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The Via Rail Promotion For CF Members Thread

July huh..too bad a great many members will be either undergoing training or conducting training I for one will be watching Reserve Capts and Majs stumble around the CFB Petawawa training area trying to conduct Dismounted Cbt Tm attacks. 
It looks like I'll have to be on tasking in July if I want to complete my CT without redoing basic. Ahhh the voyage I could have undertaken...  :P  :-\
I hope to take the train during the weekends, since I'll be on course in Borden in July. I suspect that the seats are all reserved already. That's okay. It's a good chance for other people to sample the trains. I'm already a satisfied customer.

I took the train across the country twice. The last half of the last trip was a 6 day, 5 night ride from Halifax to Vancouver. I'm actually surprised at how clean I felt during the ride, despite having no shower. I enjoyed Comfort Class more than the sleepers, because I felt that the views were better from my seat. I could look out in 2 directions, whereas in the sleepers, I could only look out 1 window.

The most comfortable seats, by far, are the Comfort Class seats on board the Canadian.

Maybe I'm a glutten for punishment.

Does anybody know how easy it is to get the weekend off at Borden for the QL3 supply tech course? Is there a way to get to and from Toronto?
A recent letter written in to the Editor of the Chronicle Herald highlighted another unfortunate limitation to this offer. It was from an elderly veteran who was very excited about the chance at a free trip-until he found out he couldn't upgrade to sleeper class.  Many of our veterans-especially our more elderly veterans-are not physically able to sit overnight in a chair and so are finding that they can't take advantage of this tribute.

While I understand that we should appreciate VIA's offer and the thought behind it, I still find this particular circumstance a little sad.

Oh Good Lord.  VIA offers free rail travel.  This will cost them MILLIONS in lost revenue.  Now we are looking this gift horse in the mouth?
You can please some of the people some of the time.........
battleaxe said:
It was from an elderly veteran who was very excited about the chance at a free trip-until he found out he couldn't upgrade to sleeper class. 

That is exactly the reason why my children and I will not be taking part in this "adventure".
When I heard it was free for me, and kids travel with with a paying adult, I jumped at the chance to take the train from Van to Edmonton. It was going to cost just under $700 for the 3 kids and I to go...great deal and a lifetime of memories. When I asked if I could upgrade to a sleeper, since I would like to be able to enjoy some privacy(and a bit of a break!) with my kids, I was told that the offer was only for comfort class and could not be upgraded. I would then have to pay full price... $1100/adult!!

At that price, I'll just load up the van and drive with the kids...they'll enjoy a good road trip just as much.

It is really unfortunate that they will not even consider the upgrade for our elderly veterans, though.
If anyone should be taking advantage of this, it should be them!
I'm sure there are far more folks out there who are appreciative of this fantastic offer.
I suppose it depends on what your intended travel plans are. Bravo to VIA!!!
Springroll said:
It is really unfortunate that they will not even consider the upgrade for our elderly veterans, though.
Do you know what's REALLY unfortunate?  You're total lack of gratitude.  VIA, without pressure, and without anyone asking, offer free comfort class rides, unlimited, I might add, and then people come forward and complain that it's not enough.
If I were head of VIA, I would apologise, and agree that the offer wasn't enough.  Then I would state that since I cannot go bankrupt over this, the offer is rescinded.
I looked at a long ride, realised that it wasn't for me, and decided that a small ride from Moncton to Halifax was in order.  I would be grateful if VIA just gave us one day in which to take part in this offer, but they offer AN ENTIRE MONTH!  UNLIMITED!
My personal opinion is to say "for shame" to all those out there saying that this doens't go far enough.  I simply bow my head and say "thank you" to VIA.

EDIT: As I recall, you have yet to have the privilege and honour to serve our nation beyond its shores.  I have.  So have many others.  It is for this reason and the current war that they, out of the goodness of their hearts, they offer this.  But it is extended to those who have yet to serve.  Were I you, I would simply say "thank you" and carry on.  Heck, take a small ride.  If your kids are like mine, they would LOVE to go on even a small ride, for an hour or so. 
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Do you know what's REALLY unfortunate?  You're total lack of gratitude.  VIA, without pressure, and without anyone asking, offer free comfort class rides, unlimited, I might add, and then people come forward and complain that it's not enough.
If I were head of VIA, I would apologise, and agree that the offer wasn't enough.  Then I would state that since I cannot go bankrupt over this, the offer is rescinded.
I looked at a long ride, realised that it wasn't for me, and decided that a small ride from Moncton to Halifax was in order.  I would be grateful if VIA just gave us one day in which to take part in this offer, but they offer AN ENTIRE MONTH!  UNLIMITED!
My personal opinion is to say "for shame" to all those out there saying that this doens't go far enough.  I simply bow my head and say "thank you" to VIA.

