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The Verge1993 Mega Thread


Jr. Member
Reaction score
Even though this only means I am on a list waiting to get offered a job this excites me beyond anything. I used the search bar looking for information but never reall found anything that cleared up what my question was. One thing I did find was someone said:

"Your CT broker is your point of contact, any information about your status, when it becomes available will be sent to them"

What is a CT broker and is it possible for me to contact them and find out where my position is on the Merit List? I also looked at a Thread from back in 2003 where people wrote when they had first contact, processing stage then the phone call. It was on average a month or 2 after being Merit listed. Is it still like this or did these people just get lucky?

My two trades Is Infantry and Combat Engineer.

EDIT: My CFAT and Aptitude test scores where above average, Interview was okay and Medical was 100% good to go. I was also in the Reserve from 2011 - 2012 then got out.

Thanks for your help guys.
I might be wrong but CT(Component Transfer) is only if you are moving from Reg to Reserve or vice Versa so this would not apply to you unless you fall in that category.
GD said:
I might be wrong but CT(Component Transfer) is only if you are moving from Reg to Reserve or vice Versa so this would not apply to you unless you fall in that category.

If thats what it means then no I don't fall under that category. I applied for RegF. Nothing involving The Reserve.
Verge1993 said:
What is a CT broker and is it possible for me to contact them and find out where my position is on the Merit List?

Regarding Merit List position.

See Reply #6
mariomike said:
Regarding Merit List position.

See Reply #6

That's a little bit of a bummer but it clears it up. Thanks for the help.
For example,

I got Merit Listed today(I actually did) and I then asked my recruiter if he new when the training started this yeah. He then says Training is scheduled for October and then January. I then can expect to see a call in July if not then then maybe one in November or December. Its just a way for someone whos waiting to narrow down a time of when they "might" get a call. So onto the actual question is there a way for anyone on here or one of your local recruiters to find this out?
Verge1993 said:
For example,

I got Merit Listed today(I actually did) and I then asked my recruiter if he new when the training started this yeah. He then says Training is scheduled for October and then January. I then can expect to see a call in July if not then then maybe one in November or December. Its just a way for someone whos waiting to narrow down a time of when they "might" get a call. So onto the actual question is there a way for anyone on here or one of your local recruiters to find this out?

What occupations were you "merit listed" for?
You never know, at this point it is out of their hands and yours.  For the reserves, for both myself and a number of friends got called the day before BMQ was about to start.  A few reg force friends got calls giving about a month warning.
I've seen people on this site that have waiting for over a year after being merit listed. Good luck, hope you get in soon!
Verge1993 said:
So onto the actual question is there a way for anyone on here or one of your local recruiters to find this out?

You may wish to keep an eye on this thread.

BMQ Upcoming course dates
mariomike said:
You may wish to keep an eye on this thread.

BMQ Upcoming course dates

Thanks I defiantly will. Just hoping too see the actual site update the course dates for fall.
Verge1993 said:
Thanks I defiantly will. Just hoping too see the actual site update the course dates for fall.

If you say you "defiantly will", does that mean you will or will not keep your eye on the thread? I'm confused.
Cbbmtt said:
If you say you "defiantly will", does that mean you will or will not keep your eye on the thread? I'm confused.

It means I will hence Defiantly "will" :P
I tried searching for it but I didn't know how to answer it in small form so i kept coming up with nothing.

Does your local RC have anything too do with you eventually getting a job offer(Infantry, Combat Engineer & Artillery Soldier) or is the matter completely out of there hands as soon as you are Merit Listed?
Verge1993 said:
Does your local RC have anything too do with you eventually getting a job offer(Infantry, Combat Engineer & Artillery Soldier) or is the matter completely out of there hands as soon as you are Merit Listed?

I found this ( hope it helps ).

"Squad 3 - applicant is merit listed.
Squad 4 - file is reviewed at a national selection board.
Squad 5 - if applicant is chosen they are given a job offer."

According to the profile, the person works ( or worked ) in Recruiting for 6 years.

Edit to add. Also from the same poster.

"The recruiting centre can't tell you where you are on the merit list because it is a national list and they are not privy to that information."
mariomike said:
I found this ( hope it helps ).

"Squad 3 - applicant is merit listed.
Squad 4 - file is reviewed at a national selection board.
Squad 5 - if applicant is chosen they are given a job offer."

According to the profile, the person works ( or worked ) in Recruiting for 6 years.

Didn't clear it up 100% for me but it gave me the general idea of how the process goes. Thanks!