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The War in Ukraine

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The answer, of course, is usually about money:

Why is Europe still getting gas from Russia?​

Still, Europe never fully banned Russian gas — even though the money Moscow earns from it supports the Kremlin's state budget, helps to prop up the ruble currency and ultimately funds the war machine.

It's a testimony to how dependent Europe was on Russian energy — and, to a lesser extent, still is. About 3% of Europe's gas imports flow through Sudzha, part of the roughly 15% of imports that came from Russia last year.

But Europe remains on edge about its energy supply given that it's an energy importer and just suffered an outburst of inflation triggered by high energy prices. The Sudzha flows loom larger for Austria, Slovakia and Hungary, who would have to arrange new supplies.

The European Union has come up with a plan to end imports of Russian fossil fuels entirely by 2027, but progress has been uneven lately across member states.

Austria increased its Russian gas imports from 80% to 98% over the past two years. While Italy has cut direct imports, it still gets Russian-origin gas through Austria.

and considering that our leaders refused to do anything to facilitate shipments from here, we really cannot criticize.

Footbridge only remains, encirclement operations continue. So Ukraine will soon have another thousand or so POW's and a bunch of vehicles/armor that was not evacuated in time.

Using the river as the northern boundary of a buffer zone and leaving Territorial defense troops to man the defenses while pulling the high value units out and back to the eastern front should gain western aid and approval.
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Well, I guess that's ONE way to get out of kiddie porn charges ....
... with this one from April of this year
More on CS "Boston" in attached Chrome translation of Izvetsia (former USSR media, now owned by group with alleged links to Kremlin) article on him - not including the criminal charge unpleasantness, oddly enough (archived link in Russian here)


Well, I guess that's ONE way to get out of kiddie porn charges ....
... with this one from April of this year
More on CS "Boston" in attached Chrome translation of Izvetsia (former USSR media, now owned by group with alleged links to Kremlin) article on him - not including the criminal charge unpleasantness, oddly enough (archived link in Russian here)
I wonder if “Callsign Boston” is familiar with Chinook trade jargon where “Boston” is Chinook for “American”?
I wonder if “Callsign Boston” is familiar with Chinook trade jargon where “Boston” is Chinook for “American”?
As an Air Force guy, he might know. There was a guy, Russell Bentley, who did some stuff for Mother Russia in occupied eastern Ukraine whose CS was Texas,so it might just be lack of imagination too.
The ICJ and UN etc have no power to enforce the Geneva conventions so chances are they will never face punishment. (The SVU might have other ideas after the war however)

Multiple friendly fire incidents by the Russian Air Force. Punishment for a KA52 pilot was demotion to grunt and sent to the front as infantry. Essentially a death sentence (unless he manages to surrender)

Want to bet on how aggressively they remaining pilots will operate?

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