EDIT: As I recall, you have yet to have the privilege and honour to serve our nation beyond its shores.  I have.  So have many others.  It is for this reason and the current war that they, out of the goodness of their hearts, they offer this.  But it is extended to those who have yet to serve.  Were I you, I would simply say "thank you" and carry on.  Heck, take a small ride.  If your kids are like mine, they would LOVE to go on even a small ride, for an hour or so. 

The best post of this thread.

My wife and I thought this was a phenomenal idea, and we would take advantage of it for just the same reason.  We would take the children on a nice short trip, so they would have an adventure.

I will then follow up with a thank you letter to VIA.

As much as it is a shame that this may be a disadvantage for some older Vets, I find it discusting that people will always look at the glass as being half empty.



the 48th regulator said:
The best post of this thread.

I agree with both of you, in that we should be more greatful. It's free! Nobody has a right to complain.

Via is like the CF, in that it has a tight budget.
I phoned VIA last weekend to book reservations for my family trip out west. I figured even in Comfort Class, my wife and kids would endure the overnight in seats for the chance to take a train adventure.

Unfortunately, the route I need to take is already booked for the whole month of July. (which sucks)

But in realizing that I coulded get the discouted seats, I thanked the booking agent for the offer and told them that I will definately book take the same trip at regular fair in the future.

Then we had a great conversation about where I have been and how long I have served. At the end of our talk, it was he thanking me.....

Screw Air Canada, I'm going to default to the train for my leave travels from now on.
In defence of Springroll (whom I hope I don’t heap more ‘ungrateful’ talk upon with this post), I’ll say that I experienced the same disappointment as she did when I found out I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of this offer (I have kids and I choose to not have them travel overnight in coach seats because I know they will never sleep).
I basically said, “Well, that sucks” and then, like her, I got over it and made plans to get where I’m going using other means (and I'm still taking the train-no bad feelings!).

Expressing such disappointment is no more offensive, I feel, than expressing disappointment (which many did in previous posts) that one cannot take advantage of the offer because of training or work commitments.  No different, really-just the expression that there are circumstances that are unfortunately preventing people from taking advantage of the great offer.

The main point I focused on in her post is that it is a shame that many our elderly veterans are having difficulties with this program.
Obviously I agree-I do feel that our elderly veterans and their families, many of whom live on fixed incomes and pensions, would probably receive the greatest benefit from this deal.

That in itself is another form of gratitude, I would say.

Please don’t be so quick to jump and judge.

battleaxe said:
In defence of Springroll (whom I hope I don’t heap more ‘ungrateful’ talk upon with this post), I’ll say that I experienced the same disappointment as she did when I found out I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of this offer (I have kids and I choose to not have them travel overnight in coach seats because I know they will never sleep).
I basically said, “Well, that sucks” and then, like her, I got over it and made plans to get where I’m going using other means (and I'm still taking the train-no bad feelings!).

Expressing such disappointment is no more offensive, I feel, than expressing disappointment (which many did in previous posts) that one cannot take advantage of the offer because of training or work commitments.  No different, really-just the expression that there are circumstances that are unfortunately preventing people from taking advantage of the great offer.

The main point I focused on in her post is that it is a shame that many our elderly veterans are having difficulties with this program.
Obviously I agree-I do feel that our elderly veterans and their families, many of whom live on fixed incomes and pensions, would probably receive the greatest benefit from this deal.

That in itself is another form of gratitude, I would say.

Please don’t be so quick to jump and judge.


Then contact a vet, like the one who wrote the editor, and offer to cover the fare.  This can be your show of gratitude, as opposed to whining about it here.

You are not going to take advantage of the gesture, then use the money you would have spent paying for you childrens' fares.


I agree with everything here in these posts that say "BZ" to Via Rail.  I do NOT agree with the opinion that a vet of say WWII who is not physcially able to go in Comfort Class overnight who can not upgrade to the Sleeper class at their own cost (if I read it correctly).  You are talking about a bunch of lads who, in the case of WW II, who did not have the luxury of 6 month tours with mandated time-offs between tours, no phone or internet contact with their families, nor the use of the excellent kit we have now.

I for one think if anyone thinks that a vet of this type/kind doesn't deserve some consideration for a simple upgrade to accommodate their age and physical stature, please go to your local Legion, look him in the eye and explain your position and reasoning.

For those of us who have never fought on foreign soils, I agree whole heartedly;  what we do is important but not the same sacrifice as these gents made.  Take the offer, or don't take it, but be thankful it was offered and stop whining about how imperfect it is.  I myself thoroughly enjoy the coffee a few people have bought and handed me as I waited in a line up at Tims', even though it wasn't what I normally order.

