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The Via Rail Promotion For CF Members Thread

And dont worry....the "we want more" crowd will ruin it for everyone....

It's too bad that Mrs. Killam didn't look at the brighter side of things in regards to this promotion!!!  I booked and picked up my tickets last month. I, as a Base employee, travel for free, my son (7), free, I pay for my 12 year old 50% off, since dad can not come with. No, he's not in Kandahar, been there, done that, but rather, teaching the entire summer. It was only after I booked, paid for my tickets that we realized that his one week off for the summer, is part of the week that I come home from Halifax. Am I disappointed that my hubby couldnt' go with us to the east coast, yes, am I complaining that he can't go... no. I look at it as a way to spend, hopefully a relaxing vacation with my 2 boys, going somewhere none of us have been.
How does that saying go??  You can please some people some of the time..... Life's too short to complain about the little things....  :-*
On June 1, 2008  I sent VIA RAIL CANADA this e-mail  and underneath is the response I got back this morning, I know it probably is a canned e-mail, but at least they know how I feel, Robin

To: <customer_relations@viarail.ca>
Subject: Offer for CF members riding for free

To all employees, as the wife of a Canadian soldier, who has served in Afghanistan, I would like to say thank you for the opportunity for allowing CF members, their families and DND employees to ride for free or at a reduced rate. I am totaly baffled that some CF family members would be complaining, only beacause it is not good for their schedule.

I appreciate the offer, even though I will not taking you up on your offer, I think it is very nice of you. Maybe next time you should consult with every CF member to see what their schedule is, just kidding:)

Complaining when someone does something nice for you is the very definition of ungrateful, I am NOT that person, and I will say without doubt, that most families and members feel the same way I do!!!!!

My husband and my family have had to make sacrifices, but we do it willingly. I am VERY proud of all the other CF members and especially my husband. It is nice to get a "Thank You" for the job he does.

Just again, I would like to send you a heartfelt THANK YOU, Robin Legere

Dear Mrs. Legere:

Thank you for your email, concerning VIA Rail Canada’s Canadian Forces Family Appreciation Fare.

It is a pleasure to encounter an email such as yours, expressing satisfaction for our services. Customer feedback is a valued tool in our operation since it helps us in our continuing efforts to improve our services. We appreciate your comments regarding this promotion, which I have forwarded to the responsible officer for information.

If you have any further questions regarding our special Canadian Forces Family Appreciation Fare, please do not hesitate to contact our Telephone Sales Office at the following toll free number: 1-888-842-7245.

Once again, thank you for letting us know of your satisfaction and for giving us the benefit of your observations. We look forward to your continuing support.

Warm regards,

Geneviève Sarazin
Customer Relations

Good for you and good for them.  Hopefully they will listen more to well-reasoned letters such as yours than to the whine-grams from some others.
Qualifying adult passenger is defined as any adult 18 years of age or older who is in possession of either a valid DND photo identification card, Dependent ID card, or Canex "Club XTra" card.

So here's my problem. I'm to be enrolled July 25, so I would qualify for this amazing thank you from VIA. I plan on taking VIA from Toronto out to my friend's place, 2 hours away, on the 27th.

Would I even have a temp Mil ID to use? Or do I just suck it up, carry on, and pay the price for the ticket?

(I know I have yet to serve, and at the point at which I would be using this stellar offer, I would have "served"/been on LWOP for a grand total of 2 days....)
cheeky_monkey said:
So here's my problem. I'm to be enrolled July 25, so I would qualify for this amazing thank you from VIA. I plan on taking VIA from Toronto out to my friend's place, 2 hours away, on the 27th.

Would I even have a temp Mil ID to use? Or do I just suck it up, carry on, and pay the price for the ticket?

(I know I have yet to serve, and at the point at which I would be using this stellar offer, I would have "served"/been on LWOP for a grand total of 2 days....)

No, you won't have a temp ID at this point in time.

But, when I joined, I was presented with my signed certificate of enrollment after I had sworn my oath. I really don't see any reason that you still wouldn't be presented that after enrollment today.

Perhaps, give VIA a call and outline your circumstances - ask them if presentation of your Oath of Allegiance certificate would suffice upon picking up your tickets. Or, if your tickets would need to be picked up prior to your actual swearing in - ask them if an Official Letter from CFRC advising of your swearing in date as a member of the CF would suffice.

It won't hurt to phone them and ask; and, the worst thing they are going to do is say "no". You never know though, it may be a circumstance that they are able to deal with given enough notice and details should possible leeway exist within their published criterion for this promotional offer.

Good luck, regardless -- enjoy your travels. And, welcome to the CF!

And, please remember - that even if they say "no" -- give them a "Thanks" anyway for the great show of support they are giving us with this initiative. I'm sure they would appreciate that. Thanks is always nice, especially after you've had to say "no" to someone because of things outside your control that the rules don't allow you to change.
So, has anyone had the chance to take the trip yet, and report their observations.  We are taking "The Canadian" out to Vancouver and are interested in any hints.
I leave next Wednesday for Halifax. Hopefully the seats are more comfortable than they were, oh god, 18 years ago when I came back from Saskatoon to Woodstock, ON.....bring a pillow for sure....especially on that trip!! My boss here in Pet took the train last week to Truro and will be back on Monday...Have a fun trip...
I'm leaving next Friday from Kingston for Truro.  Really looking forward to it...so's my sister that I'm going to visit.
ladybugmabj said:
I leave next Wednesday for Halifax. Hopefully the seats are more comfortable than they were, oh god, 18 years ago when I came back from Saskatoon to Woodstock, ON.....bring a pillow for sure....especially on that trip!! My boss here in Pet took the train last week to Truro and will be back on Monday...Have a fun trip...
I was on the train from Truro to Halifax last month for a school trip.  24 10 year olds and 6 of us adults.  The seats are by far better then they were 20 years ago.
Strike said:
I'm leaving next Friday from Kingston for Truro.  Really looking forward to it...so's my sister that I'm going to visit.

Funny! I"m doing opposite of you at the sametime! May be we shall stop the train half way and meet up? Hahahaha...
im only 17 and i have been in the reveres for over a year and it says you have to be 18 does that mean i dont qualify?
Well yes but that's the rules in place.  Maybe you could convince them if you went with a parent or guardian but if those are the rules in place you don't really have a leg to stand on.
Why not call them up and ask?  You never know.  They might allow you to take advantage of the offer.
The misses and I are taking the offer and travelling to PEI to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary on the 19 July, we picked up our tickets last week. Great offer, to good to pass up! With this offer we now have more money to spend. Originally we planned to take a trip to germany to see her family this summer, but then decided, when this offer came up, we would just stay here in Canada.

Thank You VIA!