, superman, when you get out of your phone booth, you might want to take notice that most armed forces in the world don't require a fitness test prior to joining....but what do they know.

As for the drug thing, did you really think the CF is any different than the general population.....just a guess, but they are drawn from them. Are they perfect....nope...but, then again, from the sounds of it nobody will measure up to your standards....thus the phone booth syndrome.

Damn, my camoflaged combat cape cought caught in the phone booth dooor...... up up and awayyyyyyyyy...snicker.

Ok, brother, first of all, I see no NO REASON whatsoever to lower our physical standards just cause other nations do so. (Hey, just as an asside, but i don't to many of the ewak nation shoulder to shoulder with the lads, eh? Lads who, I might add, all passed the test!)

Nor, I dare say, are they sending new recruits to the pointy stick in Afghanistan. Those guys are doing a damn fine job where other nations fear to tread. The system we have works, provides a good filter for those weak of body, spirit or mental fortitude.

Second, i would have thought that, BY NOW, the anti-doping measures instituted in the nineties would have had a greater effect on drug use in the forces. The results of the testing in Valcartier and gagetown are very disheartnening. We are at war now, the population is not. Apple and oranges.

Now I always was under the impression QROs  references to councelling and probation stipulated that if the offender makes another offence in this regard...poooof! G...O...N...EEEE Gone! Indeed, I have personally seen this occur. Someone asked what has changed? Three times is what changed.

I dont know, Bruce. I was referring to the senate committe on defense..... not the house of commons...

Am I to assume she will not get your vote..... bwahahahahaaaaaaa.... dat was funny!

ProPatria Mike said:
Damn, my camoflaged combat cape cought caught in the phone booth dooor...... up up and awayyyyyyyyy...snicker.

Ok, brother, first of all, I see no NO REASON whatsoever to lower our physical standards just cause other nations do so. (Hey, just as an asside, but i don't to many of the ewak nation shoulder to shoulder with the lads, eh? Lads who, I might add, all passed the test!)

Are you not listening ? The PT standards have not changed.  All we have done is stop testing them at the CFRC.  When they get to BMQ, they still have to pass the same standard as before or they are out.  When i joined i was not tested at the CFRC, were you ?  I had to pass the test in St-Jean just like everyone else.  

Stop thinking you are god's gift to slodiering because you are out of touch and since alot of the posters you are arguing with have actual combat experience, i'll listen to what THEY have to say.
Damn, my camoflaged combat cape cought caught in the phone booth dooor...... up up and awayyyyyyyyy...snicker.

Ok, brother, first of all, I see no NO REASON whatsoever to lower our physical standards just cause other nations do so. (Hey, just as an asside, but i don't to many of the ewak nation shoulder to shoulder with the lads, eh? Lads who, I might add, all passed the test!)

Nor, I dare say, are they sending new recruits to the pointy stick in Afghanistan. Those guys are doing a damn fine job where other nations fear to tread. The system we have works, provides a good filter for those weak of body, spirit or mental fortitude.

Second, i would have thought that, BY NOW, the anti-doping measures instituted in the nineties would have had a greater effect on drug use in the forces. The results of the testing in Valcartier and gagetown are very disheartnening. We are at war now, the population is not. Apple and oranges.

Now I always was under the impression QROs  references to councelling and probation stipulated that if the offender makes another offence in this regard...poooof! G...O...N...EEEE Gone! Indeed, I have personally seen this occur. Someone asked what has changed? Three times is what changed.

It has not changed.  There's been no direction to that effect.

Moreover, you're way out of your lane when talking of drug testing results, particularly those out of Gagetown.  We have no idea what those results are, aside from a speculative media report that - by any rational assessment - is likely wildly inaccurate.

Finally, as I've indicated, we have not lowered the fitness standard.  It will be removed from recruit assessments, that's all.  I can guarantee it wasn't there in the late 80's, so what's the big deal?  There's another thread on how they're going to handle fitness at the Recruit School.
Once more,
Everyone must still pass the fitness test, its just gone back to the way YOU AND I did it, at basic training.  

Second, did you read Teddy's post?.......nothing has changed IN THE REAL WORLD.

The senate commitee on defense has said we need ships, planes and a whole host of other things.....does that mean we have them and all these serving guys are keeping it from us civi's?

3 post since my fat fingers typed this...oh well.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
I know what the media is saying and they're wrong in 90% of instances, particularly regarding Afghanistan.  I also know full well what the policy says and what's changed and what hasn't.  I'll start getting excited when there's direction from the chain of command encompassing all these reported "changes" in the way we do business.  Until there is, I'll take everything with a huge grain of salt - as you should.

Teddy teddy teddy.... Even a dog gets it right sometimes, eh? Like the tanks, for example. Did the media get it wrong then?

I prefer to watch and shoot for myself.

Since you know QRO's, whats does it say about C&P and second offences or third offense. Unless it changed since I got out, which is possible, I don't think your allowed to get caught doping more then ONCE!!!!!!!

As it should be! . 
ProPatria Mike said:
Ok, brother, first of all, I see no NO REASON whatsoever to lower our physical standards just cause other nations do so. (Hey, just as an asside, but i don't to many of the ewak nation shoulder to shoulder with the lads, eh? Lads who, I might add, all passed the test!)

Nor, I dare say, are they sending new recruits to the pointy stick in Afghanistan. Those guys are doing a damn fine job where other nations fear to tread. The system we have works, provides a good filter for those weak of body, spirit or mental fortitude.

Well no, USMC is probably not up to your standards, but somehow seem to fumble their way through things in spite of their lack of physical fitness prior to enrolling. Given that I probably wouldn't expect them to go anywhere dangerous, being ewak and all.
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