My 2 cents, and not intended to start a pissing contest with those of a contrary opinion.  :)
Eye In The Sky said:
I agree with everything here in these posts that say "BZ" to Via Rail.  I do NOT agree with the opinion that a vet of say WWII who is not physcially able to go in Comfort Class overnight who can not upgrade to the Sleeper class at their own cost (if I read it correctly).  You are talking about a bunch of lads who, in the case of WW II, who did not have the luxury of 6 month tours with mandated time-offs between tours, no phone or internet contact with their families, nor the use of the excellent kit we have now.

I for one think if anyone thinks that a vet of this type/kind doesn't deserve some consideration for a simple upgrade to accommodate their age and physical stature, please go to your local Legion, look him in the eye and explain your position and reasoning.

I for one am not opposing your statement here, what disgusts me however is how some people have decided to use this reason to defend their selfish wants and deride the gift that VIA has offered.

Totally disgusting in my opinion, hence the posts directed towards them.  They can walk into the same legion and offer to cover the fare of an older Vet, if they find it so unfair.  In fact take advantage of the free fair and take a ride on a train and visit a distant legion.


the 48th regulator said:
Then contact a vet, like the one who wrote the editor, and offer to cover the fare.  This can be your show of gratitude, as opposed to whining about it here.

You are not going to take advantage of the gesture, then use the money you would have spent paying for you childrens' fares.



Who is whining?  You think this is whining?:
battleaxe said:
I basically said, “Well, that sucks” and then, like her, I got over it and made plans to get where I’m going using other means (and I'm still taking the train-no bad feelings!).

I'm paying full fare for both myself and my children-we are still travelling by train. I am simply not taking advantage of what I have acknowledged is a wonderful gesture because I know my kids... and choose to not travel coach. I never asked for an upgrade to sleeper-nor did I ever expect one.

I do, however, agree with this:

Eye In The Sky said:
I for one think if anyone thinks that a vet of this type/kind doesn't deserve some consideration for a simple upgrade to accommodate their age and physical stature, please go to your local Legion, look him in the eye and explain your position and reasoning.

...which I why I brought the subject up in the first place.


I would feel somewhat guilty riding for free because I am in the military.  I make more money than some families who can't afford to travel at all and here is VIA giving me a free trip just because I wear the uniform?

I think its an amazing offer, its nice to see a Canadian company step up and offer something of this magnitude for our retired and serving members. Like everything though,you can't please everyone, but I hope those who take advantage of this offer enjoy their vacations, traveling by train is a great way to travel (especially if its free).

battleaxe said:
Who is whining?  You think this is whining?:

You be the judge….

battleaxe said:
In defence of Springroll (whom I hope I don’t heap more ‘ungrateful’ talk upon with this post), I’ll say that I experienced the same disappointment as she did when I found out I wouldn’t be able to take advantage of this offer (I have kids and I choose to not have them travel overnight in coach seats because I know they will never sleep).

I basically said, “Well, that sucks” and then, like her, I got over it and made plans to get where I’m going using other means (and I'm still taking the train-no bad feelings!).

Springroll said:
That is exactly the reason why my children and I will not be taking part in this "adventure".
When I heard it was free for me, and kids travel with with a paying adult, I jumped at the chance to take the train from Van to Edmonton
. It was going to cost just under $700 for the 3 kids and I to go...great deal and a lifetime of memories. When I asked if I could upgrade to a sleeper, since I would like to be able to enjoy some privacy(and a bit of a break!) with my kids, I was told that the offer was only for comfort class and could not be upgraded. I would then have to pay full price... $1100/adult!! 

At that price, I'll just load up the van and drive with the kids...they'll enjoy a good road trip just as much.

It is really unfortunate that they will not even consider the upgrade for our elderly veterans, though.
If anyone should be taking advantage of this, it should be them!

Purely selfish reason, don’t hide behind the “Older Veteran” excuse, both of you were disappointed for your own selves.

battleaxe said:
I do, however, agree with this:

Eye In The Sky said:
I for one think if anyone thinks that a vet of this type/kind doesn't deserve some consideration for a simple upgrade to accommodate their age and physical stature, please go to your local Legion, look him in the eye and explain your position and reasoning.

Do you now?  Well if you agree with the statement, then, rather than doing this;

battleaxe said:
I'm paying full fare for both myself and my children-we are still travelling by train. I am simply not taking advantage of what I have acknowledged is a wonderful gesture because I know my kids... and choose to not travel coach. I never asked for an upgrade to sleeper-nor did I ever expect one.

Do this;

the 48th regulator said:
Then contact a vet, like the one who wrote the editor, and offer to cover the fare.  This can be your show of gratitude, as opposed to whining about it here.

You are not going to take advantage of the gesture, then use the money you would have spent paying for you childrens' fares.



battleaxe said:
...which I why I brought the subject up in the first place.


Right, sure it was.  Let me guess once again we have all misinterpreted your post…..

